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12th Man

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Everything posted by 12th Man

  1. Artur Boruc, Your sh1t aaaaggggghhhhhhhh As pronounced in Polish Are tur Boreroots, yestesh gooveno aaaaggggghhhhhhhh (yes Boreroots) (t as in test and esh as in mesh) (groove and drop the r)
  2. Advice for the board. If you want to strengthen the balance books give all of your money to the bookies to bet on the manager that your going to select.
  3. Butcher is a highly unlikely candidate he will be on a very good wage as Burleys assistant. and tied up with satanta also. When the word Ossie is mentioned, the name Neil Warnock springs to mind, who also put HIMSELF in the shop window as a manager looking for work.
  4. Very interesting comment that 12th Man... I just heard today about someone who got done for doing 70MPH in one of these overtaking lane sections... What's the point in having these lanes if everyone's doing 60mph anyway. I assumed it was the same speed as a dual carriageway until I looked into it a bit more, there has to be a central reservation to drive safely at a faster speed. I wont state why I looked into it a bit more, BUT If you get caught in a van with a weight of over 2 tonne, over 76 mph.The speed limit should be 50 mph, so if caught its a court appearance, fine, and ban or points. under 76mph its 3 points and ?60 fine. Anyway back to Hamilton. should be well worth the trip.
  5. whats the car parking like near the stadium? Listening on the radio wont be the same in Inverness, hearing the fans make so much noise in the background of the commentators, you'll only wish you went, its not too late to change your plans for Saturday and go down. there may even be a few seats available on the free buses if there have been any cancellations, but phone in good time. Only ?10 PS if driving, speed camera vans usually sit on the A9 on a Saturday. PPS the speed limit is still 60 on an overtaking lane.
  6. Unfortunately in too many games he runs around with no real end product. We need to add some quality to the effort. He still has a tendancy not to track his man back as well. He may be a terrier but he's just been replaced with a greyhound. Is there any truth to the rumour apart from just happening to be outside the stadium ?, just happened to see a director, and have an in depth discussion with them about Dougie Imries future.
  7. 12th Man


    Elvis' decision 'Falkirk' over us, was probably nothing to do with location but more to do with the option of sneaking in to the managers shoes as its common knowledge that John Hugh's would like to manage an English club. We have a new replacement now anyway.
  8. About 700 according to this: http://www.scottishgrounds.co.uk/hamilton_academical.htm Keep up
  9. According to their site the away fans share a section of the north stand behind the goal, It also says that the Temporary east stand holds 700 which may also be made available. http://www.scottishgrounds.co.uk/hamilton_academical.htm
  10. The header should have been 'time for a change in attitude' Things may not have been too good for a while. I thought we may not get any signings until the end of January, due to waiting to see if a new manager would like to bring in his own new signings after being knocked out the cup and being cemented to the bottom of the table. Instead of waiting for more loses we've strengthened the team and things are looking rosier already, so it looks like Brewster is here for a while longer. To some it was only Partick but Fraser was great in goal, we now have what looks like a reliable replacement for Dods,even Barrowman looked far better and also have a new but faster Wilson playing up front. Time to restore some faith back in the team. We may not win every game but I'm going to enjoy watching them try. Starting with the Hamilton match.
  11. SUPPORTERS BUS INFO. or lack of it. The only info given is to phone KATH on 07715833250 to book a seat. Why aren't you champing at the bit to to give as much info as possible on this site and get a good turnout a 6 pointer match. How can I join. Is this a dry bus. Do you stop for a fag break. Do you stop for a bite to eat, where and for how long on each leg of the journey, do I need a packed lunch otherwise. Where do you pick up. Where do you drop off. When will you expect to be back in Inverness. What is the deadline for booking a seat. Only factual answers for the Hamilton match please. No impertinence intended but its no surprise that there is a lack of support for the supporters bus when its one big mystery. Please leave info for the above or will every one have to phone to get the answers.
  12. 12th Man


    I know your not looking to knock the lad but the above quote only tells me that you weren't at the match. The man only runs at full speed, only runs in the direction of goal and whoever is in front of him he just skins them and shoots, a very good signing. He plays in the same style of a young Barry Wilson but faster.So its fitting that he wears the no 7 shirt. The man is a definite crowd pleaser. I left the match not thinking about relegation but how many points separate us from 6th place (but I'M getting ahead of myself)
  13. Its windy today, so please please please please please, When taking a corner with the strong wind behind, put a man halfway between the opposite corner flag and goal to head back across the goal mouth.
  14. my understanding was that there used to be 2 sometimes 3 buses going to away games. with no reference to things on the park I'm curious to know why folk don't use them now... and could anything be done to get more folk to use them in the future? looking for ideas... The distance is a problem, if other clubs were only 40 miles away the buses would be used a lot more, if St Johnstone come up next season the buses would be busy for that away fixture. were not going down. Speed up the journey. Hand out a timetable on the bus so people know when and where you are going to stop for fag, food/pub breaks and return time. Get all supporters mobile nos on the way down so they can be phoned if they are lost or in pub instead of waiting 1/2 an hour for missing fans, and have a cut off time. Trim fag breaks and chippie breaks on the way home and drop off at the stadium FIRST and the bus station SECOND after that, passengers can tip the driver AGAIN for getting dropped off closer to home. Apologies if these things are now in place I have not been on the supporters bus in a long time due to the above. getting only 2 days off a week I did not want to spend one of them on a bus that often. If I had more time on my hands I would use it more.
  15. May as well make the most of the ?10 entry fee and free transport but will need to book the seats early. How long does the supporters bus take these days, pick up and drop off times please and is the stadium STILL the very very last place to be dropped off.
  16. If Ian Black wants to move on I wish him well. He has, like many others, put a lot into his game over the years, he's football has encouraged youngsters to one day fulfil their dream of one day playing for ICT, just like he wants to at Hearts. A lot of youngsters look up to Ian Black so I hope he continues to play at his best and continues to meet the high expectations of his fans
  17. Cowie can sit tight, stay for the rest of the season and still sign with a club in the summer. Moving to Motherwell would be a definite step backwards, if Hearts buy Porter from well he could be joining a first division club. Don Cowie would be worth far more if he helped ICT climb the table then sign for a regular top 6 club in the summer if that is his wish.
  18. Did anyone hear what Barry Ferguson said to the the crowd in lower section B main stand at the match, his voice doesn't travel well.
  19. Totally agree, It should be on the ICT page if the well boss wants him on a precontract then its fact. It did cheer me up when the well manager talks of still making third place and playing in europe next season????????? If it wasnt for well beating us and if we picked up the 3 points they would be in 12th place now. !!!!!!!!!!! I dont think Cowie will be signing on the dotted line in too much of a hurry, If Hearts buy Porter in the next couple of weeks then the Jambos have done us a huge favour by putting Motherwell in the first division next season. I think this has ended up in the rumour mill because it doesnt really sound believable, if it wasnt for the fact I saw it on STV I wouldnt have believed it either.
  20. Why not justa top 7 bottom 7? Then everyone plays the same amount of games per season. how do 7 teams play each other over a weekend
  21. With regards to transfers we still have 3.5 weeks, I would imagine the board are stuck between a rock and a hard place just now. If you ran a football club what would your contingency plan be if things weren't going well. Relegation will cost the board a lot more than me watching first division football again. Do you put the feelers out, make a few general enquiries, regardless of what you tell the public but primarily hope the situation improves. I would not expect any definite transfers to happen until the after the Hamilton match. Hearts may also take Black early and Cowies future is unclear too. An experienced striker is required. I dont want to slag our strikers off but it took our euro 2008 striker six months to hit form, how long have we got? and we do need more goals. A replacement for Dods, and possibly more midfielders depending on Ian and Dons future. As long as we get players who can compliment the core of our team.
  22. A 14 team SPL. Lets be honest the current SPL set up is pretty poor. You don't know how many home games you are paying for when buying a season ticket no mater which half of the table you end up in. Theres also a huge unfair advantage on who you play home and away, especially prior to the split. There is enough quality in the 1st division to let another two in to the SPL,I would imagine over half of the 1st division meets the SPL criteria by now. The split is not ideal but if the league is split, then the it should also be FAIR. In a 14 team SPL the clubs could all play each other twice(26 games, 13 home games) then split into a top 6 and bottom 8. The top 6 then play (10 games, 5h and 5a games, 36 in total) which is 2 games less than present but if you are in the top six after playing 26 games then you are there on merit and will more than likely still be involved in the Scottish cup anyway,This will also ease the pressure on Scottish clubs in European cups, if they are still involved.This season our 26th game would be on the 21st February. The bottom 8 would play (14 games, 7h and 7a games, 40 in total) currently two more games than now which would increase revenue for having a lower gate attendance playing smaller teams and could be played on the Scottish cup semi final day+ a Wednesday on 2 midweek games if still involved in the cup. Then your season ticket will allow you to see all the teams at home and either watch another 5 top teams at home depending on form, or watch 7 home matches against the bottom teams. Top six clubs may complain of a lack of revenue at the gate but really its just a lottery as to how many home games your going to have anyway, so its up to them to supplement it with a good cup run. An SPL split is not ideal but at least with 14 teams this would be fair.
  23. I hope the team dig deep and continue to have faith in themselves and to try their best in every game. If a new manager was to come in there would be no emotional ties, no favouritism towards any player who trains the hardest, is the fittest or has the most health conscious diet. You would be assessed on current form, if you need to be replaced, then so be it. Sounds harsh but all a new manager will want to do is win games and there will be no emotional ties with any player. Its a big game on Sunday. A New Year and a New start, with a lot of ICT fans back home in Inverness for the match too,so remind us all how good you can be. Bring on the Gers.
  24. I don't think Brewster is going anywhere,well not just yet anyway. We just seem to have higher expectations than Motherwell, St Mirren and Falkirk.Jimmy Calderwood was probably only a few games away from being sacked. Hamilton can do no wrong as far as their fans are concerned, being their first year in the SPL. I can still remember those days, when our players felt the need to prove that they could cut it in the SPL,they feared no one and could win most games at home then and with the help of the fans. We were playing for pride and our opposition were just guys who were playing for a club who would pay out the most cash.When you play, pride v money who wins the header inside the box. We'll just have to wait and see how the Motherwell, Partick and Hamilton games turn out. Top of the table clash with Hamilton, lets try and avoid a bottom of the table clash with the same club. RESTORE THE PRIDE TO THE PRIDE OF THE HIGHLANDS
  25. Kevin McDonald would be good, I would imagine Martin O'Neils enthusiasm has rubbed of on him too,IF he wants a pay cut. Do you want a manager who reads the game well, gets the best out of the individual players, motivates the team and has a good eye for signing undervalued players in the transfer market. Looks like Robbo then. Butcher would be good but he and Burley would have to be sacked from their current posts first.which would not be good either. Mcoist likes to be Mr popular, I cant ever see him being a manager of any team and will stay where he is for as long as possible. Managers have to get used to taking a lot of stick and I don't think he could take it. Anyway we already have a manager.
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