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Everything posted by ICTFCkev

  1. What was being sung by our fans that was offensive?
  2. Nickname among the players because he looks Spanish apparently, so they called him Pedro and now Pedz.
  3. For those who weren't there yesterday here's a wee piccy from the Hibs end.. Pretty sure there was 4 or 5 of Lothian and Borders finest standing at the top each stairway at one point though.
  4. How on Earth is being on the bench going to help him improve?
  5. Wasn't so confident that Riordan would miss, but thought Rooney would definitely score. What a relief it was to see the Hibs pen rattle the inside of the post and across the goal, we were lucky yesterday. No doubt about it.
  6. When I asked will they be so quick to tell all the Old Filth fans to sit down I was told 'No, there's too many of them.' It is a complete joke, but that's what we are faced with, being a wee team with a wee support. Simply just makes an easy target for these tubes to pick on.
  7. Would never happen, then we'd have noone there to support the team and create an atmosphere. Maybe consider it if we were already a couple of goals up, but yesterday at 1-0 down the team needed us to get behind them. Johndo was down trying to reason with stewards at HT, who then decided he had been inciting others to stand up. Despite him turning round and telling folk to sit down all the time. Okay so it may have been sarcastic, but still there was absolutely no need for throwing him out. Numerous other lads were chucked out throughout the game aswell, just for standing. It was a complete and utter joke, and I made a point of making sure they knew about it, along with a couple of others who went ot try and have a word with them during the 2nd half. To which the responses I got were: Do you want to be the next? And It's were job. Complete and utter jobsworths, who ruined an otherwise brilliant away day.
  8. Hmm, should be in Edinburgh for 11.15 so plenty time to find a pub for pre-match beverages, if the Iona is only open to home fans.
  9. I dunno why but since I posted Jonny Hayes name, I've been wishing I said Eric will do something at Hibs tomorrow, just a weird hunch.
  10. Feel a lot more excited by that line up than I did on Friday. As much as I like the boy, I'm glad Robson isn't starting tonight. So many free-kicks we had first half which were wasted by him, and his delivery was awful. Mon the Scotland!
  11. Same as RiG for me, ta. Have a green dotty.
  12. Good signing to add a bit of much needed depth to the squad. Good work.
  13. Awesome place, and a crackin' wee set up they have going there. A lot of other clubs could learn a lesson from the Fish Sh***ers.
  14. Good times.. Pretty sure it was proving a point to the over zealous, PowerPuff stewards at United IIRC.
  15. Iona it is then.. What time will most folk be heading there? My train gets into Waverley about 11.15, then due to be meeting Nod, LoyalArmy and a couple of others. Looking forward to a few drams and a wee singsong now.
  16. As nothing seems to have been confirmed, except a few it seems going to Iona Bar. Whereabouts will everyone be going for some pre-match beverage consumption on Saturday? Would be good if we could get a lot of people to meet in the same place for some drinks, craic and ICT karaoke. Suggestions?
  17. Joined on 13th May 07, the day after the 'Section A' game against the Pars. First post was in response to a certain IHE, who of course I had no idea about names and faces on this site whatsoever, about Hooliganism and I was soon taught a wee lesson in the definition of sarcasm. Have put a few names to faces on the site since then, and had some really enjoyable away days in the past few years as well. All in all see it is a great place to voice your opinions, and try have a little bit of a laugh meanwhile. Kudos to the Mods and Admin who, despite a couple of minor arguments, do do a crackin' job in the running of the site, and long may it continue.
  18. Just seen what's on P & B, cringeworthy stuff from Andy to be honest.
  19. Your 'patter' is getting extremely tiresome. DC's fishing attempts are laughable as well.. Good effort. Nail was firmly hit on the head with Taffy's picture though.
  20. Aye it doesn't help at the moment that we've got 2 small wingers who just get crowded out and it's far too easy to defend against. Got to get someone launching the ball into the box when it's deep in their territory.
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