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Everything posted by metalgecko

  1. Paul Rodgers. Free / Bad Company. Also toured with Queen recently
  2. Jimmy Glass and Carlisle United. Was that the beginning of their slide? Carlisle keeper Glass scored in injury time on last day of season to save Carlisle from relegation and put Scarborough down.
  3. There are always bargains to be had. Being a Carlisle Ud fan look at Karl Hawley for example. Always been in the lower leagues but now just joined Preston in Championship. Scored 47 goals in 118 games for Carlisle. He was also on loan at Raith Rovers a few seasons ago and scored 9 in 26 games. Nothing wrong with going to a lower league for a player. You quite often get a young talent that is determined to show what he can do and outperforms any so called better name from a bigger league.
  4. CB. Edward 1. I know. Why did I say Richard? Call it nightshift blues !!!!! :029:
  5. There is a connection to Richard 1, Hammer of the Scots, who stayed in Elgin on his "North Tour". Elgin became a visit for following Kings who were quite taken with the place so perhaps that may be a reason for the English spelling.
  6. Art is a wonderful thing that pleases and angers so many. It brings out the most basic of human instincts yet at the very same time makes a person reach into the very depths of their being for a new emotion and reaction. Challenging, simple, interesting, plain, thought provoking, beautiful, ugly, dynamic or ridiculous? Next years Turner prize is to be awarded to a work that truly encapuslates many of these factors. It follows all the works that have won the award in previous years and keeps to the very same standard. The artist hoped to capture the most basic of human functions in a modern, idiosyncratic approach. The artist has named the work " Faecal Power". I prefer to call it just **** !
  7. Is it the case if a player is under 24 years the club is entitled to compensation?
  8. Steven Crainey now released by Leeds? Decent player but how much would he cost?
  9. metalgecko

    Collin Samuel

    Back to Falkirk for him.
  10. Should be a cracker. Ideally what I want is Gretna and County level at 1-1 St. J 0-0. Airdrie losing 1-0. Happy faces at Dingwall until the 88th minute when St. J score, Airdrie score. The perfect day. County go down and St. J go up wiping that arrogant smile of Rowan Alexanders face
  11. If St. J don't go up would Peter MacDonald be worth a look at? Handy player. Ideally I'd like Jason Scotland but that aint gonna happen.
  12. George Adams on announcing Leitch as County manager
  13. He has been nicknamed "The Lava Lamp" as when he moves, every bit of him goes in a different direction!
  14. David Taylor - Head of SFA Does he have a clue? I hope I'm wrong. Maybe I misheard as I would like to have a little more faith in him, but did he say last night during the draw that Celtic were the cup holders? I'm sure I remember Hearts beating Gretna last year! Says a lot for his grasp of the game and respect for the comp.
  15. Misty Morning Albert Bridge - The Pogues I dreamt we were standing By the banks of the thames Where the cold grey waters ripple In the misty morning light Held a match to your cigarette Watched the smoke curl in the mist Your eyes, blue as the ocean between us Smiling at me I awoke alone and lonely In a faraway place The sun fell cold upon my face The cracks in the ceiling spelt **** Turned to the wall Pulled the sheets around my head Tried to sleep, and dream my way Back to you again Count the days Slowly passing by Step on a plane And fly away Ill see you then As the dawnbirds sing On a cold and misty morning By the albert bridge
  16. Pointed out on Sunday that Strachan is a dead ringer for Chesney from Coronation street. :015: Any others?
  17. Like he say's eh. Gowser's nay gona go unlez Frankie Lampard comes in tay Falkirk.
  18. F.A.O. Mr John Collins " Hibs. The greatest pub team in the world". Who is it next week John? Home to the Waterfront Bar?
  19. Big argument about whether it is a class divide or a racist incident. It's pretty clear cut really. The legal definition of a racist incident is: " Any incident which is perceived by the victim or any other person to be racist" Regardless whether Shilpa now say's it wasn't racist (C4 prompting) 36,000 + people would say otherwise.
  20. I loathe Jade Goody. She has been made a millionaire for being pig ignorant and a joke figure. She cannot see that people laugh at her and not with her. Even when it is pointed out to her that being on Big Brother led her to fortune and fame (if you want to call it that) she loses the rag and fails to see the truth in it. She thinks she is a major celeb on a scale with a Hollywood star. At last she has been exposed for what she really is, a talentless, loudmouthed tramp with nothing to offer anyone other than vitriolic abuse. I look forward to her demise. If and when she is ejected from the BB house her face will be a picture as she hopes to hear her loving fans cheering her but hopefully will hear the complete opposite. Good riddance JG.
  21. If you want a big name then look no further than: Dimitrious Konstantopolous ! Hartlepool keeper who apparently wants to leave Victoria Park.
  22. McNee has to be contoversial. That is his syle. TV or Print. If he can say something that winds others up he is happy as there is more chance of him getting back on TV time and time again. The man is a *** and he knows he is a ***. He doesn't believe or agree with what he say's. He, like Mr Speirs, just wants to appear to be different.
  23. Alec Miller is a name that has not been mentioned. Maybe not for the number 1 job, but perhaps something in the background? He has an excellent reputation as a coach with Liverpool. Benitez is under a little pressure, so when the new owners take over and if things don't improve as they would like will he be on his way? Would Miller jump before he is pushed?
  24. " You know I still love ya. Don't walk away from me. We can work it out"
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