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Everything posted by CaleyHedgehog

  1. I have just completed this survey and urge others to do the same. It's very quick to do - the least questions I've ever seen in a survey and we all like a good moan about the media. So here's a chance to help out a student and air your views at the same time.
  2. Thank you all for the good wishes. I really didn't mean for it to be 'all about me'' (although my friends would say that I love to be the centre of attention), I had just wanted to show how football has the ability to let you forget your worries for a while. It's not the most important thing in the world but it is a great form of escapism for us fans. I usually only go to the home games; but I have to say I admire those of you who make the time and spend the money to go regularly to the away games as well. You must really give the team a boost when they see/hear you all on their travels. It sounds like great crack, but I'm sure there are many long boring journeys home when the results don't go our way, so well done to the travelling support for the team.
  3. It's disappointing not to make top six, especially after coming so close, but it's not the first time - I'm sure we've missed out on top six on goal difference before now. Personally I think that provided we can finish these last few games strongly then the team have done No Bad considering all the injuries this season. Some people say you can't use that as an excuse, but I don't see why not as it has affected team selection all season. I wonder if the board could do with being a little more transparent with the clubs finances. It's great to support a club who are not in debt and not to be worrying about the threat of administration all the time, but it's also galling to watch other clubs come in and pick off our players. They don't all have big turn outs at games so why can they afford what we can't. Maybe if we could understand a bit more about what comes in and what goes out, we would understand the decision making better. At Christmas time I was diagnosed with a potentially life threatening illness and have been receiving various forms of treatment since then. I'm doing well and hope that things will turn out alright in the end but I have found that the only time that I forget completely about my ill health is on a Saturday afternoon (or Sunday lunchtime or Tuesday evening depending on TV schedules) when I'm watching Caley Thistle play. It doesn't seem to matter if the game is good, bad or just plain ugly, it has the ability to take my mind off every thing else for a couple of hours and I have been grateful for that. At the end of the day, it is just a game and I would hate for the pressure on our players to affect their lives with their families away from the football pitch. I like to think they enjoy being in Inverness for all the things that life has to offer them away from football up here as well as at the club. Life is too short and none of us know what's waiting around the corner. In the worst case scenario, where the team would end up relegated, upsetting as it would be, it wouldn't be the end of the world. They'd still be our team and we'd still support them and to tell the truth I quite enjoyed the season we spent after we were relegated - no ugly sisters, refs seemed fairer and less likely to cave under pressure from fans and the league was tight and competitive, where each week seemed to involve lots of reshuffling of the table - football was fun again (although I'd still rather avoid it if possible this season). Onward and upward Inverness Caledonian Thistle Football Club on your amazing journey. I can't ever imagine supporting anyone else.
  4. Nobody seems as concerned about the health of the Aberdeen team arriving into the germfest, as they were about our players - funny that.
  5. And on the BBC news, Aberdeen are saying that Hearts told them yesterday (Tuesday) that they were sure all would be fine for Fridays game. It must be great to be able to see into the future.
  6. They should be made to forfeit the game - I'm sure they would manage to find a team then.
  7. I certainly think that by allowing games to be called off through illness, there is a lot of scope for individual clubs to use this to gain all sorts of unfair advantages such as letting players rest when they have a run of games close together, managing to alter which games players with suspensions are suspended for and waiting for injured key players who are close to making a return etc. It is up to each club to decide at the start of the season and during the transfer window, how many players they think they need and then they should just have to get on with it like we have done. If a team truly cannot put a team on the pitch then they should forfeit the game.
  8. Spot on. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Remember the rousing cheers that we all gave to our team after Falkirk scored in the Cup Final - I'm still convinced that it helped to give them the spark needed to go on and win. The atmosphere created by the fans at recent home games has been the best I can remember.We must let the team know we are behind them tomorrow,because if they have been reading some of the posts on this thread and what they say about both the team as a whole and individuals, they will be packing their bags and leaving. C'mon Caley Thistle. You can do it.
  9. I didn't know Ross either, but I recognise him from photos because he was a big presence not only at the stadium but also around Inverness with all his interests and fund raising activities. I hear he was highly thought of at work too. His family must feel so proud of him, because he really was one of these rare people who managed to pack a long lifetimes worth of living into his short life. He will be missed by so many. Rest in Peace Ross.
  10. I'm definitely going to the replay not least so that I don't have to listen to this biased rubbish from the commentary team. When Hibs got their goal they all cheered and laughed, but when Inverness got their goal there was silence. Come no Caley Thistle, show them why you are the cup holders.
  11. IMHO this guy got exactly what he deserved. He had been in bother in the past and so of all the fans chanting DGB he must be pretty thick to risk joining in. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. And that goes for any others who were warned, charged or indeed joined in. I am not obsessive about the behaviour and language used at football grounds, it does add to the atmosphere and no one wants to be too afraid to say anything critical of the opposition. When the DGB chant is sung at our derby games, I will admit that my friends and I usually cringe a bit, but laugh a bit too, because as a previous poster said RC fans generally seem to handle it fine. I would never join in myself because I know that a moment of madness could cost me my job, possibly some good friendships and also my self respect as I do not want to consider myself to be a racist person. I also think the chanting at the European game reflected very badly on the club and on Inverness as a whole and considering we rely on tourism for much of our local economy it could have far reaching consequences. As for the stewards, let's hope that their superiors give them a lecture about making sure that the are completely honest about the facts for both legal reasons and general credibility. We like to slag off the the stewards nearly, but not quite as much as the referees, but I am proud to support a club where our fans are seldom arrested and these people are just doing their jobs - some of them are young and still learning in what can be a hostile environment, especially where they are concerned. From what I could see at the Aberdire game the police at the back of section E seemed to be having a laugh with some fans (although I can't know for sure as I was too far away to know what was said but it all looked amicable enough). An authorised standing section would also be good, as I have to admit I've reached an age where I like to sit for the most part at games and being behind those who choose to stand could cause problems for some (but on Monday the standing crowd at the front were superb). Well I hope the guy who was arrested takes some of his enforced spare time to think over ways in which he could be (in the words of Earl), "just trying to be a better person", but I'm more inclined to think he will see it as him being picked on. Oh the irony!
  12. So glad our 'Storey' had a happy ending last night unlike the 'Storie' being told in Aberdeen.
  13. ...also a word for young boys - superb throughout and 10/10 for "sheep on fire" chant when that chimney puffed smoke all over the pitch! All of section E created a great atmosphere from start to finish, especially welcome when Aberdire got the first goal. The number of chants in the songbook is fairly growing. Good to see so many wee people at tonight's game - the mid-term school break came at just the right time. So many of them were looking longingly over to Section E like they can't wait till they are big enough to escape from the parents. Great game. Great result.
  14. Perhaps if the game had been played in Dundee or Aberdeen the whole ticket allocation thing could have been avoided, but maybe that would be seen as giving St J. an unfair advantage....
  15. I know we all love to hate County, but I think some of the above comments go way too far. I have friends and colleagues who are County fans and I wouldn't dream of displaying such hatred to people based on the team they support, I'm just happy when we have the bragging rights (which is most of the time)! I'm not sure I want to see County lift the cup but I'm glad that Celtic won't.
  16. Why can't ticket allocations for these games be offered to each club 50% to start with, on the basis that they sell them section by section and by a set date they can be offered to the other team if one side fails to sell their allocation. This decision is shocking but sadly not surprising - St J fans will probably be offered a corner location for their seats too just to add insult to injury. Hope they have success in their fight to overturn this decision.
  17. Couldn't make the game today due to ill health. What was the size of the crowd like?
  18. I am probably one of the 'happy clappy' type you refer to Kingsmills, though a positive mental attitude (which hopefully translates to the same in any players who read Caleythistleonline) is how I'd describe it, but you are right, the last pie I ate at a home game was so long ago that I haven't had another since. It always amazes me that with award winning pie makers and bakers on our doorstep we don't make use of them. Devouring heavenly tasting pies at down to earth prices could become a 'must have' experience for all who flock to the stadium on a Saturday afternoon, ensuring that we all leave the ground fulfilled to some extent regardless of the final score (which I'm sure would usually be a win, but maybe that is just the happy claptrap in me).
  19. Although I have a season ticket, I love when the club offers promotions like the 'pay what you can' one. I think it can provide great publicity for the club too - maybe the Ayeseetee family's photo could be featured on a poster with the quote from Ayeseetee's post on it. It's good that there are also offers for season ticket holders to bring others to the games too - it keeps the moaners happy. It makes a difference when other clubs offer incentives for our away games too, although I must admit that I don't get to away games very often, but it must be a bonus for those loyal supporters who go to all the games. Any more novel ideas to get bums on seats?
  20. And we'll be lucky if they show so much as the two goals from our game no doubt.
  21. What an enjoyable way to celebrate the New Year with a win against County. Well done boys, hope you have fun celebrating tonight. I have to say that the atmosphere at the game today was amazing. Section E in the North Stand sang for the entire game - I'm sure it makes a difference to the players when they are starting to tire and the rest of us enjoyed the sing song too. Thanks.
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