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Everything posted by caleyboy

  1. I like it - "a team who have never won it at all......." -
  2. Maybe stats show an improvement but the objective is to bring players up to first team standard and we certainly don't see much progress in this area.
  3. I bet JH is feeling really wanted when he reads all this bull about Foran taking over as manager. The guy WAS a great player but great players don't automatically become decent managers.I don't know if he has any coaching badges but badges don't make a decent manager! He has NO experience so he would need to get some under his belt BEFORE he could even be considered to manage a team in the top division. FFS give Yogi a break and let him get on with the job this club is paying him to do. He has already led us to levels we could only dream about and we all know why he can't be expected to repeat this marvellous achievement.
  4. Then maybe we should be following the SJ business model if that's the case.
  5. If we end up being relegated then so be it. IMO this would mean part-time football in the second tier and then probably in the third tier. What would the point be in trying to get back to the top tier when we are not structured to establish ourselves without "money problems". A sad viewpoint I know but our "no debt" structure only puts pressure on the manager who gets it in the neck from some fans. How do we achieve our top level, full-time status? Over to you Mr Cameron - time to tell the fans how you intend to achieve this - alternatively how do the board see our future?
  6. Can anyone tell me which club has a lower budget than us?
  7. What a fantastic, realistic attitude from Jagster and CaleyHedgehog - wouldn't it be fantastic if everyone on this site accepted the current situation - I aplaud you both. One point I would like to make is regarding the Club financial situation. I really don't think any supporter should think or worry about this as it's the BOARD'S responsibility to ensure our manager has sufficient funding to compete at the highest level. If they can't do that then they need to attract people who can. Simple fact is- if we don't stay in the SPL we will soon be watching part time football.
  8. I don't know if Yogi and Mariner have anything in common but I would totally agree with Mariner's opinion on giving young players a place on the bench if they haven't earned it. I would also totally agree with Yogi in that we have as many players on the bench that are fit to play and deserve to be there. If we are short because of not having a big enough squad then so be it. If a youngster doesn't show promise, doesn't work his socks off in training and dev games or has a questionable attitude he shouldn't get anywhere near the first team either in training or matches. At the end of the day Yogi, not the supporters is being paid to make that call.
  9. caleyboy

    David Raven

    A MASSIVE player for us for so long. I hope everything is OK behind the scenes and he gets the new contract he deserves.
  10. I would agree with Mariner. After all, his footballing experience is massive,
  11. I'll be very surprised if Polwarth doesn't sign a new contract
  12. Unfortunately uou need to be a magician to get the quality we would like for our limited budget
  13. I am sure the significant factor will be money cos it is difficult for us to compete with Conference teams (or whatever it's called these days)
  14. All on money we can't afford - simple
  15. Contracts need only be signed by an official signatory of the club, not necessarily the chairman.
  16. So if Cameron signed the majority of these players why is Yogi getting all the stick?
  17. No matter the team - just go do em big style guys!
  18. What a night!!! The journey home was probably the safest I have ever had on the A9 as the line of traffic seemed to stretch all the way from Perth to Inverness all moving at a steady 60 mph.
  19. Totally agree but I think you would need to speak to the wee lad from Lochaber about that one.
  20. For a team with the lowest budget in the SPLIT I think we are doing OK. A manager can only manage what he has within his budget.
  21. To me we started with 3 at the back, Warren, Devine and Tremarco. Polworth was in midfield where he should be comfortable. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  22. Important message to J Hughes, Manager of the Year 2015.- - - Watch your back - there are people out there who know how to do the job better than you - or at least they think they do.
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