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Everything posted by caleyboy

  1. caleyboy


    Let's face facts, every manager worth his salt tries to get more money to strengthen the team. Because of the injury crisis he had no option but to look for more money and the board had no option but to approve it. The problems arose with next seasons budget and If it was set at the starting figure agreed for the previous season I think this was fair. I do not however agree to bringing any negotiations or arguments into the public domain. It should all be done behind closed doors and it's not only the manager who should be subject to these conditions. If our board felt Yogi's comments were out of order they should have disciplined him privately - just the same as any business would do. If they felt it was gross misconduct they should have dismissed him and let an industrial tribunal decide if he was due any compensation. This situation is a shambles for both parties concerned and I would totally agree with Tichy Blacks Back in that a total, comprehensive review of how this club is run (and the people who run it - salaried and otherwise) is undertaken immediately. OBTW , with respect, I don't think Danny MacDonald has the level of experience to do this.
  2. caleyboy


    Lets be honest here folks, the only reason we attracted the quality players we did was because of Butcher - a big name former player and the chances of us doing this again, after this fiasco, is nigh impossible.
  3. caleyboy


    Oh come on last season was down to injuries to our top players which can happen to any manager. A club with our budget has to accept the good with the bad and I'm just sorry this childish spat turned out the way it did. It isn't just Yogi at fault here, something serious has gone wrong with his relationship with Cameron for all this to happen. I really don't think Foran is the answer but I can see it happen for financial reasons and he must get the supporters backing. I also don't see him looking past his pal Kell as assistant.
  4. caleyboy


    I don't intend to argue with one who thinks he is so up to speed with everything but I would ask one question: If we can afford to pay compensation to our most successful manager and then pay a salary to a new manager, why do we have a problem with the playing budget. Your answer would be appreciated learned one.
  5. caleyboy


    If Yogi actually goes I wouldn't get too excited about the quality of manager our club can now attract.
  6. caleyboy


    A sad end but if compensatiion hasn't been agreed why is this in the press? Again a very amateur way to conduct any business. Whoever let this go out should be sacked NOW! With regard to a breakdown in relationship with Cameron why is everyone assuming it was Yogi to blame? It takes two to tango! Our chairman should also review his position.
  7. Good post TBB. I agree entirely.
  8. Surely this doesn't surprise you.
  9. If we have a fit Doran along with Billy McKay I would say we could be quite a force. The only problem is getting a deal for Billy boy.
  10. If either speaks to Yogi about the job I don't think you'll see them here.
  11. And what the fek is wrong with that?
  12. Ya beauty! Was that before or after the live greyhound race with Mapples at half time.
  13. I really don't know if there's a season left in him at this level and when you consider he is the biggest earner at the club there is a big decision to be made.
  14. All these problems must be coming from the THISTLE stewards no the CALEY ones.
  15. Calder Raven - Mann - Warren - Kevin Mann C Christie - Draper - Tansley R Christie Brewster -Wyness Subs - Brill, Meekings, Munro, Cherry, Wilson, Ritchie, Urquhart
  16. So you think Kenneth Cameron and Kenneth Thomson don't get paid for what they do at ICT? Just look at the accounts! Maybe you could also enlighten us as to where we spent the money from the Christie transfer and the Scottish Cup?
  17. JH quote in today's Inverness Courier. "I'm talking to players and they're asking what's happening, what have we got coming in," he said. "I'll be honest, I thought Greg Tansey would have been well down the line by now. I'm really surprised we've not spoke to him" Here we go again. JH having a snipe at KC and yesterday KC having a wee one at JH. This really is becoming playground stuff and the sooner JH and KC draw a line under their childish behaviour the better for this CLUB not their individual egos. We need stability within this club and without it shut the bloody door and go do something else!
  18. Oh come on people, it's easy for posters on here to lay blame but at the end of the day I very much doubt if there is one of us with either the experience or ability to do a better job than JH. let's put all this to bed and back the manager who has taken us to levels we could only dream about.
  19. caleyboy

    David Raven

    I believe Danny MacDonald is back in the fold but in a "Football Development" role. For what it's worth, MO I don't think the first team would benefit from him taking training.
  20. Well said guys - agree entirely
  21. Oh don't split hairs. You are Yogi's biggest critic on this board and the sooner you give him a break the better - for us all!
  22. Well done Yogi good luck next season. I don't think Scottish Football has tipped over the edge into a farce - maybe it's people like you who never miss a chance to give the big fella a kick whilst supporting the "blazers".
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