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Everything posted by latviaman

  1. latviaman


    Are you often wrong then, ??
  2. Does anyone remember the club at the top of the Raining stairs, I remember girls from the Isles stayed there . also there was a hall attahed where there were dances where the wildcats played as well as the flock and accidents. I remember if you were very canny , as you approached the raining stairs, after a night's jigging, did a dodgy sharp right you could find yourself upstairs in the forbidden zone, ie the girls quarters, dementia gone but I do remember those days with great affection
  3. Can you define due course, I told / repeated a joke and forgot to insert a star, on what was a Soprano (TV) joke and got the dreaded 5 blocks, any chance of a second look. after all it was good enough for National TV
  4. As Gordon says, "this should speed things up a bit", yea, right, that's all a rudderless ship needs. The only thing this will achieve will be to drive us on the rocks faster. Dint help Zimbabwe when they tried "quantitative easing", wouldn't you think we could pull something better out of the hat ? Then there's the ever decreasing interest rates, celebrated by folks with floating mortgages, talk about short sightedness, sure enough they may be saving up to 500 quid a month, but the value of their property is plunging at 1200 quid a month towards negative equity, can't they see that, FFS, gawd help them if they need to remortgage sometime soon... The end run of this will be {as I've said before}, when the government runs out of ideas and money the folks who have managed to scoop up the "easy money" think Fred the Shred and his ilk, will be the only ones with money, and they won't be lending it out at 0.5%. It's just a matter of time before rates rip right up to 15% or more, who knows where that will end, except in tears... Spot on nix ideas and monies running out, nix in pot, and wasn't he an embarrasment at the US congress? cowtowing, is that the wored??/ Obama , at the White House made GB look a *rick,he looked more Preidential cool and looked down at Gb, who struggled to put his old tarnished ploys over
  5. Too much info to absorb after last night's Great result!! Got home at 1 am and a bottle (Hennessy) awaited me on the table, so I thought? is this for sorry? / a draw , or has she gone daft at the shops. Hey great result tho! I have ammended my photo as Mrs L says I look a scruffy man!!!
  6. If you think drinking is a party of Scottish culture, in Latvia it is a national pastime. I think I read that 25 people have died this winter from alcohol related deaths, ie homeless, or just fallen down and didn't get up. Problem is alcohol ie Vodka is so cheap 3,50 GBp per litre and that is the quality stuff. Me I prefer Hennessy at least I know what is in the bottle!! and I prefer to drink at home or with friends. Do not even tink of drinking and driving here, immediate jail and car impounded.
  7. If you can keep him!! I have a spelling block on dementia!!
  8. I watched the Treasurey select committee quizing various *ankers, and noted that when John Mcfall asked questions he had a muppet at his left shoulder feeding him questions all the time. He was there during all the committees questioning. Now my questsion is , is Mcfall fully briefed, does he know his job? or was it( the whole debacle) put on to appease the electorate, and the man on his left a Civil servant who previously briefed the *ankers re' questions. :015:Just thought I would throw it into the pot!!
  9. Had to go to Local theatre this morning, to find my show business wife, and it reminded me of the Old Empire theatre, ET John Worth Does anyone here remember the BB shows, forget the club swinging , and the dreaded PE, the 3rd weren't much better than the 2nd, as I remember. There were some good turns I seem to remember a Captain of the Fifth was rather showbusinessy, rather wasted I thought, I remember a sketch where they pretended, they were the Town Council they had a map and one said to the other where can we dig up and cause most disruption today. Anyone remember??
  10. So what's his name then and does he play in the Latvian league? Why oh why do you think I would mention his name? the Club Secretary has it , now the ball is in their court
  11. IHE Red smirnoff induces Brain knckd knckdness, should you after a case of the same intend to stand on your own two feet~!! Repeat after me "Our Father, who brews ghastly vodka)!!!
  12. latviaman


    Heard at my party that Pavels hasn't been issued with a contract, only till end of the season. My friend told me that Latvian FA have / are aware that he is doing ok in Scotland and lets face it Latvia need a better defence. To me it would make business sense to sign him now, whilst he is happy/ish and then if he makes the Latvian team, you are selling an International Player Also I passed on another name to CB and heard nothing more, a player who scored 17 times in 17 games and he speaks the same language as Eric, no IHE French, a good midfield striker. Wee but Fast I must stress to everyone I am NOT an agent, just an expat who wants to see ICT stay in the SPL
  13. My better half keeps a bottle, in the cabinet, swears it cures everything, I have tried the vicious brew, and came to the conclusion it only deadens the nerves after that no pain!!
  14. I flew to Scihpol yesterday , late but could see the devastation, turned round, we have a 45 min turnround, and went back to Latvia I am 48 today and we are having a big party, with all our/ my friends in Latvia. My friend asked me how can I go into an aircraft and think you might die, my reply was more people get killed on the roads than flying , check the facts. Sorry too many Hennessys!!!
  15. I do not know the whole gist of this but wasn't it agreed back in October?? by some Labour minister, who headed one of the many committees Labour instituted?? I think it will cost money , that the tax payers can ill afford( Legal Cases) fat cat lawyers getting rich to sort this out. So as ever we must sit on the sidelines and await the outcome. One thing tho' as an aside I thought Knighthoods were awarded for services to the country, so that can surely go out the window. Off to Dubai tonight, I will log on tomorrow to see the team win again, cm'on positive thoughts.
  16. Sounds like Air Traffic control in Latvia, understood every word!!
  17. As am I, but you make me laugh with your banter, and everyone bites!!but I didn't know that Latvia was degenerated to another planet, mind you with electricity up by 30% this year, will have to cut down on posts
  18. Are you Max Clifford???? cos if you are this answer will cost 20%. Her husband! was arrested for clubbing a guy with a golf club, when I go out, I do not include a golf club in my accessories, he was arrested charged and thanks to the man of straw, (Who lives in a thatched cottage in a small Oxford village where I used to live but insists his Heart is in Blackburn Cmon!! )had his tag suspended for a wedding night with Jade. Voter sympathy or am I being ?? cynical!1 Who says the money is for the children, remember Max PR rules the roost, so Mr 20% is on the sidelines
  19. OK, maybe I'd better. It's "dementia" not "demensure". "Halitosis" is correct though! Oh *um well one out of two!!!
  20. but if you haven't got anything constructive to say, why wait till demensure sets in to be a class player
  21. Go on Culduthel.... tell us more!!!! Maybe some of the older stagers could help me with this one since it goes back to an era (and before) when I was very young. I think at one point in the early 60s and back into the 50s, the Inverness BBs had officers nicknamed Feetums and Teetums. Feetums, I think, was the Peter MacGregor, Captain of the 1st Company and manager of John Colliers gents' outfitters. He got the name because he had bad feet and didn't walk very comfortably. I'm a bit hazier on Teetums, although I'm sure his problem (predictably) was his eyes. I have a vague recollection he may have been captain of the 6th, 7th or 8th companies, which of course were based consecutively along the west bank of the Ness, but I'm not sure. Any takers? I worry about your memories chas, my demensure is relaxed but I do remember my Father taking my big brother to Colliers for his first suit , I was dragged along and your post reminded me, I seem to remember he had a slight smattering of Halitosis as well .. you can correct my spelling if you wish
  22. I'm probably going to get another warning for this but!!... 1, Is Pr a shortened version for PaRasite re Max Clifford, Man couldnt construct a sentence on a Sky interview, registry/ registrar, asked about the dress , looked at his girl and said was it Ivory? well it couldn't have been white!! 2. I hope she has got someone else other than her ? husband to look after her money, he will be off to buy more golf clubs otherwise!! 3. Oscars smoshkars, full of Luvvys are they in the real world??
  23. I am surprised that some of the so called Landed Gentry aren't walking around with their hands in slings, due to broken fingers, due to hands in till. Perhaps a sling should be included in the ceremonial regalia
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