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Everything posted by Kingsmills

  1. St Mirren are likely to be a tougher proposition after the January window. It seems that they will have a bob or two to spend after the completion of the sale of Love Street.
  2. Interesting that Rangers Ladies are not in the top division.
  3. Home form and results has got to be the key to Brewster having a future with ICT.
  4. Still in the balance as far as I'm concerned.
  5. I too have a funny feeling that Black will stay and that Cowie will go. It would be great to keep both of them but, in my opinion, it's essential that we keep at least one of them.
  6. Where's the harm in limited areas of safe well managed terracing where people can choose to stand and watch football possibly getting in for a little less than the large sums they're currently obliged to fork out for a cramped plastic seat ?
  7. Caley D has summed up the situation nicely. There is too much smoke from too many sources for their not to be fire !
  8. I suspect that when the stadium land is developed it will be for commercial purposes rather than residential so planning constraints will not be too much of a problem. Given the hugely attractive waterfront location, there will be a substantial gain available once the current recession is over. I've no difficulty with DS reaping that gain provided that ICT gain a better Stadium elsewhere in town with a little bit of working capital into the bargain I would be surprised if that particular scenario didn't come to pass within a decade or so. I would have said sooner but for the economic situation.
  9. I think Clach had a previous fire possibly in the mid 30's
  10. I'd go for 10 out of the 11 starters at Kiliie with Rooney coming in for Wood.
  11. The original Poster makes a good point !
  12. A very welcome 3 points with Hamilton apparently running into some form again.
  13. I too support each and every Scottish team in Europe. For that reason I would prefer a Celtic victory but, from ICT's point of view, I wouldn't mind it being a hard fought affair with a number of their players carrying injuries into Saturday's match.
  14. We will not be the onlo ones hovering about their decent players like vultures.
  15. Byrne is apparently now on trial with Walsall. Let's hope he impresses them.
  16. The question has often been asked, no straightforward reply has ever been forthcoming. I don't see that changing any time soon !
  17. In that case, to summarise my views on Brewster, despite my reservations, I would genuinely like him to succeed as ICT manager. Success for Brewster means success for the club. However, he cannot be given forever and continuing failure may well result in relegation and disaster undoing much, if not all, of the progress that's been achieved in recent years. I'd be inclined to give him until about mid December and, if there are no signs of progress by then, replace him with someone with a bit of a track record. I know that Q.O.S have taken a dip in form in recent weeks but I reckon that Gordon Chisholm would be a safe pair of hands although I can think of a number of others who I am fairly certain would do a better job than Brewster is doing at present.
  18. Don't get me wrong, I totally appreciate what has done in the past. The fact is he is now strangeling the club, holding us back if you like. His biggest problem is he wants the power without the limelight, hence he is not the Chairman anymore but can dictate what the Chairman can and can not do. He may well have done good things in the past but he is harming the club right now. If you're fine with that, then that's your problem. I don't see that there's any evidence to back up the claim that David Sutherland is now hampering the club. Do you really think that, in the current economic climate, wealthy individuals would be lining up to invest in the club if he wasn't in the background ?
  19. As long as it's not at the expense of Rooney.
  20. I wouldn't disagree with any of that.
  21. Duncan may not be the most talented midfielder on the books but he has been our most consistent and reliable player since we entered the SPL.He would be the first midfielder on my teamsheet every time. Vigurs blows hot and cold at present which is only to be expected from a young inexperienced player but I believe that in the long term he might just be the best midfielder in the history of ICT. He's one player I'd like to see tied up on a four year deal as soon as possible.
  22. I'm not sure that Rory would have made it at SPL level even if he hadn't been thrown in at the deep end rather too early for his own good.
  23. While I have concerns about some things which have being going on in the background and share a number of Caley D's views on the matter I still think, on balance, that David Sutherland has the best interests of the club at heart even if he is likely to make a handsom personal gain on the arrangement.
  24. Having spoken to a couple of County fans I did wonder that at the time.
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