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Everything posted by gordieict

  1. in what sense? Was just having a jest about your reference to Mr Bannerman's reporting of the whole thing. Its been that long I can hardly remember it but it was part of our history and is worthy of debate. I am glad it happened but agree with Reef that there were some underhand things going on to get things through
  2. So "Against all odds" is a work of fiction
  3. Problem is even if we did spend that money there is no guarantee it would be achieved, and there is no possibility the board could get close to what is on offer in the Championship
  4. if he does go what about Henrick Larsson I was reading that he was looking for a managerial job,
  5. I think he will stay....on verge of the greatest achievement in his managerial career and he will see that through
  6. As they say in football "only as good as their last result" and if we go on a bad run what we have done so far will be forgotten by some, might not be right but its a fact and is not exclusive to ICT
  7. Good highlights folks, well done to all those involved
  8. Lets all hope the lads with the smoke bombs have learnt their lesson and section E continue to try to make as good an atmosphere as possible.
  9. Not to bothered about the performance last night it was the result that counted. ICT keeping Adams moaning into 2013
  10. There is another Inverness connection to Dunedin as Mike Fridge brother of Les is manager of Dunedin Tech
  11. Back page of P&J playing up to him as well with "Controversial equaliser is enough to fire up the Staggies" headline. What a crock of BS
  12. I remember my folks used to take me to a chinese on the High Street it was downstairs think where Burtons is now
  13. Charles Green is playing to the crowd, wanting to sell shares so making out he is "one of them" and they are buying right into it.
  14. Post of the year for me...summed it up perfectly
  15. Does anyone seriously think that if Ross had been offered the same wage he would have gone across the bridge, whether he was worth the same wage is a different discussion. Now onto the booing, personally I would not boo him I just couldn't after what he has done for ICT and while I might not like to hear it I have no issue with those that want to boo as like previous posters said he is playing for our bitter rivals.
  16. Best ever = Not yet Potential to be the best ever = yes
  17. It was David Dowlings he sold it when he lost control of Clach it's ex Clach player Jim Oliver that has it now
  18. A very poor performance and like some have already said we were lucky it was only 5. The crowd today was a huge worry today particularly after a run of good form, people were saying yesterday how Aberdeen had a big crowd and the difference it makes when the team is playing well, why are we not rewarded by the fans in the same way. Something that Caley D said a few weeks back stuck in my mind "does Inverness really deserve an SPL team"
  19. We had nobody out there taking the game by the scruff of the neck when we were toiling
  20. Soft penalty but a draw probably a fair result a real game of two halves
  21. Poor second half but still look dangerous. Craigan is an awful co commentator all he does is repeat himself
  22. Hampden all the way for me...club doesn't get many opportunities to play there and besides it will get the players used to the pitch for the final
  23. Awaiting the next one....Butcher for Newco
  24. St Mirren...but has this feeling it will be Celtic
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