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  • tm4tj

    Coronavirus - Season on hold

    Statement from ICTFC



    Read the full article here



    ICTFC have also released a statement regarding one of their players having reported in with similar conditions to Coronavirus.

    Read the article here

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    4 minutes ago, Satan said:

    Fortunately, this time there are no fans travel plans to upset.

    I wouldn’t say that. I have Hayes in my Fantasy Football team, already thinking it’s a waste of time trying to do one this year 😂

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    37 minutes ago, ICTPAISLEY said:

    If the rules say you are allowed to do these things they are not in the wrong. The issue is with the Government allowing places like that to open. 

    The protocol reached between the government and the football authorities to allow the return of professional football could no be clearer. Unlike members of the general public, professional footballers have agreed to remain in a 'sporting bubble' and the guidance on that was issued in writing to all clubs two months ago and going to the pub is about the most blatant breach possible.

    Quite apart from the risk to the community, these particular selfish idiots are risking the privilege of resuming professional football being withdrawn which could sound the death knell for a number of already struggling clubs including our own.

    I see that the Dons have issued a statement saying that 'the players have been reminded of their responsibilities'. Frankly, in the current circumstances  that is not good enough. They need to be sanctioned and the club need to make it clear, that sanctions have been applied.

    There is a role for the SFA and SPFL to play too. They cannot wait for the government to take draconian action and suspending the leagues. They football authorities need to be imposing sanctions for such breaches including forfeiting games that have to be postponed due to players breaking the rules with the ultimate sanction of expulsion or relegation. That way clubs will ensure that players and other staff take the obligations that they have signed up to seriously.

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    The fair thing to do would be give St Johnstone the 3 points and chalk it down as a forfeit and give a points deduction to Aberdeen, but judging by recent events, those in charge don't care about things being fair...

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    The spfl and sfa don't do fair. That would penalise one of their ardent supporters of the farce earlier this year. The spfl and sfa thought it was fine to go ahead with the game. The government had to order them to stop the game. I assume the next two will also be curtailed due to this as it falls within the 10 day isolation period for those asymptomatic players. Yes it would be right the 3 point be given to st Johnstone but that wont happen.

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    A correct decision surely, as some of the 8 confirmed or isolating may already have passed it to other players or back room staff, so St Johnstone players and back room staff could be at risk. 

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    I agree, which is why awarding them a 3-0 win would have been the right action given this has stemmed from Aberdeen players ignoring the instructions given to clubs. 

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    2 minutes ago, Robert said:

    I agree, which is why awarding them a 3-0 win would have been the right action given this has stemmed from Aberdeen players ignoring the instructions given to clubs. 

    Plus a big fine should be imposed on the club for breaching the rules.

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    I disagree with the points thing as Aberdeen were willing to play. It was the government who basically overuled the league. I get that the decision was made due to the Aberdeen players breaking their sporting protocol but the club were happy to play with reduced squad. 


    I presume the players will receive a hefty fine and presume 2 weeks without training for the players will affect their own match fitness and therefore the clubs chances for success. This will be a natural punishment as it is. 

    Maybe I'm a just a big softy


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    Isn’t Aberdeen in lockdown? Why the hell would they even chance playing a football game in those conditions. I’m not sure but I would presume travel between those two places wouldn’t be allowed at the moment. Those sporting bubbles are a load of nonsense as well, does that include wives parents and kids as well? 

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    59 minutes ago, Robert said:

    According to the BBC, the rules don’t allow the game to be awarded to St Johnstone. 

    Then, at least while we are dealing with this pandemic, the rules need to be changed. Clubs and players need to be held responsible for their actions.

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    26 minutes ago, ICTPAISLEY said:

    Isn’t Aberdeen in lockdown? Why the hell would they even chance playing a football game in those conditions. I’m not sure but I would presume travel between those two places wouldn’t be allowed at the moment. Those sporting bubbles are a load of nonsense as well, does that include wives parents and kids as well? 

    Greater Manchester is also in lockdown, and they are playing a test match at Old Trafford.  Provided everyone involved obeys the rules, then it is reckoned that the risks can be managed.

    The test match bubble certainly excludes family - hence the fuss when one England player went home between Southampton and Manchester.  The test matches are being played at Southampton and Manchester because these grounds have on-site hotels, where everyone stays.  Even the TV commentators - when they are not on air, they simply go back to their rooms and watch the match on TV.

    But the bubbles for club sports - e.g. football and cricket - are not so drastic.

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    8 minutes ago, Kingsmills said:

    Then, at least while we are dealing with this pandemic, the rules need to be changed. Clubs and players need to be held responsible for their actions.

    The time for changing the rules to include points penalties was when any extra rules about bubbles and other covid precautions were agreed and introduced.

    It's not good to change the rules retrospectively after a specific event in the middle of a competition! 

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    18 minutes ago, snorbens_caleyman said:

    The time for changing the rules to include points penalties was when any extra rules about bubbles and other covid precautions were agreed and introduced.

    It's not good to change the rules retrospectively after a specific event in the middle of a competition! 

    I am not suggesting that Aberdeen should be punished retrospectively. That would not be fair.

    I am suggesting the (temporary) change going forward. Clubs who have players testing positive despite sticking to the rules and the protocol should be permitted to have games postponed without penalty. Those who have an outbreak through negligence or, as in the case of Aberdeen, flagrant and dangerous breach of the rules, would be the ones affected.

    Changing a rule once the season has began is not ideal but it is far preferable to the authorities stepping in and stopping the season altogether and the dire consequences that would ensue from that.

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    19 minutes ago, Kingsmills said:

    I am suggesting the (temporary) change going forward.

    But you could have a club saying "We have been penalised, but Aberdeen were not.  Unfair!". 

    It could make the difference between qualifying for Europe or not, or between being relegated or staying up - or simply a difference in prize money.

    So you would want to have the clubs agree to it.  And we have just seen how well that works :frustrated01:

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    Society needs to adapt to the situation as it changes and the SPFL are no different.  The SPFL should have had enough foresight to imagine that a game might need to be postponed because some idiots broke the rules and put others at risk.  It comes as no surprise that they didn't, but that shouldn't stop them acknowledging that it has happened and might happen again.  There is therefore no good reason for failing to implement some meaningful sanctions now for similar incidents in the future - eg a 10 points deduction.

    Would that be fair if another club suffered a points deduction when Aberdeen didn't?  Yes. I think it would.  You get dealt with in line with the rules that pertain at the time.  Also, whilst there is next to nothing to excuse the foolishness of the Aberdeen players, there would be even less excuse in the future given the publicity around this episode and if the consequences were going to be a hefty points penalty for the club.

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    One of the many unsatisfactory things about this is that postponing the game means Aberdeen will have a full squad when they play St J later this month, whereas Hamilton will benefit this midweek from playing an Aberdeen side who will have the 8 players out of the squad. 🤷‍♂️

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    I think the 6 players who are self isolating will still be unavailable. Think the fixture is next midweek. The 2 who have tested positive will be available but I guess it depends on how the virus affects their health and fitness.

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    59 minutes ago, DoofersDad said:

    There is therefore no good reason for failing to implement some meaningful sanctions now for similar incidents in the future - eg a 10 points deduction.

    There is - you'd be taken to the cleaners by any half-decent law student  :lol:   No way on earth could that be fair.

    You do not change the rules of a competition once it is under way - unless with the agreement of all concerned.

    And I mean all concerned - look at the debacle about the ending of last season.

    That's enough from me on this!

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