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07: Moderators
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Everything posted by RiG

  1. RiG

    John Rankin

    Does Bayne ever get a chance when he has 2 defenders on him after the opponents have sussed out our game plan after 30 seconds? I agree. The guy is obviously really low on confidence and you could tell that from his miss yesterday. Apparently he was one of our best players last weekend as well! Again - totally agree. If we persist with long ball there is no need for midfielders in our system.
  2. Suprised no one else has mentioned this yet. Did anyone else think that when De Vries came to claim a cross that he deliberately stamped on Munro as he came down? Now I know it would have been hard to avoid Munro to an extent but he made absolutely no effort to try and not stamp on Grant while he was on the ground. I am also pretty sure I saw him actually look down at him then planted his boot onto Munros leg/torso. Thoughts please :003: Also Dods, apparently he got thumped in the face by a flying elbow and had to get stitches in his face?
  3. Aside from two decisions I thought he was okay actually! :010:
  4. One of them has been swept off her feet recently... :004:
  5. :015: Is that from the Scotsmans briefing thing that is sent out every week?
  6. I get in before and after games.
  7. That's certainly what I got from CCs comments as well. Now I have to say that it is impossible to get from Aberdeen to Inverness in time for this game. There is one train just after 5 which won't be enough. Most folk still won't be able to get that due to finishing work at half 5 either. Scotrail have already said that there isn't enough time to arrange extra trains or delay the late train from Inverness. That train is packed enough with commuters already. The Stagecoach bus is useless. Four hours to get between Sneck and Dire. By car you are looking at 3 hours at least given that it takes 45 minutes to an hour to get out of Aberdeen in the rush hour. I guess half days/sickies are called for? I now have to find a pub in Aberdeen showing the game that will allow 'Home' fans to watch it and hopefully not get my head kicked in while watching it. The joy.
  8. RiG

    Lee Trevino

    I thought that Hart did allright yesterday. He won the ball back if he lost it on numerous ocassions. Plus you have to remember he was being employed as a left midfiedler yesterday then had to play in the other 3 midfield positions as it became clear that every ICT midfielder had a 'free role' for the game.
  9. Got to agree with that. I am suprised to hear people say that they thought we played well. We were utterly dire until the 88th minute when we actually decided to try and score. It's not a case of being hard to please it's simply a case of us not creating the chances and our lead up play was rubbish. Agree with the comments on the midfield. Every player there seemed to be able to run wherever they wanted - there appeared to be no apparent structure to the midfield. Communication on the park also seemed poor and was something Black mentioned in the programme. This was best exemplified by Tokley losing the ball passing it one way and Wilson running the other. It was a fantastic save. I don't think the players look as fit under Brewster as they do now. We used to harry and press the opposition and somehow the guys still looked full of energy. Not so nowadays, Furthermore, I'd be suprised if anyone thinks that CC plays better football than CB. That s not to say that we were playing better football under CB but I have noted people in the past saying that CCs style is more passing than long ball. I've yet to see it. Agree with most of that except Dods. Tokley was getting turned inside out by Morrison (?) on numerous ocassions and his hasty cleaerences just gave the ball back to Dunfermline. Dods was much the same. I think he is a better tackler than Bobby Mann but I must admit now that Manns distribution was actually quite good if you look at how Dods dealt with the ball yesterday! Sutherland was a great move by CC actually. A pacey and tricky winger, he immediately unsettled the Pars right back and really started to turn the screw for us. In a strange way, although he had nothing to do with the goal, I think that substitution injected the life into the team to go on and get the goal. Probably much the same. Winning 1 - 0 doesn't disguise the fact that this was another lethargic Home performance aside from the last 3 minutes.
  10. A quick C n P from P & B ---------------------- What a relief to get our first home win since 460 BC but in truth it was another dire performance yet again. Hopeless long balls up to Bayne, ridiculously slack passing from our players and simply all round garbage for 88 minutes. The suddenly we drew 2 great saves from De Vries and it looked like it would end 0 - 0 but, as I returned from the toilet, I saw Tokley at the edge of the box score the winner which looked (side on) to take a massive deflection past the keeper. Really not much else to note. Dunfermline were dire as well but in my opinion we were even worse. Barry Wilson played well today I thought. Certainly looked to be our best player. De Vries could (and should) have walked for a disgusting stamp on Munro. As he came out to claim the ball Munro (I think) looked to have been bundled over and De Vries planted his leg right on him. He seemed to make no effort to not stamp on him, if anything actively trying to do so. Rankin had a glorious chance to score when put through but the guy is lacking confidence and never got his shot away while under pressure. Callum Murray had an allright game despite what some ICT fans seemed to think. Probably should have had a penalty when MacAllister was dragged back inside the box but not to be on that ocassion. Great to get a win but it doesn't disguise the fact that we were generally useless yet again. Forgot to mention that Xander Sutherland came on and he looked really useful. His pace and directness were great qualities to be able to bring on late on and he skinned the Pars right back on a couple of ocassions. Fingers crossed for him as he looks a good one for the future ------------------------------------
  11. RiG


    Yes. I need a job and CC can go back to managing the Lottery and I can take over :015:
  12. Why doesn't it surprise me that my good friend Harold was involved in this!? To be fair all Kev did was protest at Garys throwing out which, and I'm sure he won't mind me saying this, probably was deserved. Then Kev was thrown out and as he was led down the stairs he appeared to wave and blow kisses to the Hearts fans and generally make light of the fact he was being ejected while he was being abused by the Home fans.
  13. Exactly my point in the original thread. They do absolutely nothing about the Old Filth and their 'songs' yet will happily go right for one of the diddy clubs and pick on them.
  14. This is a complete joke. I trust then that they will ban the Hearts fans that called us inbred sheep shaggers? We were warned about our conduct by the stewards and any time Hearts scored it was the usual baiting from them. Did the Stewards do anything about the home fans? Did they f'ck! Much easier to pick on the small number of Away fans. Who decides on or reports these banning orders anyway? How do you complain about them?
  15. RiG


    I have an intense dislike for Gretna based on the utter tit they have in charge - think McCall with extra arrogance - and they fact they honestly think that they are 'living the dream' without spending shedloads of money to get players in. Some quotes from another Gretna thread; Alexander claims that what happens on the park is down solely to him and his management with no interference from Brooks. Well Rowan, you are getting utterly shagged again tonight so what is the excuse going to be? Players not listening to you like they did in the Derry game? This is the same man who wrote Derry off before the first leg thinking Gretna would cruise, got thumped and was lambasted by Tosh in the papers over the next few days. He is happy to take the praise but regularly sulks when they lose and seldom gives interviews. Gretna would be nothing without Brooks cash but I don't mind that. So would we without the massive injections from Tulloch. What I do mind is the rubbish they spout about players coming to Raydale to work with RA which they clearly aren't and also how good a manager RA really is. Take away the cash and Greta would still be in the 3rd Division and RA would have been sacked long ago. In fact without the cash they would have become bankrupt after 1 season in the SPL. Their success is soley based on offering ridiculous wages to players like Livi did and the way they claim that it isn't is pathetic. The fact that their wage budget in Div 2 was greater than all the teams in Div 3 and Div 2 tells its own story. I haven't got a problem with County. I don't even consider them our 'Derby' team anymore. I will gladly support them over Gretna and hope they do well in the Cup. As for the illness thing it's a shame BM is ill but Eddie Thomson isn't very well at the moment either. I doubt any ICT fan cared about that over the summer with all the transfer goings on.
  16. Gary McSwegan. They should sell Tiger!
  17. I think you have called that pretty much spot on!
  18. Agree with those points. McBain and Wilson appeared to swap wings at one point and everyone knows Roy has no right foot so any time he got the ball wide right he had to turn around to get it back on his left and slowed the attack. We were so poorly organised it was unbelievable. Falkirk on the other hand had 3 or 4 players right on our guys every time they had the ball. And as I have said already - we only have one game plan. After that we are stuck. Long ball f'ck off!
  19. Note to ICT Staff - if you set ticket prices at ridiculous levels like you did for tonights game then you will get rubbish crowds like you did for tonights game.
  20. I'm sorry but it wasn't 'one of these nights'. Why did we only look interested in scoring after we went one nil down? There is no point whatsoever in trying valiantly for the last 10 minutes when the previous 80 have been turgid pish showing no creativity whatsoever. A completely ghastly performance and I really can't see any postives to come from tonight. Even the pie I got was rubbish as well. Not one ICT player can come out of that game (aside from Brown) and think they did a good job. Our tactic of 'punt the ball to Bayne and see what happens' was woefully ineffective. Can we not pass it? Can we not retain posession? Why do we fell the need to leather the ball back to Falkirk at every given chance? And Falkirk were mince as well. We just happened to be about 10 times worse than they were.
  21. I hope crazy shouty manny is in the North Stand tonight! :015:
  22. Falkirk fans on P & B claim less than 100 to make the journey up. Not even sure if there is a bus heading up.
  23. RiG

    Whats going on??

    No you are quite correct. However this is what you said in your initial post No mention there of anything to do with the number of league goals scored by Bayne. Sop do you think that simply because he ins't scoring he should be taken out of the team? His hard work and graft is setting up half our chances as we persist with this long ball rubbish. As long as we do that then Bayne has to start - it really is that simple. I am also pretty sure that some of the lads got annoyed with Dargo losing the ball quite often in the final third as he attempted to pull off Ronaldinho style flicks so it's not like Dargo can be overly critical of his team mates. Mind who it was who moved offside and scored for us when he should really have looked along the line? It's easy to criticise of course but it's unfair to single out Bayne. I agree with this. I still think RT looks off the pace and he seemed to be very sluggish on Saturday and had the turning circle of a battleship when Conway skinned him for the 15th time.
  24. Yeah its the price for adults that I'm moaning (shock!) about. £15? Come on ICT - get real! £5 for kids is fantastic though.
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