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Everything posted by mainstander

  1. roscoe23 for somebody who claims to have a hotline to the ex County chairmans daughter youre talking an incredible load of sh!te about that club!
  2. I just cant believe the pie in the sky wishfull thinking sh!te Im reading on this thread. As Exiled ICT said - get a grip!
  3. mainstander


    They just want to keep Robson to get them out of jail again next time their bricking it about relegation.
  4. Am I right in saying that DS was one of the Hibs rebels and may be moving on for that reason? One of the great things about Caley is the work ethique of the players and the way they play for the jersey. These boys train realy hard with not many complaints. I gather part of the Hibs problem was the some players werent happy with the demands Colins was making. If Shields was part of that discent then would he really fit in at a club like Caley however good he may be as a player?
  5. I wonder what gfc who put up the first post is thinking now? They must have thought they were comming up here for a celabration party. Now the Gretna fans are probably going to be coming up north totally bricking it about losing the title by losing to County who will of course be right up for it to stay safe.
  6. Clacher do you go through your entire life imagining disaster scenarios? You must cr@p yourself every time you cross the road you poor sod!
  7. I heard from a very good local source that the ICT coaches were telling nine year olds that if they ran for their school in a cross country on the Saturday they wouldnt be selected for ICT under 10s on the Sunday. This happend about 3 weeks ago and its morale blackmale. So why are ICT so scared about kids doing other sports when they know that only 1 in about a 1000 ie Grant Munro will make it threw in football any way.
  8. Hang on just a minute. There is absolutley nothing in what Charlie say's there that indicates any interest in John Sutton. This is just the P&J at it again putting words into CCs mouth.
  9. OK so Charlie was pretty mad in the dressing room on Saturday, porbably about 7 on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is "that wasn't great lads" and 10 is Fergie at his absolute most ballistic in the old Trafford dressing room. Then a player goes and spouts HIS version of that to the P and J and other papers. Then the P and J spins it a bit more on Tuesday. Then, possibly a bit late in the day, the club responds with a statment which tells the rest of te world "the P and Js talking p!sh". Now the P and J havent actually done the club or Charlie many favours in the past. They stick the boot in when thery can and their never wrong of course. So they respond as they did on Wednesday. Simple as that. Otherwise I agree with Alex. Let it drop.
  10. .....Franck Sauzee, Bertie Vogts, John Barnes, Alex Miller, Paul le Guen.... in fact... anybody but Charlie Christie, eh Bonzo?
  11. Also I dont actually like the way the question at the top of the thread is put. It almost makes it sound that Christie is now on some kind of years probation. Look, this guy is NOT a failing manager. He possibly has made the mistake of saying the wrong things sometimes to the press, also on Saturday in the dressing room where hes been the victim of a lack of loyalty because somebody ran to the PandJ. I also have to say the PandJ havent done CC any favours because they always seem to have been on his back. A better question should be "Do you have confidance in CC as a manager, are you prepared to give him your support and do you want him to be left in peace to get on with the job without unhelpfull destractions like this?"
  12. Wee Burnie Nesbitt!!!??? No not EVER! Hes a wee ned and was an abject failure at Dundee United. Hed alianate the whole club in less than five minutes. Lock up your paint tins and youre water bottles!
  13. I've got a P&J open in front of me now and theres nothing at all about Charlie Christie not liking the public eye. Clearly whats happened is that heated and possibly not very well considered words have been exchanged in the dressing room straight after a poor performance. These have opviously then been leaked to the press so maybe Christie was right in saying after the game that he had been too loyal to some players since that loyalty doesnt seem to have been returned with leaks like that. And of course L_G is right when he says that things wont have been helped by "Charlies Fault" threads here even though some people dont seem to have understood that the last one was started in irony. But of course people like Bonzo and Midge care far more about there personal dislike of the manager than the damage this does and Im sure their loving all of this.
  14. Taking the middle of the three pricing structures in Scottys post, by using a free ticket a kid is accepting a subsidy of £15. On the other hand by getting a child's season ticket a kid is accepting a subsidy of £190. Or at least there parents are making savings of these amounts so there's no doubt about who isd making te biggest saving. But in the best Meldrew fashion "I don't believe it!" People have been banging on here for weeks about the club charging too much for tickets etc. And now when they do do something about it, people are back on again, banging on about how unfair that is. Suggestion to Scotty - why not create a seperate "whingers forum" where folk who want to moan away about the manager, the ticket prices or whatever else can moan away to there heart's content.
  15. Pele_is_god - Bonzo doesnt actually want any replacment for Christie because if Christie went so would something very important out of Bonzos life. The oppertunity to critisice Charlie Christie in places like this board. I see the odd person on here who appears to need football in general and Caley Thistle in particular as a means of becoming bitter and twisted. Bonzos need is even more specific than that. For reasons best known to himself it has to be Charlie Christie who fills that gap in his life for him. No one else will do.
  16. County are currantly five points short of the safty of 8th place with 24 left on the board. So it would take at least five more games for them to be further behind than points left and be doomed at least to the play off's. Thats the Dundee game on April 7th. Their also goal differance short of 9th place with 24 on the board so it would take at least six games before they'd definately be relegated. Thats the Airdrie game on the 14th. And that assumes that County lose all there games while Queen of the South and Airdrie win theyres which is unlikely. This could run for a while.
  17. dead ball specialist - are you having an especially bad night or what? Im wondering if its even worth replying to your last one about MEANS TESTING its so absurd. Lets see, how do they organise this? Pay by post code? Pay by car engine size? Better still you produce your tax return at the turnstile and the guy says "Well, your a poor sod to be sure. You only earn 150 quid a week. Ill let you in for a fiver.. lets make it £4.50. NEXT! Now your a rich *******. And a snobby "eberneezer geezer" into the bargain. Two hunner notes or p!ss off! NEXT! Oh dear me. Yove only got your benefit. Tell you what we wont charge you at all. In fact theres a couple of quid for a pie. Hang on tho! Ive seen you do homers as a windowcleaner so on second thoughts lets say you hand over 20 quid..... oh dear theres half time and Ive only managed to let let 20 people in. And no, we dont accept Giros as part payment." Try that one at Tescos. And what do you do to prove you are "working class" to get a further fiver off? Produce your Labour party card? Sorry! Forgot they dont do working class any more! Lets get a grip here. I know a lot of people think the prices are steep but as I saw somebody else posting on here the other week, what we pay is still a fraction of what it costs to put the team on the park so were getting a pretty cheap deal as it is. Why are so many ICT fans so miserable? We get SPL football up here and some people just seem to have moaned like b***ery about it ever since. Power to the People DBS!
  18. I read that in the paper the other week. Look's far more like a viscous rumour from Billy Corbett whose once again gently massaging the facts behind the figures to make David Dowling look bad. Theyre was also something on the radio after it saying that if their was a problem it was the social club and there sorting it.
  19. Is that the ground's man? I thought he already had a job as a Trolley Dolley.
  20. Must be a quiet day on the sports desk. Aye, this one seems out of the same stable as the Sheffield United and Romanov connexions the press were trying to tell us we would be getting but which the club doesnt really need. Theres also a bit in the P&J about this. Between the two reports, CC isnt quoted at all about this. Did anybody ask him. The P&J also says they want more Highland players and wont lose the Scottish domination of the team. So where are they going to find the places for all these Poles in that case? Seems to me that Bennett doesnt exactly sound all that keen on the idea from what he says. Looks to me as if some reporter has blown up a casaul remark from the Chiarman out of proportion and tryed to make a story out of it without even asking the manager. I agree with Howden Ender if hes being serious. Best put on the rumor mill.
  21. So if you redeuce gate prices how do you finance the club? For normal games youd have to be pretty sure that the extra people you took in would balance what you lost by redeuceing the prices. And for games like Celtic well your going to fill the ground anyway so to redeuce prices would gaurantee a loss of income. Can ICT aford to do this?
  22. Did anybody notice on the highlights who the Livi physio was that came on during the Celtic game yesterday? It was our old physio Emily Goodlad. I think shes moved south so has obviously teamed up with Robbo again. I also noticed that her kit sponser seems to be Anne Summers!!!!!!!
  23. Thats a good analisis from SM.
  24. Please God no!!! What do I need to get this to stop? Garlic, a crucifix, a woodden stake? A ray of sunlight would be nice. I thought that after the relatively minor irregularity in form during Nov and Dec had passed the self appointed experts had gone to ground again. But it seems all we need is to suffer daylight robbery from the champions and theres another t*@t on here claiming to know better than Charlie Christie. For God sake 666, turn yourself upside down, dial 999 and get an ambulance to cart you away for some treatment for this!
  25. If you "Stand Up For The Champions" will the Stewards not chuck you out?
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