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Everything posted by Sorted

  1. On performance at TCS probably that t*s*p*t Bellamy. On ability and success at higher levels it has to be Larsson. How many of us thought 15 years ago that guys who play in CL finals wouls be regular visitors to Inverness?
  2. I'm guilty of voting for someone else but unable to name at this stage. My hope is that Cumberland has an ace up his sleeve and some experienced midfield hardman/general will arrive at TCS before the start of the season. Best place to skipper from IMO.
  3. Just out of interest, how many volunteers came forward?
  4. Do we have any news on the keeper front? Beginning to get a little concerned that we may be vulnerable.
  5. In keeping with the reality level of this topic I would like to add .....Denilson, Luis Figo, Pierre Van Hooijdonk, Paolo Maldini and Claude Makalele as older players who could possibly do a job for us and who realistically, would be keen to move to ICT and live in MOL for the latter part of their extended career. The question is would they get a game?
  6. A "sound" suggestion that should be explored more fully. If there was need for a small annual subscription to access I'm sure there would be a number of potential subscribers willing to register. This site is also one of the ideal vehicle for promotion. Great idea.
  7. Understand. Equally hypothetically it could be that the other interested party heard of our former chairman's interest and decided to jump in for fun too? Boys and their games! It could be that Clach are viewed as a vehicle to develop a locally based strategic relationship which may benefit ICT in the long run whilst at the same time, underpinning the finances of the club that his company as sponsored for a number of years? Or it could be for development purposes irrespective of which party takes control. On the subject of the ?250 shareholding (and please excuse my ignorance on this and on many other occasions ) but how does this allow him to have control of the club? Surely there must be considerable other shareholding over which he has ownership?
  8. excuse ma ignorance but owned Clach prior to their sale to either savage or the builder? Charlie Forbes, James Macdonald, Ken Macleod, Calum Grant, Colin Morgan and Alistair and David Dowling are the consortium who saved the club from going to the wall in 1990, David Dowling is still there as Chairman, with Colin Morgan a director of the club. The main sponsor is Tulloch Homes. You missed Dave Love Caley D. He was the guy who put these people together, put hard cash in and was also a Director. Was Alex who listed the above names, not me :P Now, not content with having their investment in the club, posters now feel that they are entitled to advise our shareholders on where and what they should spend their money on!! Some people need to get a reality check. Why don't you tell them what car they should drive, where to buy it and which salesman they should use. Better still organise a meeting at which a charter can be adopted, passed on to a committee who subsequently form a working group which then decides and advises the man who has the money. For some who regularly claim to have the best interests of the club at heart, they tend to go out of their way to have cheap shots at one of the very few people who has invested cash into the club. To the best of my knowledge, there is not a queue of people battering down the door to invest. Please let me know if I am wrong. If the man wants to spend ?4m on a double breasted red throated deep handed left footed diver then that is entirely up to him. Or, should that be debated too? This is the point where I'm suppose to get all worked up and throw out some allegations which you'll come back and ask me to prove or remove....right? Here's a different approach....let's see if you can provide proof, or at least sufficient justification instead of just a wee rant, for why a certain person should not be questioned in any way shape or form!!! Really, how much good will does ?250 buy a person these days and why have the hundreds of others who've invested as much (or more) not get treated with the same respect? A man of your calibre would not get worked up CD. This was never intended as provocation or a rant reply expected. You fail to answer the main point of my post as at no point did i question the right to challenge anyone, I merely suggested that it was ridiculous to dictate how any investor in our club should have their right to spend their money the way they want questioned. So for clarity, do you think that this is acceptable? Interested in the ?250 figure you quote, not quite sure how that pans out. Can you let me know?
  9. Now, not content with having their investment in the club, posters now feel that they are entitled to advise our shareholders on where and what they should spend their money on!! Some people need to get a reality check. Why don't you tell them what car they should drive, where to buy it and which salesman they should use. Better still organise a meeting at which a charter can be adopted, passed on to a committee who subsequently form a working group which then decides and advises the man who has the money. For some who regularly claim to have the best interests of the club at heart, they tend to go out of their way to have cheap shots at one of the very few people who has invested cash into the club. To the best of my knowledge, there is not a queue of people battering down the door to invest. Please let me know if I am wrong. If the man wants to spend ?4m on a double breasted red throated deep handed left footed diver then that is entirely up to him. Or, should that be debated too?
  10. Broonie is in the nice position of having a cracking contract and being able to prolong his career through lack of activity! Only see this ending with a subsidised loan probably down south.
  11. 50!!!! Never in a month of Sundays. Happy birthday x
  12. Great idea from both a commercial and "fan bonding" pesrpective. Club and Trust deserve credit for being proactive. No doubt there will be a succession of posters on shortly to say so..........
  13. He certainly wasn't worth what he was getting here and I doubt very much if he will get as much at County! I have to agree here...i heard that he was paid a ridiculous amount of money...and as the creator of Team ICT or whatever the youth dept was called, he may well have awarded himself that wage. Nice guy, hard working, but CC could easily fill his shoes on half the money. When CC took the job as Head Coach at ICT, DM was actually better Qualified but said he did not want the spot light job as he loved the youth side of thing and didnt want to lose his ICT job, prompting CC to ask what would happen if things didnt go well, this is why he was Head Coach and not Manager, If it didnt go well he'd just step down as coach and not have to leave the club...... Danny still holds more qualifications that CC? And I also this you will find CC is on more money now and even back then than DM, so CC doing a better job that DM for half the money is a non-starter?. You are certainly right about Danny being the most qualified coach at the club in his time there, the question I would ask you is how much coaching he ever did at any level during this time?
  14. Stevico At the risk of incurring the wrath of the Seer, not quite sure where your coming from here. Post 18, in responding to Alex, you are quite happy to divulge details of the meeting and discussions at which you were present but in post 27, you say you can't speak about it as there is the potential for you to end up in a legal mess. An impartial observer could read that you are quite happy to release information that makes Marius look like a saint and the club guilty but, at any point when the converse may be true you chose to excercise your right to scilence for fear of incrimination. The impartial observor could be wrong but one can easily see why he would reach this conclusion. Lastly, a cheeky question which could be totally inaccurate. Someone has suggested to me that when Marius departed, he left his club car at the airport and didn't tell anyone. First the club knew was when they were contacted by the rental company asking for a whack of money. Is this true? Surely an individual of such high moral substance, so wronged by our evil club, wouldn't do such a thing? Could all be tosh but who knows. Stevico?
  15. Alex I dont know where you get your information from but it is not accurate. Niculae never requested or never had a release clause in his contract to any team, he had a standard 2 year contract. There was a sell on clause in the contract that was negotiated between the player and the DOF, Alan Savage was not present, I know this as fact as I was present. As for the sell on clause only ever happening when the player concerned is an upcoming star, no idea where you pulled this from but I can assure you this is not true You are obviously in a position of considerable benefit having been there Stevico. Not been fully aware of who does what, were you there on the club's behalf or on Marius's? It has been suggested to me that the sell on clause had a trigger in it wherby the party that initiated the transfer suffered penalty i.e. if Marius requested the move he waived his right to his money, as others, often slated on CTO did before him. Is this true? I only ask as you appeared comfortable releasing the detail of the conversation in response to Alex. I like many others would be keen to know the detail of a "standard two year contract" if possible as it may clear up many of the debates on site?
  16. Tar them, cover them with feathers and hang them off the bridge? Dress them in sack's and march them down Academy St whilst crowds gather to pelt them with stones? Which would you prefer? Once suitably humiliated/chastised they can then get back to their day jobs and leave the running of the club to you and the rest. One question, who are all "high earners upstairs"? I know Lizzie works on the first floor but wouldn't think she comes into this category!
  17. Lets see Bannerman, Sorted and Absent Friend defend Grassa and indeed the rest of the board over this one... :004: Jay Any chance you could show me the post or thread where i have ever defended the DOF on his ability to conduct contract negotiations? Thanks Sorted
  18. ....... I won't have too far to travel to watch two of the better youngsters that have, to some degree, come through our system. Sadly, they'll be playing for them!!!!!! :party01:
  19. So, in nearly 4 weeks since relegation the board have told us; Lee Cox signing- 1 signing so far, and announcing 2 on trial in nearly 4 weeks whilst most of our competitors have been snapping up players and I asume the better players that are available. BOD changes-giving out new titles hardly constitutes ground breaking work. Friendly fixtures- I found the first 2 friendlies on SFA website a week before officially anounced,surely not beyond the board to announce something like that on official site. At least that would have been something for the fans. League dates/fixtures- Nothing to do with the board. Released on SFL and BBC websites. Board could hardly take credit for releasing them. I have not really been critical of the board in the past(except incompetence over sacking Brewster) but even my patience is wearing thin with their apparent non action and lack of public relations. Understand that you want news as we all do, but could you give me an example of the information you expect the club to release in public that they are, on purpose, choosing not to? News for the sake of news is very "new Labour" and is now recognised as such by most.
  20. Gordy, it appears to me that unless some are sent individual messages asking for their opinion, aggreement or sanction then they aren't happy. There are plenty of legitimate reasons why any business, even a community football club, can't debate every choice they have to make on a public forum. Like you, I am quite prepared to accept that this is the case. Back on topic, I am pretty disillusioned. Not so much with the club but with those that see it as their sole aim in life to run it down at every opportunity. Some on line posters on sites like CTO are more predatory than the tabloid press at their worst, longing for weakness and ready to pounce at the slightest opportunity. it's not unique to ICT but we certainly seem to have more than our fair share of malcontents!
  21. This may be not as daft a thread as some are making out Renegade. Wth TB being linked at Falkirk as a double act with fellow Scotland coach Elvis and Motherwell looking for a new boss, it is perfectly fair to speculate. For what it's worth, I think MM would be a bad appointment for the club but hopefully it doesn't come to that.
  22. Depends. Is it 3m pounds, euros or Zimbabwean dollars? I'm sure he'd just love doing business with our Board again. Couldn't be that the board we right and Marius is wrong could it? The scenario of a footballer being greedy, unreasonable and money orientated is one that's played out day in day out! This could be another one, let's wait and see before we blame.
  23. Thank you Charles, totally agree. The level of hatred and abuse displayed on CTO by some is sickening. What amazes me even more is how, with the undoubted self belief and knowledge displayed by many, they have time to post as they must be busy with their day time jobs as CEO's of multi nationals, nuclear physicists or whatever other top level role they currently occupy. It amazes me that the world doesn't come to a standstill when the posting levels are high on site.
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