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Everything posted by Kingsmills

  1. FIFA are craven and this is not nearly a strong enough response. There is considerable Russian influence and money within both FIFA and UEFA which is why Russia have recently hosted a World Cup and have been allocated so many major European finals. They are seeking to adopt the model of the IOC imposed for cheating at sport. In my view, that is not even adequate for these doping offences, it is certainly not anywhere near adequate for an unprovoked invasion of a nation causing thousands of deaths and injuries already and hundreds of thousands to lose there homes. Several nations, including England, have now said they will not play Russia anywhere under any circumstances. At the time of posting, the SFA have been silent. I hope that changes and very soon. The whole football world needs to stand with our brothers and sisters in Ukraine.
  2. Do any of the fans planning to travel to Firhill on Friday, whether by the supporters bus or otherwise, intend to take and display a Ukrainian flag ? With the football community rallying behind the brave people of Ukraine, it would be good if we could be seen to be doing the same, especially for a televised match.
  3. Poland, Sweden and the Chech Republic, the nations Russia could potentially face on their way to Qatar have all now said they would refuse to play. Time for FIFA and UEFA, and all other international sporting organisations to show some morality and leadership and to expell Russia, Russian clubs and individual Russian athletes.
  4. I would rather Scotland sctratched from the competition rather than taking advantage of Ukraine's terrible plight by seeking a forfeit.
  5. With everyone else stumbling to a draw, it is even more frustrating that we did so too.
  6. There is no wsy the play off against Ukraine will now take place next month. I would hope that Russia will be expelled from the competition but very much hope that the same fate will not be visited on Ukraine who have done nothing wrong and who are currently fighting fiercely and bravely to defend their sovereignty. I hope that Fifa give them every opportunity to compete in the play off even if that means a postponement. If the tie does go ahead it would be great to see the Tartan Army flood Hampden with Ukrainian or combined saltire and Ukrainian flags by way of a show of support and solidarity.
  7. I will make an appointment first thing Monday morning.
  8. Better than the many who have stopped watching altogether. Against all logic, I seem to have acquired a dose of Robert's optimism for this one.
  9. HT; Hamilton 0, ICT 1 FT; Hamilton 1, ICT 3 ICT; Samuel's Hamilton; Ryan Crowd;984
  10. Well done. Matched Hearts at Tynecastle and were unfortunate to lose by the odd goal in three. A performance they can be proud of and a young team that gives hope for the future.
  11. There are clearly issues at the club on and off the pitch including the team form being abysmal and the chairman renaging on his promise to communicate more ofter and more effectively. However, I see no evidence that the CEO is not doing a competent job in very challenging circumstances.
  12. Calder, Munro, Mann, Christie, Wilson, Thompson
  13. I would be happy with Jim Mcinally. Right age, decent record on limited resources.
  14. Boosts our hopes of a play off slot but only if we can turn round our own dismal form, hopefully starting on Friday.
  15. There are definitely structural problems with the way we are set up at directorship level which needs to be addressed in time However, the most pressing issue just now is what is or isn't happening on the training ground and on the match day pitch.
  16. More than there is in Dingwall.
  17. No media experience should be required just a willingness no keep the promise to communicate regularly and honestly with the fans which has been utterly lacking for months.
  18. The reason why John Robertson is there is that the club took a compassionate attitude to his mental health issues and found him a lower profile and less stressful role within the club. Whilst I have many criticisms of the clubs actions in recent times, I personally think that was the right and proper thing to do.
  19. I used to smuggle flares into Kingsmills every second week for at least three seasons in the 70s
  20. Just out of curiosity, is there anyone on this site who still wishes BD to continue as head coach?
  21. The only positive I took from yesterday was the further confirmation that we have two capable and reliable goalkeepers on our books. Pity we can't say the same about the outfield players.
  22. Very well played to both rinks. Ammusing to hear the BBC heap praise on the 'Great British' culers following upon the team's only medal success in the games.
  23. I agree but changing the personel in the dugout and training ground might just. The prospect of automatic promotion is realistically gone but, with a different approach we could still salvage the season through the play offs. That is clearly not going to happen under Billy and Barry but I can't see a team being coached by Christie and Tokely lacking passion and commitment at least. Ten games to go. Just about enough time to give it a go.
  24. Nor do I normally call for the manager to be sacked and have quite recently called for him to be given until the end of the season before a review. However, for me, yesterday waa a turning point. Billy Dodds was the convenient and available option at the start of the season once Neil McCann made it clear he wasn't continuing but it is abundantly clear now that he was, and continues to be the wrong option. Charlie Christie is an excellent coach and good motivator who stepped down as manager far too early. I would be happy to see him step in to take the team until at least the end of the season.
  25. ..and, whilst manager, also failed to assemble and coach a side capable of gaining promotion. Fresh blood and new ideas are required, if not for this season, then certainly next.
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