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Everything posted by SMEE

  1. SMEE

    Elena Baltacha

    RIP Elena. Such sad news. Sleep tight xx
  2. I checked out that Football Director on youtube. it looks woeful. might treat myself to FM2014
  3. I saw there is also a game called Football Director. Anyone played that? It might be interesting
  4. Its amazing how much flak a manager has to take when things arent going well. nothing to do with the "professional" footballers whatsoever :/
  5. I hope your winning the league then....as it appears that a top 6 finish and a cup final appearance are no longer good enuff for the fans :P
  6. Inverness sports teams did well this year. ICT got top 6 finish and a cup final. Inverness City got promoted to the big league and Highland Rugby team won their league (unbeaten) and won a national trophy. Well done everyone there
  7. Im closing the gap on MacLad Thistle. down to 59 points gap now. Can i overtake him/her in the last few games of the season, and escape from (pretend) relegation #thegreatescape lol
  8. Im not one usually to take offence. I think the world has gone too soft on petty things, like the throwing about of the term racism and bigot everywhere. BUT, i do think that singing about a mother who is struggling with the birth of a baby is in very bad taste. mabye these dickheads who were singing about it, will go thro it in years to come....and we will see how amusing it is then!
  9. SMEE

    Old ICTFC tops

    I think i still have the old yellow and blue away top from around 1996. Then again, i might have binned it. ive not seen it since i moved house 14 months ago
  10. I wouldnt worrytoo much........Aberdeen will be wondering where 30 000+ of their supporters have gone
  11. In all seriousness.......as long as ICT keep their place in the SPL then Yogi would be meeting my expectaions. if we finnished 10th....then he is still meeting my expectations.....if we finnish top 6 then he is exceeding my expectations. ICT are no longer a big fish in a little pond.....we are in with the big boys. We need to be realistic about our expectations. For that reason, id have to say that just being able to stay in the SPL each season is sucsess for me
  12. What was it Yogi was saying about winning ugly between now and the end of the season............ Basically...i felt it was a repeat of the Final. Woeful performance in the first half, but things improved in the second half. There is a severe lack of creativity in that team from my point of view. Countless times today.....players had the ball and the chance to run at the partick goal...but they look for any pass that can be made...rather than running at the defence. Badly need someone who can do just what i suggested. Still tho.....its a badly needed win and 3 pts on the board
  13. SMEE

    Goal drought

    Goal drought will end today. I predict 3-1 win for ICT ;)
  14. Alterations DONE....im new looking to leapfrog my way up that league!!
  15. Im just updating all my fantasy teams.........for the frst time all season lol
  16. There is a LOT of resentment and negativity towards ICT in the Inverness area. I have my own theories as to why....but its old ground, but it certainly has a bearing on the p1ss poor crowds we see at ICT games to this day!
  17. Id say that for a club of ICT's stature, avoiding relegation IS a sucsesfull season. Anything above 8th is an exceptional season
  18. Sucsess sure does breed contempt!!! Two good seasons in the SPL, now people are monaing about a top 6 finnish and losing a cup final by a gnats whisker not being good enuff. Im pretty sure we will all to soon be back to our usual place in the scheme of things, where a top 6 finnish would be hailed as an excellent achievement....let alone a cup final. nah.......Im a realist, and have enjoyed seeing ICT punch above their weight, but it wont last...so enjoy it while its here
  19. Well.....ict were the better team overall I would say. First half was dire....both teams equally poor. I thought ict had a good 30 mins in the second half. But severe lack of chances created. Billy mckay was practically a spectator
  20. Im one who didnt make it along. Daddy duties got in the way
  21. Im just glad i have my kids staying at weekends....so i dont have to pay to watch that sh1t!!
  22. 3rd division teams would give Utd more of a game.
  23. cant even hit a one yard pass and find a team mate.....farcical!
  24. This is Chronic.....im just glad i have my kids staying...so i didnt pay to watch this guff!!
  25. at the risk of repeating myself.....Shambolic Defending 0-2
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