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Everything posted by bigman

  1. It is in today's courier Raven not wanted Caley boy
  2. The only decent player we have gives his all for caley told he can go. We must be really desperate to get into a league we can compete in. With ravern on one side and when Tremarco is fit on the other it would allow lesser players some cover while they adjust to the level they are in. What is needed is to prune some of the dross that has been signed recently.
  3. What I don't understand is that after Morton sussed us out we had no plan b. They flooded the midfield after 20 mins we should have expected that and moved our game on. Management or players wanting.
  4. bigman


    If we are struggling for players why isn,t Raven playing.
  5. Vigurs is a good footballer but seems to lose interest after about 60 mins. The game seems to pass him by. Maybe not fit but as I said earlier seems to lose interest.
  6. Why an earth do we need a general manager we would be better spending the money on players. It is not as we are a huge club. Would have thought the board with its vast experience would or should be able to run a championship side..
  7. In the short time i saw McNaughton play I thought he was mach better footballer than most at the back. Read the games well
  8. bigman


    Good to hear it
  9. bigman


    Has anyone else heard that we are going bust
  10. certainly seems to have a problem with confidence at the moment, but he is exposed by a shaky defence who don.t seem to know what they are doing. It was all well and good Foran coming out with a policy of attack attack attack, but it should be based on a solid defence a mid field that knows what is doing and not just on Draper. I have said it before Vigors appears to be a bit player good when he feels like it but most of the time just drifting about. Get a solid defence which includes the midfield and build from there become difficult to beat then effective up front we now have an effective centre forward lets use him. ,
  11. I know he scored the winner for us at Elgin but have said it before he is not a target man, he is fine with the ball at his feet facing goal not always his fault the mid field don't help him and the ball into him is not easy. So wingers putting high balls into the box so he can run on facing goal. The other thing I don't understand is why are we giving away so many goals from free kicks around the area, since we appear to be so weak defending we should strive not to give them away.
  12. I have said it before what we need is a shake up in mid field I would exclude Ross from this however, mid field is first line of defense and first line of attack we have 2 midfielders who seem to have their minds else where, although to be fair not sure were Vigors mind is, we have a centre forward who is ok going forward but as a target man the ball just will not stick, to be fair again the supply is not that good I still believe however, and I am sure we will survive.
  13. Vigars seems to have lost interest only plays bit parts in most of the games I have seen. Tansey has his mind elsewhere although he does put the effort in so not sure what we can do. We need someone who can play alongside our centre forward, he is good facing goal but as a hit man ball seems to bounce off him Polworth might be the answer it would be good if we could get Christie back on loan. Failing that we will just have to cross our fingers.
  14. I must have developed a stutter, must be the effects of the game
  15. inept. target man shocking, mid field non existent Vigars not interested, Polly not a clue Tansey little better. Must stop myself talking about Ref although he fitted in well with our performance. Vigars started were he left over from the rangers game appeared not interested. Still we got a point not all bad, but cannot take much more of that rubbish
  16. Vigurs needs to be rested, poor against Rangers Doran on from the start
  17. He fell for it hook line and sinker
  18. bigman

    David Raven

    Warren and Meekings were the best central defenders setup all last season,k why are we not playing them when our defense seems to have more holes than a sieve ? Although a supporter of Raven I am not saying he should be there I just think we are wasting Meekings as a central defender evidence the number of silly goals we have conceeded. Team before pride I would say to Hughs.
  19. bigman

    David Raven

    I might be slightly blinked in that I like Raven, i have to say I find the way we do business is bizarre to say the least. It is as difficult to understand as is the way we play and who we use. I am not sure but since our last assistant manager left our forward play has been chambolic. I will be pleased when this season is over, we went from a dream team to a chambolic team albeit we did lose players.
  20. bigman

    David Raven

    I can only think there has been a falling out. I mentioned an incident in the Stirling cup game ,we had just scored and Hughes dragged Raven all the way across the pitch to give him an earful. Am I right in thinking he was a stand in captain for a couple of games, he may have stuck up for a few players or voiced an opinion either way a fans player, If injured hope he gets well soon we need him, if a falling out for voicing an opinion lets get on with it we need leaders on the park leaders off the park seem to have lost the place.
  21. I would like to be able to come up with a successful team selection but so far apart from a few players I have no idea what sort of team to select apart from Foran up front. We cannot score goals and we seem to only able to play for 80 mins. I shudder to think how many points we have lost in the last 10 mins of a game. So I am as confused as Yogi, I think its time for, back to the Yellowstone Park.
  22. First 10 mins I thought this is going to be good, next 78 mins total dross, the team seemed to have no idea what to do, there seemed to be no shape, Why I have to say but normal for us. Why we don't play a normal formation is beyond me. This 3 5 1 and a bit, totally baffles me. 4 4 2. at least the players would know what role was required of them.
  23. must say I have been on the site since it started, one or two ****-ups on my behalf meant i had to rejoin. Early user name was natasha.

  24. I like Raven I think although not at his best he gives all his got. It is obvious that he is not one of Hughes favourites, To be dragged all the way across the field after we scored our first goal in the cup replay to receive pelters from Hughes was a bit much. That aside I wonder who started the unrest within the players side, could it have been an interest in a Dundee side that may have started it? It doesn' t say much for morale if the manager is interested in greener pastures. The board seem a bit slow also in the contract side of things, although I suppose they need to weigh up how we are going to finish the end of the season on a high or low. Hopefully we can do the business to-day at Motherwell and all will be forgotten.
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