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Everything posted by latviaman

  1. I would suspect that Dougie d is a new poster cause all he is doing is reseructing OLD threads
  2. Dread to think what might happen if we went on strike in Latvia ( are the salt mines still open!!)
  3. when we win Euro millions, can I be the Latvian Chief Scout??
  4. As an Expat I cannot enter the Euro Lottery, So?? why not get all the moaners to start a Euro syndicate, then if they win they can buy./ own the club and then take the flack On the other side why not get true fans to do the same??? and before we get the usual negatives, it could work!!!
  5. Why oh why, do we always get the Prophets of Doom on the site??/ Get behind the team, don't berate them at every opportunity. I am sure they read the site, and sometimes what is said about them Cannot instill self confidence Just my thoughts
  6. so back in the frame, and STILL this thread goes on!! TB has been sacked from even Setana, so what even I lost cash on that Please can we go on to something more constructive.. As I see it , he is not going to go? we cannot afford new players, so we are in the mire!! Various self confessed pundits are saying next season will be better, WHY have u given up on this one??? There is a long way to go, from what I have read the back 4 are gelling, get rid of Golly and Russ , he can watch and repair his hand and temper Apart from that the wee man is doing well, Eric is too lightweight!! tell the rampant Irishman to forget he is on TV and not to be a PRAT Sorry all just my thoughts
  7. As Victor M would say I don't believe it!! Actually a kind word for Narius, told you all given time , he will be ok!
  8. No....Airbus 380's fly Airbus 380's. Iff the CAA allowed it they could probably be flown without cockpit interference. Spot on Alex!! gave up long haul ages ago too boring!! and I couldn't bring my laptop with me
  9. I fly Boeing 737 500's and am licensed for 200's as well
  10. I sit here in far flung Latvia and amazed at the vitreol being flung TB's way!! C'mon guys, he is going nowhere till the end of the season, and if things turn round and the team learn to play for 90 + minutes we could be on a winner... a long way to go.. All those who slagged him off might have to eat there words!! By the way I was going to write in Latvian to Presley, but Narius doesn't have a brother, so who is Presley???
  11. On one of Mrs L" s infrequent forays on the computer, she managed to find a site which said we were under Cyber attack and had numerous trojan horses etc: I have Kasperdky Anti virus and run a check every week and it tells me all is ok, but I still get this banner telling me my computer is infected and it will cost $59.95 dollars to fix. Any ideas?????
  12. latviaman

    Rod Stewart

    True story at the risk of being boring!! I was in the RN in Mombasa Kenya in the mid 70's , some of the lads had been to a beach , near a luxury hotel and came back to tell us they had met Rod Stewart with a stunning girl on the beach and told him they were playing football against the officers and Senior rates the next day at 12 ,00 and would he like a game??? They told him the pitch was near the seamans mission and he couldn't miss us as a big gray ship was berthed nearby. Well we all turned up and lo and behold a taxi screamed up just before kick off and out popped Rod kitted up ready to play. We had a great time and I remember he was a handy player and scored a couple of goals. When the game ended he opened the boot of the taxi and brought out three crates of Tusker beer and said these are on me. I remember him as a nice guy, not big headed but he did like his football, he even asked when is the next game
  13. I know he likes Invss, he has found it difficult to adapt to the different style, but you know, I now feel the true fans are warming to him, he is a grafter, willing to learn , ok he makes the odd **ck up , is he the only one in the team, give him a season, although he is no Pavels, he is willing to learn
  14. At the risk of being shot down.. yet again, this thread is going the way of many others. Remember when a replacement for CB was being touted, how many names came out of the woodwork?? Same is happening again, has beens, wanna bees, etc: Lats be honest, we as country are struggling for good home grown players. Any potential manager worth his salt must look at what he has in the way of potential, frankly we have nowt, so whoever we get is at the moment on a downer before he takes up the position Ok comments welcome!!!
  15. To my knowledge.. many, most people tend to forget previous posts, and yes I saw him on my last visit home, thought he was unfit, mind u half the team looked jaded!!!
  16. This man is being paid by ICT and the general consensus(CB correct spelling after all ur BOF) is that he is unfit, so my question is get him fit or get him shot off I have read on many posts when he is fit, how long do we carry him Just ma thought
  17. In that case there must be a phenomenal number of "reporters" on this forum! I never thought I would see the day when someone would be criticised for being too negative on "caleythistleonline" no less. :P Before squashing the myth of negativity about last night's post, perhaps I should first observe that I think I get the picture. IN your opinion It seems it's perfectly OK to be as negative as you like about the Board, the Chairman, the Former Chief Executive, the Stewards, the Pie Shop, the Players, the Manager, the Club Shop, the Stadium Announcer etc etc etc.... But NEVER even APPEAR to say anything negative about the FANS! Not true, most take negativity on the chin but like to moan Now, as for that alleged negativity... my original post.... I'm actually asking the question in the opposite direction - but no more than asking the question. Is there not room for a bit of disappointment that the Caley Thistle contingent was only what I would estimate to be 2000 or maybe just over? This bit asks a question about a statistical fact. Oh gosh here we go Stats again BOring This would seem actually to be LESS than this season's normal home support of around 2500-2700 although, unlike at home games, they made a lot more noise. This bit links that statistical fact to another one, moves on to echo an observation about noise at home games frequently made on here and ends with a positive statement. [color="#000000"]The Echo isn't that a newspaper? who believes any reporter, even with Stats In the pre SPL days when home support was typically of the order of 1800, rather less than for this season so far, I seem to recollect travelling supports for major Scottish cup ties and previous Challenge Finals being rather more that what turned up at a relatively easily accessible venue on Sunday. This bit states a number of statistical facts. [color="#000000"]Dunna /Dunna , Dunna Stat man Is the difference maybe that many of the "glory hunters" (whom I would define as people who turn up in the ICT end at major games but who attend the Caledonian Stadium at best infrequently) no longer bother? Or is it the case that, post SPL, the Challenge Cup - even the final, is regarded by many as a bit old hat? This bit makes the only real judgement in the post - about a section of the ICT "support" which over the years has been frequently criticised on here. It concludes by asking a question about how the fans of a team which spent quite a long time in the SPL now perceive this SFL knockout competition. So just let me summarise my original point. The number of fans in the ICT stand on Sunday appears to have been smaller than at recent home league games and less than under similar circumstances some years back, when there was a smaller home support You must have had a boring day to come up with all this Charles, people are people , they go where they want, the fact many made there way to Perth was to there credit., when it would have been so much easier to stay at home in slippers watching it all on TV. I livingt abroad did not have that luxury When the team play at home of course people go to watch the team, forget the SPL status I am talking about true supporters, hence better home turnouts. So basically your thesis is flawed Ok rant over Also you can correct my spelling feel free
  18. I'm actually asking the question in the opposite direction - but no more than asking the question. Is there not room for a bit of disappointment that the Caley Thistle contingent was only what I would estimate to be 2000 or maybe just over? This would seem actually to be LESS than this season's normal home support of around 2500-2700 although, unlike at home games, they made a lot more noise. In the pre SPL days when home support was typically of the order of 1800, rather less than for this season so far, I seem to recollect travelling supports for major Scottish cup ties and previous Challenge Finals being rather more that what turned up at a relatively easily accessible venue on Sunday. Is the difference maybe that many of the "glory hunters" (whom I would define as people who turn up in the ICT end at major games but who attend the Caledonian Stadium at best infrequently) no longer bother? Or is it the case that, post SPL, the Challenge Cup - even the final, is regarded by many as a bit old hat? I expected better of you Charles, a nice positive thread and you are looking for the negatives. BTW I missed out due to work commitments, in case you were wondering. He is a reporter, they always seem to look for negatives, hence a story
  19. what a carry out of the jaffa cakes..... Well guys I hope you have a great day tomorrow, I will be with you in spirit (theoretically) as I am orf to Moscow,and they frown on bevyied pilots!! I have detailed Mrs L to log into the site and when I phone she will tell me the score Mind you her knowledge of football extends to ...when they change ends, do they change shirts! bless
  20. Yes, missed Caley100's reference above! Was Murd not also great Caley fan and in fact did he not even take the money at the stand at Telford Street, sometimes assisting the old boy whose name temporarily escapes me but who, until he died just a few years ago used to sit in the bottom bar in the Social Club post match and allow himself to be filled up with free drink? Murd was indeed a great Caley fan and as previously mentioned though he had terrible disabilities i dont ever recall him being abused about it , I doubt it would be the same these days . Ther was a small cafe on the left side of Bridge stree run by Mario bernardis wife Kay I think they did great ice cream
  21. Always thought that stress was self induced / imposed ET tu brute' Latviaman Pilota ceasar
  22. Always thought that stress was self induced / imposed
  23. I see that people want Pele back in some shape or form, but surely if he is not well or recovering now is not the time. I have also read that football management is a stressful job?? I am sure there are many posters on here who have stress related jobs and can handle it, but would be interested to hear there views
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