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Everything posted by dougal

  1. It was reported yesterday 2100 attended but I think most sane people will admit it never looked like there was even close to 2000 there, either the figures are being manipulated or the club are including all season tickets sold whether they are in attendance or not. My concern is that this will continue to drop not just because of the poor football on show but Robbo's criticism of the home support in his post match rant is not going to help matters. Ok probably the weather was also a factor yesterday which I fully understand but when does these figures actually become a concern to the board and the so called guardians of the club? Dougal
  2. I’d rename it the Inverness and Nairn Enterprise Plastic Dome. Weren’t they the ones who had the great insight to locate a stadium in the worst posdible position Inverness could offer? It doesn’t matter what it’s renamed it will always be known as the dump by Invernessians because that is exactly what it is. Gift eh? Don’t make me laugh lol Dougal
  3. Nah they already have one roaster doing that, having said that maybe he’s back running around a track like a headless chicken so there could be an opening after all Dougal
  4. The great Jock Stein once said “Football is nothing without fans” I fully understand you endorse the franchised model when it comes to football clubs but he was right without fans the game will die Dougal
  5. You wonder how Football clubs survived back in the day when the only game shown live was the Scottish cup final. League games should be 3pm on a Saturday with the odd night game thrown in not the other way around. Our attendances are getting alarmingly worrying as it is wihout playing on a ludicrous night at a stupid kick off time. Id personally like to ban the BBC from the stadium, the likes of BT Sport are ok but then they have a genuine interest in the Scottish game whereas the BBC has neglected it for decades Dougal
  6. A crawl up the gallowgate you are probably still on first name terms Dougal
  7. The ground that the stands sit on is the valuable bit not the stands themselves It’s a well known fact to the Invernessian football fraternity that both the temporary north and south stands have wheels below each section and when the time comes they can be moved to a more suitable location within Inverness. Sadly though the more we languish outside the top flight the longer they will stay where they are. We are in danger of becoming a non entity club like Arbroath it really is that thin a line when it comes to money in the scottish game. Dougal
  8. I hardly think comparing a national cup final in Glasgow to a cold dark night in Dingwall is really the same though is it I’d be surprised if the attendance is in excess of 4000 now that it’s been switched to a school night Shame on the SPFL Dougal
  9. dougal

    Next Season

    The only big sides lost to the HL were Caley and Elgin and at a push Peterhead, I always laugh how the fools from up the hill try and re-write history with their own fabricated spin on things As for the thistle team from 1993/4 that leached onto Caley they would have struggled to reach mid table in the Highland League today never mind take and Scottish cup scalps Dougal
  10. Charlie Bannermans phone box doon the Carse? Dougal
  11. You know what I find rather odd is Robbo’s relationship with the club. When he was at County he walked away without hesitation when he wasn’t backed financially by the County board at that time yet he seems to act the complete polar opposite with ICT who you could argue that are in even more financial difficulties than County were then. I don’t buy into this emotional tie to the club and the highlands considering he couldn’t wait to get back to Gorgie previously Something just doesn’t add up in my eyes Dougal
  12. EK were formed as a result of a merger and like us they are from one of the biggest towns in Scotland but have a very poor support In comparison to their population. There are even more old firm supporters in East Kilbride than Inverness Dougal
  13. Maybe the answer is to a employ a third party to act as a go between Cordiner and Larg are still local are they not? Dougal
  14. Yes I did thanks Another way of looking at this latest blip is that the supporters trust who don’t represent the whole ICT support I would like to reiterate wanted one of their own to fill the position but have thrown the toys out of the pram when the club haven’t offered them such role Dougal
  15. Can we have an update or has this project being binned At times CTO reminds me of the people’s front of Judea lots of talk and meetings about meetings Dougal
  16. Fair play to the club they should decide who fills this role it’s not for the likes of a caleyjagsforever to decide they only speak for their members not the entire ICT support The club will no doubt offer candidates to apply that way they will get to approach a broader and wider fan base Dougal
  17. You would think it would be the responsibility of the parent club to accurately collate all the info regarding results and history etc After all they stripped the assets took the names and attempted and somewhat failed to take the majority of the Inverness football fraternity with them I think a measly few photos on the stadium wall and the HFA in Dingwall is totally unacceptable in my opinion Had it not been for the likes of Mantis and the contributors to his nostalgia site there would be absolutely nothing Dougal
  18. A tad rich considering you’re last dissappearing act resembled Shergar going missing then reappearing in burger rolls somewhere on the emerald isle You sneaked back in trying to be some sort of self appointed saviour,well you don’t full me dougal
  19. Haven’t renewed this season Ender but you are right I’ve been attending games since the seventies and I have a far greater knowledge of football than most of the roasters on this site anyway Im now signed up to P&b are you a member there ? As for shouting at the dump you get treated like a leper so is it any wonder why it’s so quiet Dougal
  20. Maybe it’s just me but this site seems to have deteriorated quite considerably over the last year or two and the contributors have become less and less Its plainly obvious that traffic has reduced dramatically the question is why? 1. Twitter and Facebook has put the final nail in the football forum 2. Caley thistle fans seemed to have started posting elsewhere reading pie and bovril there are a number of ex CTO posters now active on that site and they certainly don’t seem to hold back from slagging us off 3. Over zealous moderating any subject that is in anyway slightly contentious seems to get closed or deleted altogether. 4. Caley jags forever fiasco Maybe I’m making a mountain out of a molehill but I personally think there is something really wrong within the ranks of support I’m more disillusioned with Scottish football as a whole than any of the reasons I’ve given above if I’m being honest although I’m thinking of giving pie and bovril a go even if it’s just to help the boredom Thoughts? Dougal
  21. More than one clown in Inverness that night then Dougal
  22. Whoever takes this sorry mess over should think of a rebrand or name change CJT is total naff and has tonnes of unwanted baggage with it I’d personally rather join Hezbollah than caleyjagsforever the way this farce is acting out Dougal
  23. So yet another pre-season playing against pure diddies and therefore not preparing sufficiently enough for the season ahead I’m not saying we should have glamour friendlies but a little imagination from those that claim to be the guardians of this club is needed We deserve better Dougal
  24. ^^^^^^^^^ Reminds me of a certain poster
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