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Everything posted by Kingsmills

  1. One of the few genuine characters left in the game.
  2. Not sure that it's deloberate central belt bias more a case of out of sight out of mind.
  3. Whilst he lacks experience, for me, Rooney is the best goal scoring prospect at the club.
  4. He will not resign and frankly I don't blame him for that. Why would he give up a well paid job with no serious prospect of getting back into football management given his poor record at two different clubs ? The decision lies with the board.
  5. There does sem to be a fair bit of that which is a pity.
  6. Kingsmills


    When I first saw Jim he was playing in attack and I have to say that as a forward he was a great 'keeper !
  7. The fact that Celtic appear to be lining up a bid for Dundee United's Polish 'keeper can't be good news for Mark.
  8. I agree that we should probably be resting Wood for a game or two.
  9. If someone offered me five or six times my current salary guaranteed for three years I have to say that I would be very tempted no matter what the potential effect on my long term career.
  10. It seems to me that whenever the players are unshackled from the rigid system they are usually asked to adopt they tend to do pretty well by and large.
  11. Last night seemed to be a case in point even between the first and second halves.
  12. Hearts are still inconsistent. They've had a couple of decent matches. They're due a poor one. The question is, even if they do play poorly, can we take advantage ?
  13. We native Highlanders would need an interpretor for the post match interviews.
  14. If it was a magic bus it wouldn't have taken it's passangers to watch last night's dross.
  15. I'd stick by Hastings, for the time being at least. He is going through a poor spell but he's a capable defender at the prime of his career who will come good again
  16. Despite our late equaliser that has to go down as two points lst rather than a point gained. We cannot afford to drop points, as we have, to the likes of Hamilton, St Mirren and Falkirk at home.
  17. IHE speaks much sense, at least on occasions !
  18. There's no doubt that Yogi adds a bit of clour whenever he's in the dugout !
  19. Rooney and Barowman up front in an outright 4-4-2
  20. Like Barry Wilson before him, he seems to do landmark goals.
  21. I wasn't at the game but from what I've heard I think that Caley D is pretty well spot on with his observations. The one comfort about last night's set of results is that we're a further point ahead of Hamilton which might just be crucial come the end of the season.
  22. There's no reason why we shouldn't beat both Falkirk and a very inconsistent Hearts team at home. However I'd be very surprised indeed if we did.
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