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Everything posted by gordieict

  1. http://local.stv.tv/elgin/news/197433-elgin-city-star-set-for-court-appearance-after-nightclub-incident/
  2. Welcome to the forum Rocky1. Yes, I asked that question a while back and I can't remember if anyone responded. I thought it was something that really marked us out as a team but I suspect that like a lot of SPL / Stadium rules that designed to detract from the enjoyment of a day out at the footie, the drum was routinely being confiscated as an "offensive weapon" and so ended up more trouble than it was worth! Just speculation on my part though. Welcome to the forum Rocky1. Yes, I asked that question a while back and I can't remember if anyone responded. I thought it was something that really marked us out as a team but I suspect that like a lot of SPL / Stadium rules that designed to detract from the enjoyment of a day out at the footie, the drum was routinely being confiscated as an "offensive weapon" and so ended up more trouble than it was worth! Just speculation on my part though. But could drum not just be used at home games the Cletic fans seem to get away with it at home
  3. real shame with all the organising that has gone into it...one thing you can't organise is the weather though
  4. Karma...given out plenty in his time
  5. Fantastic performance and result. County didn't know what hit them in the 1st half, agree with all that this team is showing real promise and playing some excellent football
  6. You know Mantis i have been thinking about that game all week. In early 2000 we were going into that game with high hopes and in better form than county (a bit like just now) but they still won with the flukiest of penalties ever. I don't like getting over confident about derbies because absolutely anything can happen. In Feb 2003 I was giving it the big'un to all my county mates about how we would thrash them and on paper we should have. they were battling relegation with Alloa and we were still pushing Falkirk for the title at that point but they still won 5-1, something which i've never truly got over. I'm excited of course about tomorrow but but also slightly anxious and i wish people on here would stop being so cocky . I'm excited of course about tomorrow but but also slightly anxious and i wish people on here would stop being so cocky Not something we can be accused of to often on this site, we are normally mostly doom and gloom merchants, pleasant change for us to be going into the game full of confidence, something I am sure the team will be doing as well
  7. ICT to win by 3 clear goals...team on fire after last week and County's supposed watertight defence ripped a new one last week.
  8. At the end of the day he broke the rules however stupid they are...its a one match ban not the end of the world time to move on and Mo will do a fine job in dugout on Friday. Butcher will have done his work by then and plotted our 3-0 victory
  9. Great result, great performance. Agree with Renegade that this dispels the fact that you need to spend loads of cash to put out an exciting team. Right blend of players and the right tactics like Sat proves it can be done. Continue to play like that and I think there will be an improvement in the crowd as well.
  10. http://www.scottishfa.co.uk/scottish_fa_news.cfm?page=1961&newsCategoryID=1&newsID=10710 Butcher accepts 1 match ban
  11. Yes!! Iyou can say what you want about this team but it seems full of character
  12. Needing one of our come backs again..... Maybe we need a red card
  13. I hear that the reason for that is because one person has bought up all the hospitality in the hope of selling it on at a small profit. I hear that the reason for that is because one person has bought up all the hospitality in the hope of selling it on at a small profit. The hospitality at County has always had a good reputation with many telling me its better than ICT's. I can't vouch for that myself as I have only ever been to ICTs and thought it was very good.
  14. Fletcher has done it at a far higher level at Rhodes...there is no guarantee that players who score at lower level can step up to the mark, remember Barrowman!!! Fletcher has proved himself in one of the best leagues in the world and Levein should have sorted this out before the start of the current campaign
  15. With everything that's gone on since he came he certainly can't be judged a roaring success...hopefully that will change
  16. While I am not Butchers biggest fans I wouldn't expect to see crowds dramatically increase should he go and was replaced. People are having to budget their cash very wisely and like many have said the SPL is an inferior yet overpriced product. I think that will dwindling crowds, businesses not spending cash on the likes of hospitality etc part time football may well be the future. While I am not in any way trying to devalue the Muirfiled investment last year it seems as it was nothing more than a plaster and not for the development of the club, how many more folk will have deep pockets to buy expensive plasters in the future?
  17. no big surprise that the hospitality is suffering in the current financial climate. What is a worry is I would imagine Aberdeen would have always been one of the more popular hospitality days doesn't bode well for our other games apart from County and Celtic
  18. Definite red in my opinion would be silly to appeal it.
  19. I don't know who you are referring to as the "playground bullies" as I certainly wasn't jumping on the person who spotted it. So by your way of thinking if Debenhams are having a sale and nobody turns up to it as it wasn't advertised it is the customers fault for not phoning Debenhams to check if there was a sale on and not Debenhams for advertising it. I just feel that in the present climate where every pound is a prisoner the club failing to advertise the tickets for potentially our biggest gate of the season is amateurish. Some on here now seem to think on here now the club is faultless and the fans are to blame for everything now but they must remember the fans are the customers.
  20. Does it really matter that their tickets went on sale before ours? Its not a race to see who sells out first as the game is weeks away yet. As long as we have ours sold by the game thats what counts. I think this topic has changed slightly from the op anyway as Dougal was concerned about their allocation originally not about how the tickets were being sold. Does it really matter that their tickets went on sale before ours? Its not a race to see who sells out first as the game is weeks away yet. As long as we have ours sold by the game thats what counts. I think this topic has changed slightly from the op anyway as Dougal was concerned about their allocation originally not about how the tickets were being sold. Yes I do think it matters that before one of our biggest games of the season the tickets are on sale a week before anyone knows about it...its not the fact they will sell in the end anyway its the fact it could and should have been communicated better.
  21. I would say that the use of the word "fiasco" in the title is a touch over dramatic, however once again County seem better organised than us on this side which is disappointing.
  22. Any calls for the Butcher's head five games into the season are ridiculous and frankly a waste of time as no board in their right mind are going to make changes this early even if they could afford to. I do think some will never forgive him for getting rid of Munro, Tokely and Duncan while others will move on. I admit I do have concerns about Butcher as a manager but he deserves more than 5 games this season, we will have a good idea by Xmas where we are heading this season. Criticise his team selections, tactics etc all armchair fans will do that, we all think we know better than the Pro's sometimes but lets get behind the manager you never know he might just give all us doubters a pleasant surprise.
  23. Or just ignore you now :lol:
  24. Would it not be an idea to have a small bit in the new magazine telling what community department are up to along with the awards they won, wouldn't stop them continuing with the good work?
  25. I do think Kenny is a breath of fresh air, the website is greatly improved along with the use of social media. I was not advocating a "Marketing Guru" but someone who is a bit more savy on the marketing side, the increase in revenue would pay who ever this was. We can communicate all we want but everyone in the Highlands know that ICT exist we need someone who know the how to market things so that these people that already know about ICT are persuaded to spend a bit more cash on them, I am not talking about only the playing side but marketing the stadium better for use outside football days.
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