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Mrs Pauliebee

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Everything posted by Mrs Pauliebee

  1. Just tuned over - Jeeez Michael Thomas is a fat bar steward now eh! Shall I start...... Jimmy Calder
  2. :015: :015: :015: !this like are threads when it love, banter great
  3. If that shot had gone in at Ibrox - goal of the feckin season! Frustrating yes, but there's a lot worse in the team - eh Rory!
  4. You never know, as LG has previously said, 1 month is a very specific amount of time - why not until the end of the season? Maybe it's to get him match fit, so CC can put him in his plans last few games?
  5. Happy Monday's are playing the Ironworks - Tuesday 22nd May! Shaun Ryder in Inverness - how cool is that! Just bought my tickets! Can't wait!
  6. Thought it might be interesting to take a poll - Dods or Caff? You decide.........
  7. Mrs Pauliebee


    Maybe worth a wee poll? Dods or Caff? My vote would be Caff.
  8. First time at Ibrox - what a corker! Chant of the Season when Sebo came on, group of wee neds started to chant, turned round to taunt us, only to find out it was us that was chanting "SEBOOOOOOOOOOOO!". Que much confusion around Ibrox - superb! :022: Particularly liked the parting "We are the people" back at em too! Superb day - Wilson was top class when he came on! What a difference he made! What a shot by Russelldinho too! Them blue boots are defintely working! :015: May also force CC to let Caff keep his place, and build the defence up for next season. Although, a red card at Ibrox may not be the way The Machine had wanted to end his Caley days, he would be the first to tell you the team comes first, we need to grasp this opportunity!
  9. Bless him - Zander looks like all his Christmas's have come at once! :015:
  10. Superb night - Well Done LG - when's the next one! :016:
  11. A severe dressing down was undoubtly needed after the Pars game, but the way in which he's done it smacks of insecurity to me - "you're not performing for me, you're not listening to me, it's my ball, I'm off home, you're b*ggared now". Surely it must be in his head that he's getting replaced, very strange thing to come out with if not. I've always been behind CC, not an easy job to do, especially with so much pressure from being a "local lad". I have questioned some of his methods though. I hope he doesn't go, but would question that if he is in the reigns for another season, he needs to work on his PR. Hiding from Fans will just make them mad, we pay the wages, we're entitled to our tuppence worth, as long as it's done reasonably, no-one no matter what they do should put up with abuse. If you hide from folk though, you just stoke the fire! Makes him look arrogrant!
  12. :015: :015: :015: Was he walking in a straight line though?
  13. I guess it depends where you personally draw the line, I'm 30 but would never even say bl**dy infront of my Mum - she's very religious and a wee stick of dynamite - I'd never hear the end of it. I don't swear at work either, and I hate it when people swear first thing in the morning! However, Football is my release, for 90 mins I can shout my lungs out and go through every emotion possible. We sit beside an elderly couple and believe me their language is worse than mine, but I'm still respectful of them. I know where the boundaries are. We sit together at every home game, and try to all get along. Away matches are a completely different kettle o' fish. It's a chance for the "singing section" that are usually seperated out at TCS to get together. If you've been to a few footie matches, you generally know where to sit. This woman moved her family up the top beside all the boys, her kids were loving the atmosphere and singing along. It's a bit rich to enjoy the atmosphere people are making, then complain about the content afterwards. If you don't like it how about singing your own songs to drown it out! :016:
  14. Something happened at the Killie game that has really quite rattled me. :008: :008: :008: One of the more "controversial" members of the old board, was asked to refrain from using the word "Homo" from a lady sitting in front, as there were kids around. Ermmmmm - it's a football match not the Opera love! You'll hear much worse from the dug-out! I understand that parents want to protect their kids, but surely they hear much worse in the playground? Indeed, they probably say much worse in the playground themselves! If you don't want to hear "such language" move the **** away from boys that chant at the back. In a rather glorious moment, her own son stood up 10 minutes after and shouted "FCUK OFF" to the Killie Main Stand - was he reprimanded - off course not! Charlie is calling for fans to get behind the team and make some noise, it's **** hard to encourage people to do that when the friggin Sweetie Wrapper brigade stick their oars in! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  15. Careful, we'll get use to this type of intellectual debate on the board! :015: :021:
  16. "So whats the answer? You suggested above that the boy in question be taken in to care, the cost of which would be met from public money (i.e. Taxes), yet you grudge your taxes being used to help this woman." Absolutely, each individual case is different, and I didn't say put the Kid into care. I personally think he needs to go to a Fat Camp, if you don't nip it in the bud now and change it, he'll just get even bigger. £5000 a week is too much money to spend on a woman who is not helping herself. As you say there are many reasons for a person being Morbidly Obese, but at the end of the day, they have to want to help themselves and put the effort it to, she had already been successful and lost weight, then the minute she was left on her own, she panicked and put it all back again. Are you saying we should pay £5000 every week for her to lose 30+ stone? I've watched several documentaries on this subject, the people are often so stuck in their ways, they can't see the damage they do to themselves, "I hardly eat" (que camera panning to several pizza boxes disgarded beside the bin!). I'm all for treating Obesity, but I think people have to prove they are ready to and want to lose the weight before hefty (excuse the pun!) budgets are spent on it. I think to have a gastric bypass you have to lose acertain amount of weight yourself before they will accept you. Maybe they should have a ruling about putting people on these programs too?
  17. Weighting to Die Think about this one then...should I pay taxes to send this woman to £5000 a week treatment? Hasn't she done this to herself? It didn't help her the first time, she just piled it all back on!
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