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Everything posted by jaggie1994

  1. Yeap... two stupid Michael Fraser goals which turned out to be very costly indeed... Can you no just let sleeping dogs lie John? Every opportunity that comes along you use it to slate Mike Fraser and TB for 'dropping' Esson last season. If I were you I'd ask this question: Was there a clause in someones contract that said he had to have x number of starts and was that the reason he was favoured for the last few games of the season? :023: I wish I could make this one but I'm stuck offshore but fingers will be crossed. Never heard the likes before . That does happen quite a lot these days. Im not sure if it happened with Mikey Fraser but there could have been something like that in his contract
  2. I thought Rooney did very well when he came on. Barrowman put some effort in but he had one chance to whip a cross in and it went out for a goalkick which pretty much showed his ICT career in one move
  3. I don't, not anymore. I was actually quite keen on bringing Butcher in before and when his name was being touted both before and when Brew was booted out, but now I wish someone else had gotten the job. If Butcher was the man for the job, he'd have kept ICT in the SPL. Did he do that? No. If Butcher was the man for the job, he would've tried to keep the best players, especially the best younger ones that ICT had. Did he do that? No. Vigurs played about 10 minutes during Butcher's first game and then disappeared. Duff seems to be another one who was one for the future and a decent player just now but seems to have disappeared under Butcher. He now has a bad injury and I won't be at all surprised if he's the next one out the door, with this injury possibly being the excuse. If Butcher was the man for the job, he would've made some decent signings. Has he done that? No. If Butcher was the man for the job, he would've offered a very capable player a contract. Did he do that? No. Pavels Mihadjuks was a very capable centre-half from the little I saw of him and was very highly thought of by the fans. He was also a capable player in a position where ICT had desperately needed a capable player in that position, since the departure of Darren Dods. Whether he would've signed it or not is one thing, but not to even offer him one was madness. If Butcher was the man for the job he'd have a proven record at other clubs showing how good he can be. Did/Does he have a capable record? No. Observe - Sunderland - SACKED. Coventry City - SACKED. Motherwell - Finished bottom in his first season, and was only saved by Brockville. He may have finished 6th and 8th in the coming seasons ahead, but would he have kept his job had Falkirk had the capablities to replace Motherwell, the team that should have been relelgated? Perhaps not. Sydney FC - SACKED. Brentford - SACKED. Do you see a pattern arising here? Doesn't even look like a mediocre record to me, rather a pretty poor one. And last and certainy not least, if Butcher was the man for the job he would've gone into the final game of the season, the relegation decider and the most important game in ICT history, playing a simple and steady formation and team selection. Did he do that? No. He played Tokely out of position at centre-half, and played Mihadjuks, a very capable centre-half at right back, a position he had never played before. Utter madness. One things almost certain in my mind now though, and that's that ICT will probably not be in the SPL next season and should that be the case, I highly doubt that Butcher will not be here next season, should ICT not be promoted. As ICTKev said we have lost one game this season and some people are calling for the managers head. What the hell type fans is that. Who on earth would call for somebody who has lost 1 game in 10 to be sacked. Who carse if we have not been playing well. Good teams get results when they are not playing well which is what we are doing. When it all come together and we do start playing well we will be in a good position. He might have let some youngsters go but what about Ross, Shinnie, Sutherland, Morrison. He has taken them onto the team and we were always going to have to offload some players to try and balance the books and he has made his choices on who he thinks has the most potential I think we must be expecting him to put a man on the moon if we are calling for him to go now. I know we got relegated but you have to forget about that now and look about what he has done this season and although some of the perfromances have been dire there are things to be positive about.
  4. Raith and County will fall away. Raith will be down the bottom but will stay up and I reckon County will finish 4th or 5th. I think both of sets of fans will openly admit that they wont be winning the league but are just going to enjoy it while it lasts I think we are still gelling as a team as after all it is only 6 games but Duncan and McBain need to come in for Stratford and Eagle. If we can keep in touch with Dundee, Dunfermline, Partick and maybe even Queens while we are still gelling we will hopefully come into our own and scrape ahead of them It will still be a hell of a challenge and it is not going to be pretty but I think we have seen that on our day we can be the best in the league. I just hope it is going to start beinf "our day" more often than not
  5. My name is not Fergie you cent. Yes, keep it how it is, keep improving, watch the young lads getting fitter, better and more consistent - and walk the League. What have you been sniffing? I would like some of it I normally would say that we need to give it time but we do need to change the midfield. Take Stratford out and put Duncan in and then have McBain on the left for Eagle untill Imire gets back. With all of their SPL experience they should easily be able to do a job in the first division I reckon Butcher is still the man for the job but he does need to make a few changes. I am trying to look at the positive side of yesterday and say that we took a point when we deserved nothing
  6. A point was a good result yesterday. I think that pretty much sums up how bad we were Esson did well for saving the pen and Hayes did well cos he scored the goal. Rooney was our best player for the time he was on the park Bulvitis had a nightmare. He kept lunging into tackles and I dont know what he was thinking for the pen, Tackle from behind no where near the ball it was a stonewaller Stratford well I have always had doubts about him and today has made me have even more doubts. He was our worst player along with Bulvitis Everybody else played crap as well so I think a point was a good result based on the performance. We only turned up for the last 5 mins.
  7. Dont agree with this at all. It is just going to confuse the ref even more as if he thinks it is a penalty but the new linesmane disagree you will be left in an akward situation I wish they would get technology. It would take less than a minute for a man in the stands to say if it was a pen or not and that time would probably be spent arguing if they were not to introduce it. Maybe not even have this at all. Would football really be the same if we had it. What would we have to talk about Also I reckon it would be a lot more sensible to put a chip in the ball and some sensors in the goalposts to see if the ball crossed the line
  8. Plus all the people who dont come on here as well as the minibus that is going down with about 25 people on it
  9. Im going as well Dont forget that Saturday is offically talk like a pirate day as well. So go get your eye patches ready and practice your accents
  10. They had to scrap the 2 match ban IMO. Only becuase a few weeks ago they said that they would not be doing it for any more diving cases. You cant ban one player and not the rest I do think that he deserves to get banned but everybody else who dived would need to be banned as well which as they said is not going to happen so they need to be consistent so they shouldnt ban Eduardo
  11. It shouldnt really matter how far they are from the away fans. It would help if they would just make a bit of noise. The away fans will aways get more banter as they will probably have had a drink or 7
  12. Hopefully I should still be going to this as well. Going by Train is a good shout. I might do that in all
  13. Well if it is it will be one more trophy than you will get :D
  14. Im dont really like Queen of the South or Partick Thistle. I wouldnt say I hate them but just a dislike. I work with an Airdrie fan so hopefully I will be taking the **** out of him next monday
  15. When I was watching the Ayr game I dont think it was that we were too defensive because we controled the game and we played most of the game in the Ayr half. One major problem that I saw from that game was that when we got into the final third the player were too scared to just hit the ball at goal. You felt as though if they didnt get a shot on target they would never play again so they tried to walk the ball in. I do agree that we probably could have been more attacking by getting the LB and RB to overlap the wingers on every occasion we get the ball in the oppositions half and just leave to 2 CB's and one of the CM to cover any counter attacks and when the players get a opening they just have to have a go and if it goes off target I would be dissapointed yes but glad that they had the effort rather than ***** footing about always wanting somebody else to take the responsiblitiy. I also think that now we are trying to keep the ball on the ground more often and dont want to hoof the ball long. Playing the long ball never worked for us in previous seasons because we never had a target man. Playing long balls to the likes of Wyness and Dargo is stupid and we still dont really have a target man so the ball has to be played on the deck preferably out to the wings to see Hayes get to the byline and swing one in the box or for Tokley to go steaming outside of him and he swings it in instead I definetly agree that we have been too narrow over the past few years every since the likes of Barry Robson left the club. Butcher has recognised that and has brought in Hayes who loves to get to the byline and I reckon Imrie will be the same when he gets back fit.
  16. I dont think he would do that well in thier. His biggest strenght is his pace so I reckon it would be a complete waste to have him behind the 2 strikers where he would not be able to run at defenders as often as he would on the wing. He is also very good at crossing so for me he should be out on the wing everytime
  17. I saw Foarn clapping towards the fans as the team came out onto the pitch at the start of the game and he did the same when he cam off the pitch I think. He didnt do anything at half time but if that was the only thing you were worried about at the match I think we are doing pretty well
  18. The season isnt over yet and its only being 5 games into the season hardly shocking Well if we have been "pretty shocking this season" and still only find ourselves 2 points off the top of the table. Everybody must be shitting themselves for when we do start playing well according to your theory
  19. Scored a really good goal but then it was disallowed for Offside which I reckon was slightly harsh Agree with everything you said. A really good performance I didn't see across the line but the Morton fan sitting with me thought there was nothing wrong with it. Nevermind, we can see it on football first......oh, wait, it's not on anymore. How long have we been out of this division for? 5 years I think I didnt think he was offside but the Lino was shocking in the first half
  20. Doubt that would happen. Foran and Sanchez were very good today. Their is no chance of Rooney getting a start ahead of them (unless it is in the NOS Cup Final tommorrow)
  21. That is one of the easiest wins I have seen in a long time. We never needed to get into top gear and strolled through it. I think Morton are going to be getting relegated this season if they keep playing like that. It was a good performance from us and it is brilliant to score 3 goals away from home no matter who you are playing against. Their is definetly room for improvement but as long as we keep winning its all ok Esson - Made one good save in the first half and didnt have much else to do but when he was called into action he looked very solid Tokely - Good performance. He didnt seem to want to jump to try and win headers in the second half and their No 10 was winning everything against him. I find that very weird because if he did throw himself about abit Tokley would win the ball more often than not Bulvitis - Played well but he tries to do everything too quickly if he slows things down he will be a very good player. He wins a hell of a lot tackles cleanly which is obviously what you want from a CB Munro - Wasnt spectacular but was solid Golly - He might not have the armband but he is the captain. He is the one telling everyone what to do and where to mark. He looked a bit shaky untill he got a knock to his head and played very well from their on in. So far it looks like he is going to be a great signing. Though I do miss the tension of wondering what the hell Lionel is going to do when he gets the ball. Everything seems to be calm which is actually very good for us Eagle - Did ok. He is nowhere near as good as Hayes and I think that is what is making me undecided about him. When you see what Hayes does you want Eagle to do the same thing but he dosent. Imrie will replace him when he is back from injury Stratford - A solid display. Didnt do anything that caught the eye but didnt seem to make any mistakes Cox - A quiet game for him considering the standards he has set in the games so far. He still played well and is going strong for us. He doesnt look the same without the cast Hayes - He just seems to run and run and run. He can cross the ball very well in all. He is going to be a massive player for us Sanchez - Works his balls off today. Lots of nice touches and layoffs and took his goal very well. He scored a brilliant goal before it was 1-0 but was offside. My Man of the Match Foran - He was miles better than the Morton defence. He was stronger and had more pace. The only problem was the defence we playing too many long high balls to him and he was not as effective trying to win the headers. He took his goal very well and he showed that if he gets the proper service he will get 20 goals this season. Proctor - Scored a good goal but didnt do much else Barrowman - Didnt really have enough time on the park Rooney - Same as above Oh and I forgot to add what the hell was the crack with Mortons Directors at the game. They were the ones shouting abuse at our away fans, I expect that from the normal fans but not from the directors
  22. Scored a really good goal but then it was disallowed for Offside which I reckon was slightly harsh Agree with everything you said. A really good performance
  23. Same as today. We strolled through the game
  24. League wins every time. This season is all about trying to get back to the SPL. I dont really care about the cups although it as always nice to get a cup run
  25. Simples. Get your desktop picture out. You know you want to Just show we can all have a nose at it. Here is mine: Taken at the Holland game. I love Hampden
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