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Mrs Pauliebee

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Everything posted by Mrs Pauliebee

  1. Thank you Charlie for everything you have done - arguably taking ICT on at the toughest of times, at the Top Level, when expectations were at their highest! Very best of luck for the future - I sincerely hope to see you stay with us in some other capacity! :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03: Mrs PB
  2. Congratulations Buffy - fantastic news - let us know when to get the Hats ready! :021: :clapping03: :021: PB's x
  3. It all seems a bit "he said/she said" at the moment. If people are going to blame his resignation on our league position that seems harsh, we've never have the best of starts to the season - it's early. We played better at St Mirren, 9 games unbeaten there, it was bound to go at some point. Grassa was on the news at lunchtime stating that CC always struggled in the role, and if others on the site are to be believed this has been coming for a while. I unashamedly love Parkie to bits, he's a feckin rottweiler, that would give our lads a right and well needed boot up the erse! I'm not saying he's blameless, but at the Sponsors night CC commented on what a support DP had been for him. I think this resignation was decided on off-the-pitch matters - that's just my thoughts though.
  4. I know, I know - but I can dream can't I! Did you see him on Saturday - sprinted half way down the touchline to get the ball back so we had ever second to get an equaliser! Give me that phone, I'll ask him again! :015:
  5. No feckin way to any of them - we need to move forward - same old names being banded about! Grassa went after McCoist last time - I'm sure they've got a better Plan B than Craig Feckin Brewster! DONALD PARK FOR MANAGER He's pasionate, won't take any cr@p and knows our club inside out!
  6. Completely agree Action Man! :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03: Sorry to see Charlie go, it was a very brave decision to take on the Club he loved and manage us at the Top Level. There was a bit of a commotion in the Dug-out on Saturday - but we just put that down to a bad game! Seems early for him to go, yes we're bottom - but Aberdeen and Hearts are down there with us FFS! I wish him all the very best in the future! Will be interesting to see if they let him move into another position within the club. Hopefully, this doesn't mean we'll lose Parkie - he'd be my first choice to take over - I'd personally be extremely gutted if he left! :009:
  7. Why not give it to Parkie!!!! He's no puppet, and has more passion in his little finger than some players have in their whole body! DONALD PARK FOR MANAGER - HE DESERVES IT- HE WON'T TAKE ANY CR@P! I'd be disappointed if we did go for Robbo or Brewster - definite step backwards, we need to move forward. DP has the experience to do that for us!
  8. ICT SUPPORTERS TRUST RACE NIGHT Friday 28th September Caley Thistle Social Club 7pm onwards ?3 per ticket Buffet and Disco after...bring your dancing shoes (bowling shoes will do Johndo). Should be a right giggle - hope you can all make it! Please contact myself for further details. Mrs PB x (Admin - can you do sticky please)
  9. Liam Keogh runs so fast, he runs just like a rocket. I don't know where his batteries are - perhaps their in his pocket!
  10. It's more frustration than anything else, you watch him, cheer him on, then it all becomes a calamity again! I've got my reservations about this call up, if he's playing shockingly and getting called up it's bad news. It'll give him false hope, and he'll just get slaughtered again, which in the long term will do him no good! I don't think he's of SPL quality, he needs to drop down, learn his trade, then maybe when he's tougher give it another go. He needs to get hungry again, remember what it was like to sit on the bench and want to play. Start chasing balls instead of just giving up all the feckin time! I don't know where everyone gets this idea that's he's blasting them in at Reserve games - he was sh*te against Rangers Reserves. I agree with Caley100, he's had more than enough chances to shine, time to take stock and try a new way. It ain't working!
  11. It's never dull with Rory around!
  12. Liam Keogh is very famously "blessed" in the trouser department!
  13. Surprising to say the least! Good luck to him. Hopefully he'll knuckle down a bit now, lose the "big man attitude" and live up to the potential others seem to see.
  14. It seems we were unlucky not come away with a point from Motherwell, but I'm just wondering if perhaps better opposition pre-season might make the team a bit sharper and better prepared to take on the rest of the SPL? I know we've lost Dods, and Caff and Munro haven't had a chance to gel together yet. But....this time last year we'd played Sheffield United and been given a bit of a game, which was a huge wake up call. This season we've gone to Clach...County....Elgin....and whilst that's great for fitness, it doesn't give Charlie the chance to test people against real opposition. I know that local friendlies are perhaps the nice easy cheap option for the club, but I really think that next year we should have at least one major competitive game. Obviously it's Barry's testimonial year, so hopefully big guns will be attracted to a wee trip up north. Yes, competitive matches can lead to injury, but IMHO the advantages far outway the disadvantages! The team would be ready and gunning for the first game. This year, we've had to experiment, so the team aren't as settled and gelling as it could be. If we'd played better opposition, I think Charlie would have been able to weed out a few folk early instead of during the season. Your thoughts?
  15. Who's going? 2 x PB's 2 x Gringo's
  16. I watched that too, either someone desperately trying to win some pals in the SPL, or a genuine compliment...feck it, I say we accept it as a compliment! :015: Did you also see Mr Derry City heaping praise on ICT - that man wants his old job back - BIG TIME! :blah01:
  17. :015: - I'm saving it all for Strachan!!!! :015:
  18. If I performed in my job like Rory does in his, I'd have been got shot of long ago!!! They charge us to watch that "entertainment" - we are entitled to our opinon! Sadly, I don't think Rory will be making anyone eat humble pie - but time will tell eh!
  19. What a guy, I remember watching him once in a cup game, he absolutely blasted past two quite hefty defenders, straight through the pair of them. They both just had this "what the feck was that" look on their face! The man was a tank! Shame it didn't work out! Good luck Keogh! :clapping03:
  20. How was the Clach game Maimie? That Social Club seems to be a hellva place to get out of!!!! :015:
  21. Few of us meet up and went to see Gaberlunzie in Blackfriars on Friday - absolutely superb! :clapping03: :021: :clapping03: Highly recommend you go if you get the chance. Mrs PB
  22. Charlie wanted "big changes"...just giving him an option! :015:
  23. Sorry Chibber, I don't buy it - he can't cut it, it's cruel to keep him in the team!
  24. After the result today, I can't see it being Duncan or Hart. Duncan can provide protection to our very shaky defence, and Hart created when he came on today. Recent events have given him a real chance to rise above it, show some maturity and get stuck into his game. My money would be on Morgan or Paatelainen
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