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Everything posted by CaleyHedgehog

  1. Great to see Liam doing so well. In my opinion there is nothing quite like a truly local boy in the team to provide inspiration to youngsters in Inverness to follow their dreams and have confidence in their abilities, whatever path they choose to follow. I'm so glad he's taken his chance to carry on where Nick and Ryan left off and credit to the youth coaches for their part in nurturing local talent. All the very best for 2016 Liam and the rest of the team too. Thanks for an amazing year and loads of unforgettable memories.
  2. Don't suppose there is still a supply of the team 'face' masks that were available for the cup final with Yogi's face on lurking somewhere. Our fans could all wear them for the match at Motherwell to show support for him and to draw attention to the situation.
  3. Hope we win the next time you come to a game Alram. Glad you were made welcome. One of the things I love about matches at home is that children are such a big part of our support. The stadium is a safe place for them and although they are often more interested in the ice-cream cones and hot dogs than the game itself, they are still proud to be Caley Thistle fans and hopefully that will continue as they grow older. I remember our fans in the stands once being described as "like a Sunday school outing" compared with those from the central belt and I for one took it as a compliment that our match day experience is safe and friendly.
  4. When all is said and done, Yogi has to want to sign another contract here and If he is signed up for the long term, will that commit the club to continuing to pay him even if he fails to come up with the goods and they decide to sack him at any point?
  5. Yogi has always been quite cagey when discussing how long he would like to stay up here and is careful in interviews not to commit himself - he even touts Richie as a prospective future manager from time to time . Although the lifestyle seems to suit him (he looks much healthier than when he arrived) and he says enjoys working with everyone at ICT, I suspect that he also misses his family and he does get frustrated at the financial constraints involved in keeping players here. I would imagine, if he is like the rest of us, he also has one eye on the potential wage packets elsewhere. Who really knows what goes on in the ICT boardroom, but I'm sure that some of the same people who can't understand why a contract extension is not already all sewn up, are also those who doubted his abilities a few weeks ago. However, the Curse of Caley Thistle is something that cannot be dismissed too easily when Yogi looks to the future.
  6. Interesting reading, but it just goes to show that money is just a small part of what makes a successful club and it certainly does not always guarantee results. I enjoy the ' underdog' tag that is so often attached to ICT, and the players seem to relish proving the doubters wrong too.
  7. Ecce Romani! Yogi est puer magna. Terry est puer parva. Ardrossan Academy also taught latin in the 1970's.
  8. I used to go to the T-shirt printer man in the Victorian Market, but he said he had to stop because he had to buy large (expensive) quantities of each letter /number and then when the design was altered he was stuck with them.
  9. Very eloquently put, Mr Bannerman. The system is indeed very biased towards the separatists. On a good note, I found out when I went to collect my lottery winnings that you now get £25 for 3 numbers. I'm rich.
  10. Yes, the Scottish people may want a left wing government, but 55% of them do not feel that independence would be good for Scotland. Oh, and I won a tenner on my lottery lucky dip tonight.
  11. What a weekend. First Caley Thistle's great win last night and now Jeremy Corbyn has won the Labour leadership election. Looking forward to having the Labour party back where it belongs on the LEFT, and for people in Scotland to have a left wing alternative to the SNP without the constant threat of independence being forced upon us. Until now I've been so disillusioned by all the parties in recent years. I'd better remember to buy a lottery ticket to see if the joy continues.
  12. I really enjoyed going to the game tonight. The atmosphere at the stadium was great, partly due to the number of supporters Hearts brought with them, but mostly because our own support were really getting behind the team. The team seemed fresh and revived and it's good to read all the debate on this thread about who the main players were - plenty to choose from. I'm especially pleased for all the new season ticket holders who must have been wondering about their investment till now. It also made a pleasant change to have a ref. who didn't hate us!
  13. Poor Aaron Doran, it was so sad to see him hobble round for the team photo on his crutches only to seem unable to climb the stairs into the stand for the picture. We're all thinking of you Aaron - try to stay positive and I hope your recovery goes well.
  14. Great to see the cup at Dalneigh Primary School today. Thanks for taking the time to visit.
  15. Not sure, but I quite fancy going there too.
  16. Best of luck boys - This is YOUR time - so get out there and have fun running rings round the opposition. I'm so jealous of everyone who's there to cheer you on, and I'd love it if you could arrange to be at Upton Park as I can make it to that game. To all Caley Thistle fans in Romania, enjoy.
  17. Well Done DBJ and Scotty, a fantastic feat of organisation. I can't go but I've still enjoyed watching the numbers add up. Hope you all have a ball.
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