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Everything posted by tokelyisvictorious

  1. games at championship and youth internationl level. Plus he has experience in league 1 and league 2. Doesn't sound like much but compared to Wood (games against the shire and albion rovers) its a lot better.
  2. Theres no doubt the goalie helped us, but bringing on rooney and wilson enabled us to at least pose a threat up front and put in a decent ball into the box.
  3. I've now seen Wood, Barrowman and even Imrie up front this season, and none of them impressed me hugely. Rooney comes on and makes a difference in every game he plays in, last night saving a point for us and saving our blushes. He rarely starts a game, but is now our joint top-scorer. He shows good pace, finishing, positioning and ariel ability. He shows passion and has the ability to spark us to life. None of the aforementioned strikers have shown me this (apart from barrowman in the 1st game of the season) and yet they are chosen ahead of rooney every game. How long is it going to be before he gets a prolonged run up front. He is clearly a talented boy that can score goals. Barrowman and wood look lumbering and lacklustre most of the time (apart from some minor brief flashes). Adam provides at least some mobility, and looks for the ball whenever he can. PLAY ROONEY AND WE ARE A MUCH MUCH BETTER TEAM.
  4. disappointing first half but that was because key players were not performing ie cowie, duncan and hastings, and not because brew was completely off with his team selection or tactics. I admit i wasn't particualrly happy with the 4-5-1 at the start, but Brew started with the exact same team that beat hibs (so far our best result of the season). IMO wood is not experienced enough yet to play up front on his own, he can't hold the ball for toffee, and thats what he is supposed to be doing as a lone striker. For a big boy, he doesn't offer much of a physical presence. But credit to brewster for chanigng things at half time, and if that proves anything it should be that Roooooneeeey should start every game he can; he adds pace, finishing and awareness, all areas where wood lacks somewhat. Whether barrowman or imrie or wood partners him should be left for brew to find out, but he is now our joint top scorer despite only starting a couple of games so far. Also, bring barry on more often. It pains me to see dougie swing pish cross after pish cross into the box. Their keeper was bad, but not that bad. All in all a point won and not two points lost. BRING ON THE JAMBO's. a 2-0 win for us my prediction.
  5. I'm sure he'll win you over. ;^)
  6. never been in foyers but i'm sure its better than hull. Look forward to your first summary of your first match. By the way, don't want to spark anything up again, but are you pro-brew (they are slowly disappearing) or anti-brew?
  7. I could easily see cowie at the top, he's a class act and is only getting better. Maybe just another year at our illustrious club and he may be ready for his one major career move.
  8. gonna be at the falkirk game marko?
  9. Don't mean to brag but i actually set that picture up for cultzeros. Saw their advert in the back of 4-4-2 and emailed them, they asked me for a picture and i cut one out of a match programme. Ordered it in yellow (to get noticed on the highlights of course) and even got it signed by the big man!! Best thing i have ever bought and good value. Also, the name tokelyisvictorious hails from the shirt as i rather sadly got the same phrase written on it. wonder what roscoe was thinking when he had to sign it?
  10. surely ict would stay alive in some form or another? cam't imagine it ever happening when you look at livingston and dundee both being in HUGE debts and carrying on. We would need to spend like crazy to catch up with the likes of them.
  11. i wasn't at the game but i've seen a couple of photos, what was the celebrations like? Many fans? Decent reaction?
  12. yep, we need a win against falkirk to make this one really count, we could be looking at ourselves 6 points clear of the bottom.
  13. A great win, and everyone seems to have forgotten about the rangers match at last. Brewster got his tactics spot on and played to our strengths. No player could be faulted for effort, and i can't remember the last time that a team won with so much conviction as we did today. still want brew gone? nah didn't think so...
  14. Him as manager, Bullock in goals, Richie Hart in midfield and joey barton up front would make the perfect 'rehab' squad.
  15. How about ghandi as coach, paul daniels as player-manager and buddha as head scout. Not one of these managers mentioned would do anything differently or better than Brew has done. Not one of them can perform miracles, but Brew can keep us up. But, if i had to choose a serious candidate it would be steve paterson, a drunk but a genius.
  16. What would all of these anti-brewster posters done different yesterday then??? Signed the entire man utd squad and paid off the referee?? There was no chance we were going to get anything. Brewster has put together a squad that WILL stay up this season, and that alone means that he should stay. I know now that i will get attacked for "not having ambition that has got this club where it is today" but this year is the hardest yet, and certainly the most competitive SPL season ever. With fans like the ones posting today there is no wonder players don't stick around, they cannot win.
  17. Honestly i don't mind if anyone doesn't like brewster any more, as long as they don't forget that if they are attacking him and abandoning going to games then they are abandoning the team and the club. \there are other ways to get a point across but the worst is not truning up to give a boost to the players.
  18. HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH someone on the same prescription as me
  19. Not saying we should rely on the rub of the green, but look at the motherwell game. Wood through on goal and an unlucky ricochet means than motherwell go up the other end and score a good goal. That changes the game completely. If we had scored from that chance, like i'm sure we would have had that bounce not occured, then the 3 points owuld have been safe. As it was we lost thanks to a wonder goals from Bob Malcolm. Small margins, and soon they will turn in our favour. Its the same wth the falkirk game. If the players didn't want to play, then there is something wrong with their attitude and they should be hooked.
  20. sounds like a man who is truly disappointed with a wretched performance and a man ready to lead us out of this slump. no, i'm not on drugs. is there anyone else who agrees with me??
  21. rangers: a team with 100 times the transfer budget, 100 times the wage budget and 100 times the fanbase. Hardly a disgrace or a sackable offence if we lose to them. Granted it wasn't pretty and we deserved to lose by more, but its only one game out of the entire season so far that we've lsot convinvingly. Its a mix of optimism, realsim, common sense and loyalty. I take it in small doses after each game, but recently i've been taking them on a daily basis and especially after seeing this and various other anti-brewster topics springing up.
  22. i have the perfect man for the ict job.. hes a young talented manager that has a good knowledge of football, believes in blooding the youth, a shrewd man in the transfer market and stands for attractive passing football (well this season at least). drumroll please..... Its Craig Brewster!!!!!!!
  23. or a team without the right attitude. certain players should be chopped ie roscoe (sorry but hes a bit of a liabilty now) and hastings (can't mark, won't mark and doesn't mark). These two may be stalwarts but if we keep playing them they'll be stalwarts leading us to the first division.
  24. Brewster should not go. He is a good manager, and is the best man for the job right now (narring crazy ideas). Bring back john robertson? Thats just taking the p*ss. Brew has not been getting the rub ofthe green needed to win games in the spl, but we have been playing attractive football. As soon as we win one game, we'll go on another run of being unbeaten; its what always happens. Realistically we had very little chance of taking anything from todays game, and the result shouldn't be a surprise. The performance was disappointing but now everyone should forget about it and move on to the hibs game.
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