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Everything posted by Sorted

  1. Is it not the case that a significant long term lease is more than adequate connection and that any lease, irrespective of the which vehicle retains ownership, would be assigned accordingly?
  2. The issue for me is pretty straight forward and if I'm being honest, appears to be made more complicated than necessary by some in order to promote certain agendas. As I see it we have a major shareholder who, dependent on your viewpoint, sits in control of a business (collective term including all companies) in crisis or a potential rainbow with a huge pot of gold at the end. There can only be two scenarios. Firstly that the "crisis" scenario is true and that nobody in their right mind would want to take control and risk their cash.This is obviously a huge deterrent. Secondly the "rainbow" is true therefore any potential suitor will achieve significant gain from their purchase when all the theories come true. This is obviously an invitation. Which is it?
  3. Malpas is spot on with these comments, admire the guy for stating what a lot of his fellow/ex professionals are probably thinking. Cheers MM but should not have expected anything less from a man who viewed playing for his club and country to be an honour.
  4. Won't go, won't watch, don't care. The last bit of passion I have for my national side has finally gone as a result of the bended knee grovel to those who so disrespected our team, our supporters and ultimately our nation. The fact that our pathetic governing body and there equally pathetic CE allowed this to happen is even more infuriating. The SFA make Jack Warner and Co look like NASSA!
  5. With you on that one CD. How about we start with a nice red and black striped one?
  6. As I understand it, even when we were in the SPL, we were not paying SPL wages! How many other clubs fielded first team regulars on ?350 a week? Obviously this excludes Marius. Would also be prepared to take a wager (small one mind :024: ) that there are at least four teams in our division one with a significantly higher wage bill than ours. For me, our problem is not our wage bill but the dramatic fall in revenue from gates, corporate, TV etc we had in our SPL years.
  7. Sorted


    Fair enough Scotty, It will be murder if there is no footy this weekend and the way things are going it is going to be a financial nightmare for our club. Which newspaper do you work for? The Barking Post?
  8. How was he treated? I don't know and you do, so you obviously have the advantage.
  9. Fair comment and I agree that answers should be given pronto. Perhaps I should start a thread entitled "The Excluded: I Wanted To Invest But He Wouldn't Let Me". This would give all those would be white knights the ideal platform to enlighten us. I get tired of the "he would do this" and "he offered that" nonsense and just wish that same levels of scrutiny that we rightly demand of our custodians was applied to those would be suitors and their stalking horses. Most of the feckin answers have been posted fer feckin months - If I would invest I would want peeple running the feckin club who were clued up about running a football club and didnt look after the chosen ones and spoke to the fans and werent feckin muppets. You are right about having your own people in post and that would, like any other business transaction, follow when the transaction completes it would be fair to assume. Haven't been knocked over in the rush to come forward have we?
  10. Sorted


    Worked that bit out davie but thought I'd try to be a wee bit clever linking the rain (pishhing down) and in recognition of his/her user name, throw in the a wee bit of canine like behaviour. That'll teach me :P !
  11. Sorted


    Top post! Perhaps in canine terms, he was pishhed on from a great height? :P
  12. Fair comment and I agree that answers should be given pronto. Perhaps I should start a thread entitled "The Excluded: I Wanted To Invest But He Wouldn't Let Me". This would give all those would be white knights the ideal platform to enlighten us. I get tired of the "he would do this" and "he offered that" nonsense and just wish that same levels of scrutiny that we rightly demand of our custodians was applied to those would be suitors and their stalking horses.
  13. Sorted


    A thread about Dennis without the usual "sign him he can still do a job for us" nonsense ! Good luck to him, he'll do great.
  14. As long as Lionel can't make it we'll be sound !
  15. Have to agree with you there, Renegade. I wasn't there, so don't know first hand how bad (or otherwise) Lionel was yesterday. But most people are very quick to condemn him, indeed seem to get great delight in slagging him off at the least opportunity. I've seen Golabek live on at least four occasions this season and he has ranged from OK down to absolutely shocking (Cup final in Perth for example). He is not the answer. So, I'd agree in blooding Shinnie for the rest of the season, now that our promotion chances are nil minus. The obvious solution was allowed to go to Hamilton as TB didn't fancy him. Hastings was, for me, by far our best left back and is now playing every week in the SPL. And as Scotty point out earlier, Imrie MOM yesterday. Many of our bosses have made some strange decisions ranging from CB signing Barrowcash and LDZ to TB letting Vigurs/Wood go and giving LDZ a contract extension. By far the most bemusing to me (ok dropping Easson for Ike with five games to go last season comes close!) was allowing Dick to go and thinking that Golly, who hadn't featured for County for ages, could replace him. LB causes huge problems directly and by the chaos and uncertainty that flows through the rest of the back four driven by the constant fear of disaster!
  16. Thankfully rugby players do not try and con the officials by feigning injury with blood capsules and the suchlike :P They are such gentlemen :clapping04: Too true. You would never have a police investigation into a player losing an eye after being cowardly "gouged" (I think this is the technical term which is not applied when the same action is carried out in a Port Glasgow alleyway) out in such a well mannered respectful game!
  17. The football world is full of local, national, international businesses that have ploughed ridiculous amounts of money into "their" club. In return, they get ridiculed by some for never doing enough, constantly taken to task by conspiracy theorists who always see the "hidden agenda", reprimanded for holding back investment by other similar alleged benefactors who when push comes to shove never deliver and, on the odd occasion, a little bit of praise. I can say with full sincerity, no matter how wealthy I ever become, I will never invest (aka throw money away) on my football club. Anyone with any logic can see that for all who have ploughed into our club to date, the ridicule and financial loss far outweighs any "gains" that they make. For ever Fergus McCann there are hundreds of Simon Jordans.
  18. I've always thought that people tend to start out with ideologies and strong views from either wing, and then gravitate towards the middle as life experience shows them the downsides of their earlier principles. I remember at Tom's age putting forward the view that euthanasia should be not just optional, but mandatory, once a specified age is reached (I think 80 was the arbitrary point I deemed people to cease to be useful). It seems ridiculous now, but in centuries to come in Starchief's scenario of a changing world, who knows. Global overpopulation, rising sea levels, not enough food etc. Probably saying much the same thing as the majority of us, in Scotland, tend to start of with left of centre views as our voting history over the past 40-50 years shows. At Tom's age all I thought about were women, drink, football, Nelson Mandela and drink in that order.
  19. Reflecting on the posts since my last visit, I find myself in a state of shock. A seventeen year old boy from the Highlands in a free and frank public admission of membership of the Conservative and Unionist Party. What is the world coming to? By nature, the vast majority of us tend to become more right wing with age. Where this will leave our Black Isle friend in thirty years time is interesting. Does he become more "Adolfic" than "Camoreonesque" or does he go the whole hog become a "Blairite"? Only time will tell, but those out with the mainstream in Rosemarkie should be on their guard! Not sure Tom will feel as much at home long term as he thinks he will with Cameron and the Oxbridge gang. His clearly stated homophobic views are now not the public utterings of the higher reaches of all things conservative. They even give some of "them" important jobs now! Tom's support and encouragement for the sanctity of marriage is very much "new David". He will get top marks for pushing this one just as long as the couple involved are heterosexual, of arian ethnic background, never eaten curry and admit to at one stage having had secret admiration for Nick Griffin. Thinking further, maybe Tom really does fit it with rest of the gang. There is something very conservative and unionist (Iris Robinson anyone?) in decrying all thinks homosexual, pledging loyalty and love to your darling wife/husband whilst at the same time beasting the secret boyfriend/girlfriend/animal, in the privacy of your own second/third home whilst wearing an attire of right wing imperialism (Chelsea/Rangers strip or SS General suit are mainstream I understand). All of course, allegedly. Anyway, good luck in your voyage of discovery Tom. Liberty and freedom of expression will help you on your way.
  20. Sorted

    Mark Brown

    Being playing at Kilmarnock on loan for most of this season.
  21. A snide could comment that they have been "too professional" for a lot of the clubs the have been to. As I'm not one I won't!
  22. Yes. Well resourced, well experienced and with a top striker. Cut and dried.
  23. right lets go through these one at a time Barrowman - Cannot shoot on target to save his life. Came from County(so you can expect some flak there) who were 2nd division at the time and had a good start but then faded into obscurity and no wonder he gets flak(dont really want to say abuse) when hes on a big wage and came here with big expectations on his shoulders for which he hasnt delivered. Djebi-Zadi - Ill admit im puzzled by the flak he got. Yes i have criticised him for that god awful game he had a while back but i wasnt one of the ones that was booed him everytime he touched the ball. Tht would be the idiots at the back of Section E. Allison(and Ross aswell) - Only get some stick from fans because they are County fans playing for their local rivals. I bet you any money that Kenny Miller got a whole lot more abuse during his time at Celtic than what either of these two combined. Imrie - im not going into this for 3rd time. Read the other two thread for my OPINION Move onto the other one's now Rooney - Might aswell bring him in because at the start of the season he was getting "pikey" abuse which was more a bit of banter from a few lads in Section G but no doubt that would have been blown out of proportion. He took it on the chin and that has fizzled out now. Bulvitus - Even i gave him stick becaus the lad cant defend, only for me to eventually realise that he has been played out of position and that he is a RB not a CB. Although id rather have him up front as he seems to score a fair few. Munro - Gets abuse pretty much every home game from all over the North Stand for his apparent inability to complete a 5 yard pass. Esson, Hayes, Tokely, McBain - Probably the only players in the team that would not get a bad word said about any of them. The above post and the behaviour that is associated is a prime example just why we sit where we do at present. Didn't make last night's game but old man and lady went along to enjoy "the best game they had seen in ages." Yet here we are with the same old song! It becomes tiresome and is the ultimate consequence of those who promote the concept of the right to criticise. "I pay my money I can say what I want" - this is where it ends. A "supporter" (how can you possibly claim to be a supporter?) with a list of four players who are exempt from abuse!!!! This nonsense has got stop and, as Harry quite rightly points out, we have to stop it.
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