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Everything posted by CELTIC1CALEY3

  1. Congratulations to the Highland News. Your leg pull on Rankin going back to Dingwall has really woken him up.
  2. Clear penalty from the TV footage. Pressley did a Bobby Mann fall over after being caught for pace. Basically bundled Marius over. Strachan claimed the ref played advantage but no evidence of any delay on the video footage. Pressley is just back from his back operation so got caught for fitness. His acting and diving skills are still much in evidence. Notice from the TV replays how Skippy tried to dive into the penalty box.
  3. There was no Sno at the Caledonian Stadium yesterday. A touch of frost seemed to rattle the millionaires though. Yesterday was very much Merry Christmas unless you are a whinging Aussie replaced by a Kiwi or a Ginger Manager in easy street who just could not see past 3 easy points and three in a row.
  4. You have four good games, score a cracking goal and then Skippy undoes it all. Rossco comes back by default and is unlikely to let go of his place that easily. Procter was gutted at being sent off probably because Rossco had wormed his way back.
  5. '......unbelievably took the lead..' Celtic have been bragging recently about the Champions League. Once they took a rather fortunate 2-0 lead their fans got cocky and their players went into some showboating. Blaming the pitch, blaming our audacity for having the cheek to take the lead but for Craig it was another three points and a very difficult game next week. Has anyone else found out the last time Celtic threw away a 2-0 lead and could not beat a 10 man diddy team?
  6. Blackie's temper has been alleviated. He was highly professional getting McGeady to lip it and get booked. We don't want to start talking transfer fees yet. We need to see if we can reproduce the spirit of old and keep pushing on.
  7. Mikey also had to endure some dirty challenges from the big guys which Freeland also let go unpunished. He did look very competent today. Mark's weaknesses were exposed.
  8. There you have it the diddy team triumph again. Celtic after a period of showboating and chest beating found a comfortable 2-0 lead cut back before half time. Music lover Freeland chose to keep Pressley on the park after the wrestling with Marius to give away the penalty. As the diddy team regrouped the mighty Celtic found themselves at 2-2 and then 3-2 down but Freeland quickly despatched Procter for an early bath. Enter the gladiator Sir Roscco of Huntly. After an age of drama, continuous fouling of Michael Fraser, the whistle was blown. The Jacobites had won. Gracious in defeat, Napolean Strachan claimed Celtic were the better team, should have won easily, were unlucky with the disallowed goal, and had over the years come to expect three popints from these games. As the roar went up, the annual Caledonian Stadium Christmas Party against the old firm had come to an end for another year. Father Christmas was right when he said we would win but he warned that the diddy team needed to be careful it did not get cocky or else it would throw away recent gains with a loss in January to Gretna. Well done Robert the Brewster and his gallant army.
  9. Hibernian striker Steven Fletcher could be missing for six weeks with a chipped bone in his ankle.
  10. SUNDAY Doddsy's predictions Inverness v Celtic Celtic will have to be wary when they travel north as Craig Brewster really has Caley Thistle playing well and their last two results have been excellent. They always have a go, particularly at home, and it will prove to be a tricky afternoon for the champions. Celtic will have been happy to have had Tuesday's Falkirk game to get back to winning after last week's disappointment at home to St Mirren. That was a game that proved they have to be up for the less glamorous games as well as the showpiece events. In saying that, I think they will have too much for the Highlanders. Prediction: 1-2
  11. ...the weather suggests a frosty reception awaits the invaders but Sno is not expected. Conscious of the wild Highland threat CelticByeByeRangersChampionsLeaguaLast16, make a secret move to buy a tank (Hinkel) to suppress the diddy warriors. The Diddy warriors are further weakened by Wyness leg pull. Robert the Brewster on national radio warns infidels of battle of all battles. Darren O'Dea says none of the clubs left in the Champions League will relish facing the Scottish side in the last 16 of the tournament. Diddy team tremble with fear. CelticByeByeRangersChampionsLeaguaLast16 arrive at Dalcross International and discover Highland area now part of Europe. However, confidence is very high. Captain Mick McManus, wrestling with the idea that he'd rather be in Spain playing in the Bernabeu, is a reminder to Jacobites of a previous Spanish backlash.....for which Juanjo was righly reprieved. Referee Freeland lies low, a modern day Scrooge, now conscious that Celtic Captains in battle fall over easily. In his mind he tries not to panic at the responsibility of redressing one of the greatest injustices of modern times. In his mind he remembers the apparent mortal blow inflicted on Warrior Lennon. He wakes again in a sweat. The diddy team will never forget a cheating Celtic Captain but as night approaches, nobody apart from Father Christmas believes the diddy team can beat the invading army.....
  12. Good prediction but ICT's first team are playing on Sunday!! The last thing we want is to go in confident and lose 5-0 again. Celtic are one of the best teams in Europe and we are but a diddy team.
  13. Having now seen the TV snippet on the BBC website, I have to congratulate the Hibs player who makes a desperate attempt to stop Caley giving away a goal kick to Hibs and offers Marius the chance to score with his 'right' foot!! After all the near misses it is remarkable how luck can shine down on those suffering mis fortune. The TV snippet also seems to confirm Collins 'goal' was not over the line. Pity there is no footage of the big keeper handling outside the box. That would shut up Collins and draw Assistant referees to a persistent infringer.
  14. If he scores a few more we might just get the flags printed.
  15. It would be fantastic if we could help Marius fulfil his dream. It can only be good for the club.
  16. Thank you IHE for those honest responses. I am optimistic that the Inverness Courier and the BBC through Charles 'I'm off for some fartlek' Bannerman will recognise their theft of intellectual property rights during the past 12 months and provide appropriate rewards for the primary source of their reporting. Hospitality at the Celtic game for the best two posters would be a fine reward for this website's continued contribution to 'scoops' and 'I can now bring you breaking news'. When the review of 2007 is written I am sure reference will be made to your wicked sense of humour. Knowing that Duncan Shearer was a regular reader, you strung him along for 6 months that he was 'the chosen special one'. That will teach him for his treachery racing away to the Dainty Dons.
  17. That's three in a row and it's probably asking too much for four in a row so let's reflect on how the supporters have responded after these victories. Did you drink more alcohol after these victories than three straight defeats? Were you more affectionate to your Partner or someone else's Partner after wins rather than losses? Did you become inspired and climb 3 Munros rather than three Corbetts? Did you stop moaning? Did you cheer more when attending games? Did you sleep better? Did you think Chick Young was 'nae bad' or that he was almost human? Did life pick up and suddenly Craig Brewster was a really good choice as Manager? Were you more productive at work? Did you realise IHE as the clubs Pychologist was having a positive effect on Marius? Did you think Rankin would pull his finger out and start playing good football again?
  18. I disagree this was a good day for United - Robson was not sent off.
  19. After the Jacobites had inflicted damage and defeat at Fort Ibrox, word filtered through Glasgow and the mighty CelticusChampionsLeagaLast16 inflicted a mortal defeat on Prince Charlies troops now under the command of Robert the Brewster. Battered and wounded they retreated to their Black house, to bounce back with a disciplined response. Conscious of the danger of McDonald they nurtured Marius Campbell and renamed him Nicolas after the patron saint of Christmas victories. Their battleground once of Culloden Moor, was fortified by General Sutherland of Tulloch on two more sides in just a few days. It was left heavily exposed on one side at the request of Sir Grazza of Cairgorm, to make the troops tougher for Highland weather. On the 15 December 2007 CelticusChampionsLeagaLast16 slipped under cover of darkness through Dalcross and sought protection in the big house of Forbes of Culloden. General Pendry, a Portly Commander, and Napolean Strachan, a wily leader but with clear Highland roots, secretly planned to silence the Highland way of life. Bagpipes were to be silenced in the last minute of battle. The diddy Robert the Brewster?s army was to be slaughtered. The Caledonian family spirit known as the clan system was to be destroyed for good. Prince Charlie who had gone into hiding with his mistress was to be sought out. The Jacobites were not ready for the battle. After three dodgy victories they sought practice at Fort George right under the noses of the Cumberland Fort built by Pendry?s ancestors. They were not detected as they awaited the enemy. Robert the Brewster reminded them of their first victory under his command against Arbroath and their subsequent declaration to win back the crown for Charlie. At 2.00 on the Sunday a mighty roar signalled the start of a short battle. CelticusChampionsLeagaLast16 poured troops forward. Wave upon wave they pummelled the diddy team ? after 20 minutes McDonald was caught sleeping and badly injured in a clash with Marius (Campbell). McGeady used his pistol to pepper the bedraggled Highlanders. Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink a mighty warrior with a reputation for violence against the Jacobites breathed fire but the San Zero temperatures drew a blank. Mercenaries from the Russian front ? Pressley and Hartley ? worked tirelessly to silence the bagpipes. The Men of Leith ? Caldwell, Brown and Riordan - were deployed to cut off Jacobite supplies. Hard men ? McManus (Mick) and Big Baldy were encouraged to rough up the diddy team. As the battle drew to a close approaching the final four minutes the Highlaand troops were still dug in but very tired. Former Jacobite enticed by the lure of CelticusChampionsLeagaLast16 gold, Markus Brown, was still perceived to be the chink in the CelticusChampionsLeagaLast16 armour. Brews's men knew that as a former Jacobite, his injured left kicking leg had never healed properly. There was little still to separate the sides. On the sidelines the Jacobite Jester ?Thommo of Chester? performed heroic tricks to urge his men forward for one last charge. Spud the Jacobite?s Piper played ?Caledonia? to drown out ?You?ll never walk alone? from the southern end of the battlefield. And then in the last few minutes, Santasports, procured by CelticusChampionsLeagaLast16 to report on and raise money for their battles throughout Europe, suffered a power failure and the masses were left in the dark as to whether the Jacobites had edged a victory through the magic left boot of Rankin of Dingwall. Note ? No offence is meant to anyone in this season of goodwill to all.
  20. Next Sunday is a long way off. Celtic play Falkirk on Tuesday and I suspect the Hoops will scrape a win against a rejuvenated Falkirk side. Currently I think we are in grave danger of underestimating the danger that is Celtic and at this point I suggest a 2-0 defeat. I predict that Mark Brown will be subjected to regular renditions of 'dodgy keeper'.
  21. I do agree we should be cautious. It seems the match officials helped both sides today. On the face of it Macalamby should have been sent off for handling outside the box - has anyone seen TV footage? Collins seems to think Hibs 'goal' was over the line. Anyone seen TV footage of this? If it was, I have to say Michael reminded me of Jimbo and the disallowed Kilmarnock goal. Was the Hibs 'goal' more than a metre over?
  22. 'Marius will score against Hibs, Marius will score against Hibs, Marius will score against Hibs,.......'
  23. No its not Malky or Brew or even Donald. After last night I feared the might Celtic returning to the San Zero Stadium a week Sunday but then after Boric's knee op it occurred to me Marky will be in goal. Welcome back Mark!!
  24. Now that the boys have all returned safely home with their and the Club's compensation money from the Grocer should there not be a party?
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