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Everything posted by Oz647

  1. The perpetrators were 10. The victim was 3. Sorry, got so ingrossed in my post that I missed that but my point still stands.
  2. Oz647


    Dam, Thank you for your honest reply and please rest assured I would not call you anything as I am as far from being a racist as could possibly be. As a youngster I spent 4 years in South Africa and saw racism at it's worst. I won't go into detail but I hope I never see these things again. During my long time in the forces I did see some racial incidents but have to admit that most of the time it was given and taken as banter. I think when you have so many different races and geographical areas represented together there are bound to be flash points but it also helps you to be more tolerant and understanding of other cultures. I think too many people throw out remarks without thinking first. They think they are big and clever but in fact they are small minded and insignificant. They don't seem to realise the hurt they cause, or just don't care. To your point on the English attitude you encountered, I'm sure there are just as many English who dislike the Scottish as visa versa but niether of them are worth worrying about. Just rise above it and prove that you are worth more than the small minded idiots. Oh and by the way, next time I'm down Academy street and see some drunk scottish bloke staggering around, I'll collect that pint.
  3. Best: Santiago Bernabeu. Real Madrid vs Valencia Great atmosphere stadium has great access facilities etc. Worst: Old Mestalla Valencia. Past it, So steep that if you sit up in the heavens you feel as if you are going to fall onto the pitch.
  4. Oz647


    1. Thank you for removing it. 2. I'm not old enough to remember that.
  5. Same here but that is the reason why we have a justice system. A justice system that not only allows them total anonymity for the rest of their lives, it actually helps them create new identities and all the encouragement they might need to start new lives. Venables and Thomson were free from custody after only serving just over half of their sentence. Who says crime doesn't pay? Why? If you read my first post you will see that the reason they do this is because of the fact that they would probably be murdered, hounded by mobs etc. They don't do that because they want them to go off and have a fantastic life! We live in a country where once you have served your time you are free and everyone is entitled to that right. I think what people forget is that this isn't the only murder since 1993. The press have highlighted this case and turned these two men (10 year old boys) into hated figures. What about all the rest of the criminals. The media sway so much. I had a relative who was beaten to death by her boyfriend. He no doubt will be out in about 6 years maybe less. I want nothing more for him to be rehabilitated so that he cannot do the same thing again. If not it means that the justice system is failing. I agree but if the person has been released on licence he has not served his time. If he then goes on to re-offend then surely that shows that the system has not worked. If he had not been released he would have not re-offended and someone would not be assaulted/raped/killed etc. I also think it depends on the details of the murder ie: was it one of these shot a burglar jobs or was it a vicious evil twisted ******* that tortured and killed a poor 10 yr old and will more than likely go on to re-offend. We see too many cases of people being released early and then going on to kill again. I ask you then, Peter Sutcliffe has served his time and is apparently a low risk to the public. Should he be released and would you be happy with him living next door to you. He's served his time so he should be ok, right?
  6. Oz647


    How can the Mods allow some like this to be said on these forums. Whether you agree with it or not in the eyes of Johnny Lawman, its racist. As for the ABE thing, its merely "chip on the shoulder" Scots showing how narrow minded they are...Is this the 21st century or what? You're talking out your arse. That's what I like to see, a well thought out, informative, unbaised post from one of the more educated, broadminded posters. Reason for edit, I removed an unfair comment as DAM is normally quite fair in his postings. It's just this one he's talking out his a*se.
  7. Oz647


    How can the Mods allow some like this to be said on these forums. Whether you agree with it or not in the eyes of Johnny Lawman, its racist. As for the ABE thing, its merely "chip on the shoulder" Scots showing how narrow minded they are...Is this the 21st century or what? This is exactly what I said, wanting England to lose is not racist, "**** the English wankers" is especially when it comes from someone with DornochCaley's well publicised views. I do not begrudge any Scotsman the pure exuberance of seeing England lose, it's nature for them to desire it but it's all about the way you express it that changes it from banter to racism.
  8. Unfortunately, I think that if it is true about Venables involved in Child porn or indeed any other serious crime then it only proves that he is not rehabilitated and therefore should not have been released. He has been arrested for an alleged serious breach of his parole so I presume it must involve violence of some sort. The question is, is this the first time he has re-offended or just the first time he has been caught?
  9. I feel that by breaking the terms of their licence he has given up the right to anonimity and protection. You may argue that he was a child when he carried out the Bulger killing but he was an adult when he broke the terms and therefore should know right from wrong. I don't condone revenge attacks but I must admit if it had been my boy they killed I would spend my life tracking them both down and stop at nothing until they were dead. Crownjaggie mentions they might have started this as a game and it got out of control. Fine if it was why not just leave the boy at someones front door/in a shop/at a police station. The nature of the attack shows this was not just hiding anything it was a vicious attack carried out by two sick individuals. If it turns out that venables has carried out a serious breach of his terms ie: assault/rape/murder etc. then he should be identified and inprisoned for life.
  10. HT:1-0 FT:1-1 1st Scorer ICT:Foran 1st Scorer Opp: Griffiths Crowd:5001
  11. Heilandee, Just want to say cheers mate. Stephen was spot on. Came round did the job, no hassle, even knocked a fiver off the price as I didn't have change. Will reccomend him to anybody needing a plumber/bathroom fitter and have planned for him to come and do our bathroom revamp for us in near future. So once again many thanks
  12. I've just turned 43 but apparently (according to the wife) I act and look about 63. :thumb02:
  13. Oz647


    Thought it might prove a more factual source of info than your mother. B) Think you getting a bit mixed up now! Sorry mate, I meant Sorted's mother not yours. I hereby apologise to Joe DiMaggio's mother
  14. Oz647


    Thought it might prove a more factual source of info than your mother. :P
  15. Cheers mate will give him a ring.
  16. JT is a total prat. What gets me about it all is that they have gorgeous wives, loads of money in the bank, the adoration of kids everywhere and the best job in the world yet they're still not happy. They want more money and to shag any woman that isn't theirs. Why can't they be happy with what they have?
  17. Think I'll keep looking but thanks anyway. :)
  18. Anyone know a decent plumber? I am turning my kitchen/spare room into a bigger kitchen and I need to remove a radiator. Now I know the basics of doing this but would rather get someone in to do it and not have to worry about it. I prefer to use the "smaller" businesses as I feel I'm giving my money to regular people who need it rather than the large companies. So if anybody on here is a QUALIFIED plumber or knows one let me know please. If you work for a large company but do homers that's fine by me, I won't tell. :)
  19. Oz647


    Just proved your point for you Renegade. Politics.........Football, great mix. Your post shows that it is hatred and not just banter. Oh by the way, I'll have to give you the last part about JT. :) PS: I think you need to read your history books. My mother hails from Buenos Aires :023: And? This makes you an expert on The Falklands does it? There are a lot of Germans who think Hitler did nothing wrong. Just because they "hail" from Germany does that make them right? :023: A brief summary of the Falkland Islands The first settlement on the Falkland Islands was in 1764. It was named Port St Louis and was founded by the French navigator and military commander Louis Antoine de Bougainville on Berkeley Sound, in present-day Port Louis, EastFalkland. In January 1765, the British captain John Byron, unaware of the French presence, explored and claimed Saunders Island , at the western end of the group, where he named the harbour of Port Egmont. He sailed near other islands, which he also claimed for King George 111. A British settlement was built at Port Egmont in 1766. Also in 1766, Spain acquired the French colony, and after assuming effective control in 1767, placed the islands under a governor subordinate to the Buenos Aires Colonial Administration. Spain attacked Port Egmont, ending the British presence there in 1770. The expulsion of the British settlement brought the two countries to the brink of war, but a peace treaty allowed the British to return to Port Egmont in 1771 with neither side relinquishing sovereignty. It wasn't until the 6th November 1820, that Colonel David Jewitt raised the flag of the United Provinces of the River Plate(Argentina) at Port Louis. Jewett was an American sailor and privateer in the employment of Buenos Aires businessman Patrick Lynch to captain his ship, the frigate Heroina(Lynch had obtained a corsair licence from the Buenos Aires Supreme Director Jos? Rondeau). Jewett had put into the islands the previous month, following a disastrous eight month voyage with most of his crew disabled by scurvy and disease. After resting in the islands and repairing his ship he returned to Buenos Aires. In 1828 the Argentines founded a settlement and a penal colony. United States warships destroyed this settlement in 1831 after the Argentine governor of the islands Luis Vernet seized US seal hunting ships during a dispute over fishing rights. Escaped prisoners and pirates were left behind. In November 1832, Argentina sent another governor who was killed in a mutiny. In January 1833, British forces returned and informed the Argentine commander that they intended to reassert British sovereignty. The existing settlers were allowed to remain, with an Irish member of Vernet's settlement, William Dickson, appointed as the Islands' governor. Vernet's deputy, Matthew Brisbane, returned later that year and was informed that the British had no objections to the continuation of Vernet's business ventures provided there was no interference with British control. Sovereignty over the islands again became an issue in the latter half of the 20th century. Argentina, in the pursuit of its claim to the islands, saw the creation of the United Nations as an opportunity to present its case before the rest of the world. In 1945, upon signing the UN Charter, Argentina stated that it reserved its right to sovereignty of the islands, as well as its right to recover them. The United Kingdom responded in turn by stating that, as an essential precondition for the fulfilment of UN resolution 1514(XV) regarding the de-colonisation of all territories still under foreign occupation, the Falklanders first had to vote for the British withdrawal at a referendem to be held on the issue. Talks between British and Argentine foreign missions took place in the 1960s, but failed to come to any meaningful conclusion. A major sticking point in all the negotiations was that the two thousand inhabitants of mainly British descent preferred that the islands remain British territory. On 2 April 1982, Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands and other British territories in the South Atlantic. The military junta which had ruled Argentina since 1976 sought to maintain power by diverting public attention from the nation's poor economic performance and exploiting the long-standing feelings of the Argentines towards the islands.Several British writers hold that the United Kingdom's reduction in military capacity in the South Atlantic also encouraged the invasion. The UN security council issued resolution 502, calling on Argentina to withdraw forces from the Islands and for both parties to seek a diplomatic solution.International reaction ranged from support for Argentina in Latin American countries (except Chile and Columbia), to opposition in the Commonwealth and Europe (apart from Spain), and eventually the United States. The British sent an expeditionary force to retake the islands, leading to the Falklands war. After short but fierce naval and air battles, the British landed at San Carlos Water on 21 May, and a land campaign followed until the Argentine forces surrendered on 14 June 1982. The War led to the deaths of 655 Argentine and 255 British servicemen.
  20. Oz647


    Just proved your point for you Renegade. Politics.........Football, great mix. Your post shows that it is hatred and not just banter. Oh by the way, I'll have to give you the last part about JT. :P PS: I think you need to read your history books.
  21. HT:1-1 FT:1-2 1st Scorer ICT:Foran 1st Scorer Opp:Russel Crowd:2001
  22. Oz647


    Judging by your spelling, grammar and juvenile attitude, you have the IQ of an amoeba so I will just ignore this for what it is, *****.
  23. Oz647


    Surely you're not implying that Shawcross intentionally broke Ramsay's leg? I think this conspiracy theory is a bit OTT.
  24. Oz647


    Couldn't agree more, which highlights my point of what was said and by whom and why I took offence to it.
  25. Oz647


    Why do you think I live here? I'm a plastic jock, a wannabe.
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