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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2015 in Posts

  1. Lee Power, our Chairman, spoke a little about Miles on local radio yesterday. It seems accepted that Miles wants to be with you and a loan extension until season end appears certain. He then comes out of contract at that time but, because of his age and time spent at club, Swindon can ask a fee albeit that this may be set by a tribunal. This could lead to a clamour for his signature (?). It seems to me though that if your Chairman made a non derisory offer then a permanent deal would be a formality. One another note during our dismantling by the mighty Gillingham F C yesterday a fox ran the length of the pitch and disappeared through the seats at the empty away end. Even men with steel hearts love to see a fox on the pitch.
    4 points
  2. I thought we played really well yesterday against a good aberdeen side who were (in the second half at least) determined to go all out for the win. In the first half, we played them like a fiddle. Despite the pre-match doom spattered statements, the shape worked really well. Aberdeen's midfield had absolutely no chance of getting past Draper and Wedderburn and by the time they had tried and shipped the ball to Hayes etc., they were mugged time and again by Tremarco and Raven . The only real surprise was that we weren't three up by half time. Don't listen to those who tell you that Aberdeen "bottled it" or didn't play well - they didn't, they were just bettered in the first half. Second half, they were better when they went two and the workload we had put in showed. By the time Storey was subbed, he was out on his feet. So, pretty natural that we get pushed deeper and there is only one outcome from that. A Gary Warren slip and it's 2-1 and the Collum show starts. He was dreadful to both sides in equal measure yesterday, but the worst of it was that when the crowd got on his back he reacted to it. I can't see any other reason for the penalty in the last minute. Not so much inconsistent as incoherent. David Raven looked fresh and determined to reclaim his place but Liam Polworth was astonishingly good. I had concerns that he might not make the breakthrough this season that he needed to but was I wrong. He's blossomed under the Hughes passing regime and added passion and dig to that yesterday. Don't be downhearted, this was a great point.
    4 points
  3. My calculations have Inverness on a competitive total of 1,493 goals in all competitions. Just 7 away from the landmark 1,500! The next games are against Hamilton, Ross County and then Stirling Albion - it could 'go' in that cup game...or perhaps I'm jumping-the-gun! (or, some may argue....'the shark'!) 500: Davide Xausa v Airdrie (2000/01) 1000: Grant Munro v St Mirren (2007/08) 1500: ? (2015/16)
    2 points
  4. Ok well after what I heard and saw yesterday maybe. After a stramash in the box William's clattered his head of the post & the loud metallic ringing sound clearly audible 100M plus away. No surprise he went down, quite surprised he stood up and amazed he played on!. Amazed also at the reaction of some Aberdire supporters who thought it was ok to boo him . Did they think he deliberately head-butted the metal post to disrupt play......Aye right! (Thing called Injury time you know). Williams definately harder than the all the Expendables!. Harder than John Yogi Hughes who apparently eats concrete for breakfast??. But Williams didn't take the option of the padded jacket & Bovril & getting out of the Baltic conditions, so fair play fella, hats off!!.
    2 points
  5. No-one at the game was surprised by the added time as as well as the usual stoppages and time wasting, Fon Williams was down for ages. Seeing the penalty appeals back, none were penalties, including ours. Would have been nice to see it out but defending as deeply as we did for half an hour and attempting to run down the clock was always going to be risky. We invited Aberdeen onto us and were punished. All in all, pleased with a point though.
    2 points
  6. Yeah we could play him in the hole----------could make a good story ----especially if he runs for Miles.
    2 points
  7. Who will get the 1500th goal? The 500th goal, back in the earlier years, was notched by Xausa, who was more of a 'cult-hero', than an ICT legend. The 1000th was scored by undoubted Inverness 'legend', Grant Munro - probably fitting! The 1500th could be netted by anybody if we go on a 'turkey-shoot' against Stirling - but, I don't actually see that happening. I'll just be glad to win that tie at the first time of asking! But, as we hit 6 the last time we played there in the cup, there's a chance it could happen in that game, hence this post!
    2 points
  8. Sun 27 Dec 2015 Dan Park for Cove Rangers in their 4-2 defeat at Fraserburgh.
    1 point
  9. We daren't sit deep against County. A two halves of sustained attack is called for, like the Dons they leak goals when pressed hard enough. Really gutted we didn't win that match today, a draw may be acceptable but the Dons are not what the media crack them up to be and we had the better of them when we held a high line. Why do we always fall so far back in the second half? If only we could keep the mainstays of our squad and remain injury free we could be the Team in ascendency not the bleedin Dons.......who must be the jammiest side in Scottish football........Gutted
    1 point
  10. Sat 26 Dec 2015 Scot Premier A Rooney (Aberdeen 2 = ICT 2) SL 1 R McAllister (Airdrieonians 3 - Peterhead 4) Highland League A MacAskill (Lossiemouth 0 - Turriff 3) D Gillespie (Hat trick), (Clach 1 - Brora R 10) A Greig (2), G Munro, (Clach 1 - Brora R 10) Z Sutherland (Clach 1 - Brora R 10)
    1 point
  11. When the bridge was designed the maximum weight for lorries was 24 tons, the year the bridge was opened it was increased to 32 tons and is now at 44 tons. With the huge increase in traffic as volumes as well is the main reason that the SNP pushed ahead with the building of the new crossing which all the other parties were against at the time, lucky they have a majority!
    1 point
  12. Charles you really are becoming very boring in your Nat bashing attempts. My brother is a bridge inspector for north of Scotland which includes Kessock and Skye bridges and he assures me that this crack could not have possibly been detected other than by constant radiography and non destructive testing on daily basis. I've witnessed a similar thing happen to structure of a north sea platform. Metal fatigue resulting from overloading is the real cause here. The bridge was not designed for 10,000 forty tonne trucks a day + however many cars, vans and buses. Thats one helluva strain on the steelwork. To try and blame the SNP for this problem is, in my mind, cheap and childish.
    1 point
  13. Ironic really! I was watching the Vancouver Canucks last night. they were playing at home to the Edmonton Oilers. The game ended in a draw on a taut note with Hansen , the Canucks forward , being thrashed into the net at high speed. His forehead hit the top metal crossbar and he was laid low just like Fon with blood all over the place. Carted off with suspected concussion he re-appeared with his forehead glued up and proceeded to play in overtime (3 players each side on 3.) and scored the winning goal after skating the length of the ice very fast..........unbelievable. In ice hockey the first team to score in overtime wins the game. Apparently he did not suffer concussion which has been the subject of great controversy in the NHL over the pas 2-3 seasons with huge fines and suspensions now being given out if head knocks are considered to be deliberate.
    0 points
  14. Who? Never heard of him!. Oh Aye the sacked Hibs Manager and sacked Newport County Manager. Last seen some say looking for work at a Burger King in Dudley!! LOL
    0 points
  15. OK. Must have been some combination of Westminster and the English then. Hope the Transport Minister's stiffening truss end gets better soon.
    -1 points
  16. What are you all wittering about, the only terrorism being perpetrated is by the security services. There is no war on terror, but there is a war of terror being perpetrated against the middle eastern nations and their poor civilians. Anyone see the "alleged" shooting of the policeman in the Charlie Hebdo attack which was unsurprisingly quickly taken down. In frame 1 there is a cue mark in the middle of the road where the car stops, in the final frame there is a cue mark opposite the front passengers wheel which was not in the first frame, ergo, the scene was shot in at least two takes ie it's a fake. I could go on about so many ridiculous issues surrounding this piece of theater. While I'm about it I would like to point out that President Assad is the democratically elected leader of Syria with 83% of the vote, you wont hear that on the BBC. Enjoy the games at TC stadium without this fearmongering.
    -1 points
  17. Actually 12th man this is about ICT off the park, all those fans who see the boogie man round every corner or in every left bag, you have more chance of drowning in your bath than being killed by a terrorist. For those who would like to educate themselves I recommend "The terror factory, inside the FBI's manufactured war on terrorism" by Trevor Aaronson. Doofers dad, if you don't know the significance or origins of ISIS then the joke's on you and what on earth has the Holocaust to do with my comments? very cheap shot. Renegade, I laughed out loud, I do have a sense of humour, even though it's a serious subject. Ok that's me done with this subject.
    -1 points
  18. Ok Kingsmills you reeled me in, I am not trying to be entertaining and the label conspiracy theorist is the derogatory term used by those who are unfamiliar with the facts. I prefer the term alternative view meaning it does not accord with the ministry of truth (see 1984) ie the BBC and main stream media. The attackers in paris and san bernadino were described by independent eyewitnesses as white males, clean shaven in army fatigues driving black SUV's,( sounds a lot like defence contractors) doesn't exactly square with MSM reports now does it?
    -1 points
  19. 6 minutes of stoppage time too. How does that pr1ck get work?
    -1 points
  20. Some say that a draw, on the balance of play, seems a fair result. However this negates the fact that there was a foul by Mcginn just before he scores and their penalty wasn't a penalty. It clearly strikes his midriff. If they score 2 fair goals then it's a fair result but that was robbery. And Willie Collum yet again proving how rubbish a ref he is. I don't think there's a fan in the country who thinks him any good. He's a skinny balder Willie young. I propose in referee screening processes they bar anyone called Willie from top flight football because they often tend to live up to their name.
    -1 points
  21. Imagine playing in these conditions? Disgraceful ! No wonder Miles was beat when he was subbed. How can any team play at their best and entertain the crowds in such conditions? By the end the players looked more like rugby participants than SPL figures. Summer football is a must --for the players and the fans. Attendances would go up also IMHO. Why do the Scottish Football authorities hang on to such outdated and primitive rites, such as Winter football? Nobody benefits without a major cost, so why? Their penalty was unmerited. The Caley player could never have avoided being hit by a very hard shot and the player says he was hit on the shoulder which was what I thought as well when I saw the highlights before I read what he said. Mind you, our penalty was a really soft one also and how it could be construed that our boy was in a scoring position facing away from the goalmouth and almost on the outer edge of the box is mind-blowing. Strange how you rarely if ever see the ref running to the linesman to seek his opinion? Since they are both wearing headsets then can we assume that a fair assessment has been made on the incident. Mr. Collum kept his whistle in his pants during the cup final and it was a good performance from him but , once again, he still seems to be controversial with the bread-and-butter stuff and this business of levelling up, either to appease the crowd or just because he feels he may have made a prior mistake, is not a great, or fair, way to go about his business. He is not the guy to decide the outcome of a match; that's up to the players and how they perform and/or react to incidents. If he makes a mistake he should stop there and move on and simply try to do better the next time.
    -1 points
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    • New Chairman Wanted, Apply Within
      Chairman Ross Morrison resigns


      Nothing official from the club as we speak, but the Inverness Courier are running with a story that Ross Morrison has resigned at 18:00 tonight 3rd June.  More to come as this story develops, but most fans are looking for more heads to roll.

      Speaking exclusively to The Inverness Courier, Mr Morrison said he is leaving now because of the aftermath of the Fife move. “I believe it [the move to Fife] is the best way forward and I have to stick with my beliefs,” Mr Morrison said. “This is the reason I'm stepping down now.”

      Reflecting on his time with the Caley Thistle, Mr Morrison said: “My six-year tenure with the club has had some great and some not so great times but through everything I was immensely proud to be the chairman of the club and clubs I’ve supported for 50 years - I was a Jaggie by the way.

      “I would ask the fans to rally round the club at this time and show their support by not only purchasing their season tickets but also getting involved directly with the club to see how they can help.

      “Hearing fans saying they would prefer administration to training the first team in Kelty sent a shiver down my spine. Administration is a desperate thing to happen to a club and must, at all cost, not happen to ICTFC.”
      • 1 reply
    • Player of the Year 2023-2024
      The winner for this season voted for by you is our very own local player Cameron Harper. Will that ever happen again I wonder?

      CTO PotY with 69  points is Cameron Harper  

      2nd with 68 points Alex Samuel
      3rd with 58 points Cameron Kerr
      4th with 53 points Billy Mckay
      5th with 51 points Max Anderson
      6th with 50 points Nathan Shaw

      • 6 replies
    • Kelty Hearts Training Statement
      What a farce we have become, a laughing stock: Did you hear the one about the footbal team from the Highlands of Scotland that want to train at Cowdenbeath? Unfortunately, unlike our board, this is not a joke. Our board are trying to rip our identity from the Highlands and replace it with shared training at Kelty Hearts. I kid you not, this is not a drill and the clowns that run our club appear to be delighted at this coup.
        • Thank You
      • 4 replies
    • Relegation Statement
      RELEGATION STATEMENT: This could have been said ten minutes after our defeat to Hamilton three days ago. So far, this is not the news that we on Caley Thistle Online wanted to hear. Pleased that we will still function as a club, disappointed that resignations have not been offered yet. Keeping fans waiting in silence for three days is unforgivable and relationships are drifting further apart than ever before. Silence is not the way forward, we deserve better as fans.
      • 2 replies
    • Inverness CT 2-3 (3-5) Hamilton - Play off final (relegation)
      RELEGATED: Despite Inverness needing to get off the mark quickly, it was Accies that killed the tie inside the first fifteen minutes with strikes from Kevin O'Hara and Lewis Smith. Cammy Kerr reduced the leeway with a good strike from distance, but O'Hara struck again with a penalty before the break to diffuse the revival. We struggled to create anything of note and this reporter could not stomach any more and left the stadium. I'm told Alex Samuel pulled a goal back in stoppage time, but like the rest of the season it was too little too late.
      • 1 reply
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