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Everything posted by super1ct

  1. I know folk cant move to sit together but most folk will be sitting with their mates anyway so if groups of 4 say start singing they will encourage others around them to join in as well. Think back to that day in Ayr when the away end was packed, everyone joined in, not just the so called 'singing section'. Okay it was a celebration that day but once we go a couple of goals up surely the fans will be just as happy? Don't think just cos country organised a singing section that we have to do the same, lets just show all of our support will get involved. An away game is such a great atmosphere anywhere you go so if folk turn up who don't usually get involved, maybe they get caught up in the occasion and join in. Either that or everyone can just moan moan moan ....
  2. Surely its actually better that there isn't a singing section and everyone who says they want to sing are spread out cos that way the whole away end will be bouncing and not just one tiny section??? Getting a good atmosphere at away games has never been a problem so don't really know what the fuss is about
  3. I don't understand how anyone can really try defend the team here to be honest. Yes Celtic had some good players but that has never stopped us from giving it a go in the past! If I am honest losing by two goals isn't that bad and certainly not the end of the world but never have i seen such a lack of effort on our part. Last week at Hearts, Warren and King were throwing themselves in the way of shots and you could sense the boys were up for a fight. It seems today that the team were scared of Celtic from the word go! This is where it is Butcher's fault for me cos he should get the team believing they can hold their own! I will not start the nonsense of Butcher out cos it ain't going to happen and I also believe that he will turn things around for us. But for right now he needs to stop being so stubborn and drop underperforming players from the next game to give the young guys, who wear their heart on their sleeve, a chance!
  4. I have to say I don't think either Foran or Hayes should be fined cos it shows a passion for the club. If we were winning comfortably and that happened then there's issues but I am quite pleased to see how much both wanted the win. Dire game but right result so our roll to hampden continues
  5. Tade is a great player and with his work rate he reminds of what a great job Grame Bayne did for us. He works his ass off and always gets himself in great positions so imo if butcher finds someone to join him up front who can finish the chances that Tade creates, i.e a rooney or a dargo, then we'll start banging them in. We are playing great footie but just haven't been getting the results so folk can moan but I am really looking forward to seeing what this team can achieve once everyone settles!
  6. I think we'll miss him but good luck to him because he was a great player for us and deserves to finish his career well! I don't get why there has to be some conspiracy though, surely Terry may just think that grant may not be what he's looking for. As an ex top class centre-back if Terry says he's not what he's after then thats good enough for me until its proven otherwise. As I said though, good luck to Grant and thanks for all you have done for this club
  7. I'll probably get slated but i think he deserved his red there. Yeah it wasnt serious violence but if you decide to bash someone you take the risk that they'll fall and if a referee just see's this out the corner of their eye then the only guilty party is Duncan. He should know better by now so I think he let himself down there. I would still love for him to get a run out in the next game though as I feel its deserved after all he has done for this club
  8. How about all those people who say we should buy more weather protection put their hands in their pockets and donate it to the club seeing as you get so annoyed by it all? Its all well and good saying this shouldnt have happened but unitl a suitable solution is found all this thread is, is moaning!!!! Yeh its a pain but things happen so frankly man up and get on with it
  9. The linesman will make their call but they are there to help the referee. If the referee feels he had a clear view of the situation then he can make his own call. The linesman are not experienced so will not be as sharp as you want. Watching the premiership you see great referee's which makes scottish fans want the same is but the truth is the better the league, the better the refs so until the league improves then it'll be same old! When you watch neutral games you dont tend to notice the ref's and surprisingly no-one was complaining when we were winning ... yeah we've not been playing great right now but lets not lower ourselves to the old firm standard by blaming refs
  10. At the end of the day this season is already been a huge success and just staying up is a huge achievement for the club. We went on such a blinder of a run at the start of the year that I think a few people have maybe set the expectations a bit too high. Yes I hope we finish in the top and yes i believe we can do it but just remember where we where this time two years ago!
  11. Rooney owes the club nothing because he has played superbly for us so surely that is payment enough. I know fans would love to believe we will keep great players like rooney and hayes etc. but as with all clubs of a similar size, its great business to get in young players to increase their ability and sell them on for profit. I would love to see him stay as i feel he could earn us a top six spot with is worth far more than his transfer cos not only is it more money but its also a selling point to get to new players in. While some here may feel its a slight inconvience for them, remember this is his life and a wrong decision could set him back years so lets give him a break and just see what happens!
  12. While i agree with the opening post, there wasnt any complaining when the players were getting the results so lets not start accusing players of this and that because they are the reason we are doing so well this season. Just remember where we were this time last year and take a reality check!!!!
  13. As much as i agree with the sentiment, if we won the scottish cup with rooney winning a soft penalty would we all say the other team deserved to win? Its not okay when its against you but when decisions going for us i dont see posts started about how the ref was bias towards us. Watch the ref in a neutral game without your caley bias glasses on and you'll see the ref's do alright. Some folk on here really need a reality check!!!!
  14. Calum Murray was just apologising for the mistake he made which takes a fair amount of balls due to recent events. The rest of the game he wasnt great but if we wern't playing the old firm that would be put down to an off day on the ref's part. The sooner folk stop berating the ref's and let them just get on with their job the better in my opinion. Also can you truthfully say that when you commit some sort of mistake at work you decide to phone customers to detail your wrong decisions .... I think not!! Internally mistakes will be discussed so let them deal with it and just enjoy watching the great football we're playing
  15. All this nonsense about the ref's needs to stop. Surely if he really wanted rangers to win he would have given that penatly for handball against cox ... I dont think either were a penalty but at the end of the day a mistake is a mistake so how about we get our feet back on the ground and be delighted with a draw against last year's SPL champions. I think everyone needs a reality check cos i for one was delighted with the performance on the boys and think it was a superb result
  16. I really want him too and i think he will sign a new contract with the club. Still think he will leave in the summer but that hopefully if he does we get some money for him. As much as people say dont move for the money, footballers dont have a career into their 50's so they need to find the balance between money and football. I think we've helped rooney immensly and he'll be forever grateful but i think he's getting to the stage where he could slot into a better team and enhance his career further. Im sure butcher will give him sound advice about where to move to.
  17. Was chatting to a celtic fan at the end of the game and apparently the green bridgade have been having a feud with the club. Thats who the annoncements to remain seated where meant for. They sat for the first 20 mins so that the didnt get kicked out then all rose as one cos there's nae chance the club would kick them all out.. The rest of the fans applauded cos the green brigade are the only ones who make a noise. Have to say that our caley boys did a great job of singing until the stewards decided to shut them all up. The noise at the end of the game from all the fans was great tho and i really felt we could have got back into the game
  18. I think technology would help refs but as Caley D states its how to limit its use. My solution to this is use tennis' idea. The captain, and only the captain, of the team is allowed to ask for video replays. Each team gets three uses of the video technology. If the decision is wrong it does not count as a use. This way captains wouldnt moan about calls just to get in ref's faces and at the end of the game managers know they had the chance to check the decision. Okay it doesnt solve the problem of where to stop the game but hey thats me idea ...
  19. I too fully support the referee's in this one too. Just watch a neutral game where you have no preference about who wins and you'll see the referee is fair. I think Lennon has pushed his luck too far! His problem is he's a celtic fan and doesnt have the experience as a manager to realise how he has to act responsibly and how his actions cause many many problems. John Reid is just playing the politics card though, because say if the strike is cancelled and adam rooney goes down in the celtic box under a 50-50 challenge, how many referee's want to risk getting slated and celtic calling for them to be sacked. Its not bias in any way but with the pressure on the referee's right now I think this may count against us im afraid!
  20. As much as I would love Rooney to sign another contract, its not in his interest to sign a contract with us right now. With the form he's on he can guarantee himself a club in the summer so his agent will encourage him to hold off for a while. One of the best strikers in the league right now, not only because of his goals but also his almost impossible work ethic. He never ever stops running and pestering defences then pops up with 5 goals in 2 games. ROOOOOOOOOOONEEEEEEYYYYYY .... please stay
  21. Right its not got anything to do with away fans being better than the home fans cos the large majority of away fans also attend the home games. The difference is at home some people, rightly, who arent too interested come along for a day out. Away from home everyone appears up for joining in a song etc. This is all made more enjoyable by our unbeaten record. Personally I love the away games and I think the players show a different response to the away croud because those who got behind the team are all together. At home people are so spread out the fist pumping wouldnt have the same effect. I think terry gives such a strong reaction to the away fans because he realises how hard it is for many people to get to the games. End of rant
  22. I don't think they should be criticized because at the end of the day, all cup final's have a great atmosphere and therefore make a great day out :D . It would be cracking for the highlands to recieve more acknowledgement in the press so while I'm a ICT fan through and through, i wouldn't be upset if county won. In sayin that i would have to smile if they got humped :P
  23. While no-one knows actual figures, surely the point of this thread is just to raise discussion about possible prices :D . I dont think our irish trio will be worth a huge amount ... unless they can prove themselves in the SPL. If they are devastating as they were this season I would expect huge figures, but realistically against harder oppostion they will not run riot. I think TB has a lot of experience in this field which our previous manager's did not. I know its the board who make the decision at the end of the day, but im more hopeful with TB in our club
  24. While Imrie was a class player i always thought he was a bit of a moan. Have to say fair play to him. He left we got money then he went on to do well so fair play to the boy. Can hardly moan when we went unbeaten after he left so cant slag Butcher
  25. Those who did go on the pitch were only spurred on to do so by the players rushing towards the fans (not blaming either eagle or morrision because they deserve to celebrate). They were not sitting quietly and then had the idea that they could get the club a fine if they ran on the pitch. Right it shouldnt have happened but its entirely unfair to suggest those fans (and not so-called supporters, anyone who likes ICT is a fan!!!) entered the pitch just to cause the club problems. It was a spur on the moment thing and sorry you lying if you have never done anything in your life in the spur of the moment without thinking of the consequences. As you say your an older supporter how can you honestly say you wouldnt have done the same thing when you were their age. Doesnt stop the fact, people shouldnt be on the pitch during the game and I think people know this and wont do the same at dundee. Those who do try and go on the pitch I feel sorry for because they will have been caught up in the excitement of the day and it will end it possibly serious punishment for them. WE ARE FIRST DIVISION CHAMPIONS. LET'S JUST ENJOY OUR DAY B)
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