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Everything posted by caleyboy

  1. Some young uns in there by the looks of things - a good sign.
  2. Have you not thought that her reasons for leaving are entirely her own business ? Yes
  3. Has anyone asked LG why she has left? Such a good, helpful member of staff is sore to lose!
  4. Don't think it's the manager's ear you should be having a word in - try the Board!!!! Well said
  5. Not sign a deal with a joke brand. The deal with Carbrini and JD must be good financially for the club to take it. I also think that the quality of the merchandise is much better than Errea had provided for us. I can't see there being much of a difference in waiting until September because I know fans will still buy the kits. Fair enough we missed the perfect opportunity during the European games vs Astra to sell them but I think we will still have a good number of them sold when they do eventually go on sale. Don't you believe it. We really don't have a clue when dealing with this kind of thing!
  6. Considering the money made from our success last seasonI JH should get at least 50% to strengthen our squad. If not, our custodians should be absolutely ashamed of themselves
  7. Very true but I don't think we have or will have in the near future a talent such as Ryan.
  8. I don't think anything has changed, really. Longer deals tend to be offered to players who came in on short contracts and earned them...and that still appears to be the case. It's just that the turnover hasn't been that high the last few seasons and we've been more used to seeing extensions than new signings. There's also this "options" thing, which I don't like the phrasing of....especially when it's the club who holds the option. Instead of 1 year + 1 year option to extend, it really should be 2 years with option to break after 1 year. Should I be concerned the latest deals are back to the one year deals we loathed for so long just a few seasons ago? I don't think anything has changed, really. Longer deals tend to be offered to players who came in on short contracts and earned them...and that still appears to be the case. It's just that the turnover hasn't been that high the last few seasons and we've been more used to seeing extensions than new signings. There's also this "options" thing, which I don't like the phrasing of....especially when it's the club who holds the option. Instead of 1 year + 1 year option to extend, it really should be 2 years with option to break after 1 year. How enforceable is that Caley D ? If the player doesn't want to to take the option to extend but the club want to action it is he legally bound to the extension ? Very much doubt it
  9. Until the club and or the player have actually been contacted regarding a move I take this story with a pinch of salt. The press have made a story based on what? My understanding is that we have not been contacted by any club and where the bandied about figures have come from I dont understand. JH is reported to have said he'd let Christie go if we could keep him on loan. Seems a bit tongue in cheek to me. Why would any club pay a large amount for a player just to let him continue playing for the supplying club especially considering they could get him on pre contract come january and only have a possible development fee to pay. That is exactly why the club needs to address the issue NOW and not at the end of the year. If we allow Ryan to go in the Jan window under a pre-contract, our board should resign. A bit harsh considering they are the board who have kept us in the black at the same time as overseeing the most successful period on the field in our history. Until the club and or the player have actually been contacted regarding a move I take this story with a pinch of salt. The press have made a story based on what? My understanding is that we have not been contacted by any club and where the bandied about figures have come from I dont understand. JH is reported to have said he'd let Christie go if we could keep him on loan. Seems a bit tongue in cheek to me. Why would any club pay a large amount for a player just to let him continue playing for the supplying club especially considering they could get him on pre contract come january and only have a possible development fee to pay. That is exactly why the club needs to address the issue NOW and not at the end of the year. If we allow Ryan to go in the Jan window under a pre-contract, our board should resign. A bit harsh considering they are the board who have kept us in the black at the same time as overseeing the most successful period on the field in our history. Until the club and or the player have actually been contacted regarding a move I take this story with a pinch of salt. The press have made a story based on what? My understanding is that we have not been contacted by any club and where the bandied about figures have come from I dont understand. JH is reported to have said he'd let Christie go if we could keep him on loan. Seems a bit tongue in cheek to me. Why would any club pay a large amount for a player just to let him continue playing for the supplying club especially considering they could get him on pre contract come january and only have a possible development fee to pay. That is exactly why the club needs to address the issue NOW and not at the end of the year. If we allow Ryan to go in the Jan window under a pre-contract, our board should resign. Of A bit harsh considering they are the board who have kept us in the black at the same time as overseeing the most successful period on the field in our history. I really don't think anyone is stupid enough to think that Ryan doesn't have a say in his future. He is not a big earner at this club because we didn't have the foresight to make sure OUR position was as secure as possible. I wonder what Charlie would advise him to do if he was offered £1500+ per week plus the usual bonuses to stick another two years onto his contract (with an agreement to let him go if an acceptable offer came in). We have to make the effort because if this one gets away someone has to carry the can. This is the board's opportunity to show that they are being proactive and protect the club's BIGGEST asset because this is an area they have NOT been good at in the past.
  10. That is exactly why the club needs to address the issue NOW and not at the end of the year. If we allow Ryan to go in the Jan window under a pre-contract, our board should resign.
  11. I may be totally wrong here and I hope I am but I think this is the club trying to punt Ryan before the window closes. The purse strings are tight and the only way JH is going to get any money to strengthen is if he sells our biggest asset. I hope we have learned from our past poor negotiating skills and place a minimum tag of £1m before we even start talking. If we don't get any interest at that level I would agree that we should get him tied up on a contract reflecting his worth to us. A big asset deserves a decent contract. I believe Doran is the second highest earner at the club and imho he couldn't lace Ryan's boots. I hope our board have the balls to take this on.
  12. In my opinion it's the boards job to find the cash for the manager to put a decent team on the park. If we get into trouble don't blame Yogi blame the boys upstairs!
  13. caleyboy


    There are advantages to keeping transfer dealings secret. Yes but only before they are secured.
  14. Well done! A really cute way of keeping fans up to date.
  15. I know it's not nice to see the team at the bottom of the league but let's not forget that the whole idea is player development and game time for squad members. IMO if one youngster gets a first team contract then that's success.
  16. FFS the vultures are hovering already!!! Give the man a chance - whoever it may be.
  17. Unless this is commercially sensitive (which I doubt, why on earth does the club not keep the fans updated. This deafening silence creates unnecessary critical comment! Are we changing suppler? Are we staying with Errea? Are we getting new home and away shirts or are we just changing the away top. Not difficult or sensitive questions!
  18. Its got to come from Italy before it can be released. This appears to be a problem with the deal we're contracted to at the moment. We are dependent on when Errea provide the merchandise and I assume the deal we have reflects in the delivery time. So we are staying with Errea then?
  19. If we want to play with the best in the country we need to maximise income on every commercial angle. Yes it seems unfair on fans but wages have to be met etc etc so I,m not against a new home and away shirt each year as it's a personal choice if you want to buy.
  20. This is only my personal opinion but I have always said that the whole structure of youth programmes is totally wrong. First of all, it seems to be all about grant money from whatever source but to qualify you need teams participating at various levels. That means you need "x" number of players to make up a squad. Unfortunately this will include young boys who will NEVER make the grade but they are made to think they will because they are part of a professional club's setup. Sore on the boy when he is told he is not going to make the next level. Charlie and his team of coaches are no doubt doing a good job with what they have to work with but surely the time has come to concentrate on quality and potential . That would probably mean that we would have fewer teams competing and receive less money from grants etc but so what, our costs would also reduce. There are kids out there with potential so the sooner they get our undivided attention the better and we will see the benefit - eventually!
  21. A really good guy who will be fondly remembered.
  22. More money and a better chance of regular first team football - no brainer for the boy!
  23. Same style as home strip for me but red replacing blue and black replacing red.
  24. oh no. That really is old Jeggie territory
  25. Drew Ross & Beanz - does that bring back memories! Is that Niki (ex jaggie keeper) beside them?
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