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Everything posted by StockholmSyndrome

  1. That would be clutching at straws, to say the least.
  2. That's exactly what worries me. We used to have the best team spirit in the league, but it seems to have slowly evaporated.
  3. Good grief! I hate squad numbers, always have done, always will do.
  4. You can't get from the middle of the North Sea to Dundee any other way, I seem to recall.
  5. Hi Beastie. The same thing happened to me as well. On the old site I had quite a high post count (can't remember what it was exactly, but it was pretty respectable) and when the site was re-launched I lost the whole lot! As I don't have a home internet connection any more I haven't had much chance to build up a proper post count again, which makes me look like a newbie even though I'm not. So if you don't mind, I think I'll join you on this thread and maybe we can both rack up a shedload of posts!
  6. IMO, Ross deserves a lot more respect than he gets. He always puts in a lot of effort, even if he doesn't always succeed. The guy is a legend.
  7. Things have gone a bit quiet in here, hmm? Oh well, time to bump it back to the top of the board!
  8. Yeah, what did happen to I-Cat? I liked him. Anyone else remember Gregg Hood? We signed him on loan from Ayr Utd in 1997, I made three appearances then disappeared again. Absolutely pointless signing. And what about Mike Newlands? Never played a first team game, IIRC.
  9. I think most of them need to pay more attention by the looks of things. Even better, maybe the manager should pay more attention to how he can play to his players' strengths instead of randomly shifting personnel round the park. I'm with CaleyD on this one though. Ross epitomises everything this club used to stand for and he can still do a job for us when teamed with the right players. He's really no better or worse than many other players at this level and if the whole squad had his commitment we would be all the stronger for it.
  10. Aw, shucks! **Blushes**

    The photo is German actress Franka Potente in the film Run Lola Run.

  11. The players we have are capable of much better than we've been seeing from them. The squad is a bit thin, but that's no excuse for the lack of initiative on the park. I don't want miracles and I don't expect to win every game, I'd just like to get the impression that we're actually trying something out there. I don't like seeing us constantly repeat the same mistakes the way we have been.
  12. I agree, Don. He certainly hasn't earned much respect from me, and I don't even have to work for the guy. In some ways he reminds me of someone I worked for a few years ago. She was brittle, inconsistent and had an unerring knack of rubbing people up the wrong way. She got to me so much I ended up leaving to get away from her. Maybe Brewster's not as cack-handed as she was but his seeming lack of management skills worries me.
  13. I was thinking something similar, Kingsmills, but I was too polite to say it!
  14. I've never understood the rationale behind Brewster's substitutions, or indeed a lot of his other decisions. Sometimes I suspect that he cuts off his nose to spite his face and persists with a decision because he doesn't want to admit he was wrong. It would certainly be interesting to hear him explain the reasoning behind his substitutions.
  15. For some reason I keep thinking about Lehman Borthers... Romanov does own a bank after all, and I bet everything is most certainly not all smiley and happy in his little business empire at the moment. I'd be in favour of much tighter controls on club ownership; it would maybe have prevented what happened to Gretna. However, it would have to be stricter than the English system, which did after all let Thaksin buy into Man City, when he could in no way be described as a fit or trustworthy person to own or run a business of any kind!
  16. That's what annoys me. We're NOT a bad team, and most of the players we have are perfectly capable of doing the job. The team just seems to be lacking direction and motivation. One wonders why...
  17. That's funny KB, I had the exact same thought! :015:
  18. Whoever was responsible, Dennis has been screwed around good and proper with this contract business. I won't blame him at all if he takes up St Mirren's offer, although I'll be sad to see his time with us end like this.
  19. Urgh! I don't want to be a grammar Nazi, but when I see people using "would of" or "could of" it makes me shudder! Unfortunately it happens a lot these days, so I spend a lot of time shuddering... :rolleyes02:
  20. The last thing we need is another player-manager. We need someone who knows what he's doing. No more rookies, PLEASE!!
  21. You hit the nail on the head there. Xausa was simply the laziest player I've ever seen in a Caley Thistle strip.
  22. I feel really sorry for Dennis. It's obvious his confidence has been completely destroyed by what's happened to him this season, and that's very sad. Dennis is a gentleman and he doesn't deserve any of this. If he does leave, I hope ends up somewhere where he is supported and respected and can get his confidence back. In the right environment he could still achieve a great deal.
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