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Everything posted by WeAreSPL

  1. 6pm kickoff?? Anyone else thoroughly sick of the SPL? This is ridiculous. I don't really care how much money comes in from ESPN - it's not worth it.
  2. After reading Peter Lawell's comments on the postponement of today's game I would like to say that the man is an overweight, ignorant, disgrace.
  3. Lennon is a complete disgrace. I've loathed him since Juanjo day and he just keeps getting worse and worse. He really needs help and shouldn't be allowed to work in football. With him being banished to the stand on Sunday I sincerely hope that all those around him goad him for all they're worth. Push him to the brink and watch him self-destruct.
  4. Nice to see "supporters" getting behind the team for next season! You're very misguided - and I'd rather you didn't turn this into a personal assault on someone you know nothing about. This is nothing to do with getting behind the Team. I am a Caley Thistle supporter and, if the planned league restructure goes ahead, I will remain so and still go to every Cup match we are in. But I will refuse to back the SPL if it insists on destroying the Scottish game - and I will hope that thousands around the country will feel the same way. it's a difficult decision to take. And could you not also say that "supporters" who back the SPL are endangering our long-term future?
  5. Superb! (I need more green-dots, mods/admin/whomsoever.) Love it.
  6. A definite conspiracy theory. I don't think so, I just think they are all clueless.
  7. Doncaster is a moron and has absolutely no common sense at all. He should drag his overweight body out of the Old Firm's backsides, respect the wishes of the masses and give us a sixteen team top tier where there would be no need to spoil a sunny Summer afternoon with woeful football. I don't really care when the season starts because if next season entails relegation for three teams out of ten (the OF can be taken out of the equation) then I have absolutely no intention of supporting it.
  8. When I looked at the line-ups last night and saw Lee Cox, Goodwilly, Prince Boaby and Dusan Pe%is I fully expected a massive co9k up.
  9. Duncan was sorely mised tonight. A poor performance all round - made worse by a totally inept referee and a stand-side linesman who never seemed to understand why he was there.
  10. Calderwood's had an impact already. I popped down to the ground this morning and they were moving the dug-outs to the other side of the pitch. Apparently you get more sunshine there.
  11. I think some of our players are just a little shy.
  12. Yes, for a relegation decider.
  13. Sounds like a good read ........................ but volume two, "The Glory Years", will be so much better. :biggrin:
  14. Zebedee says "time for bed, Dougal." Football has become very expensive to watch and, even with reduced prices for a less than glamorous tie, many people have to make difficult decisions about which games they chose to attend. However, I assume you're really talking about the couple of thousand who appear miraculously when we reach a semi-final and don't know the name of a single player? If so - fine.
  15. I predict a Hogg Roast tomorrow night when he reduces Dundee United to crackling.
  16. It's often the case that it gets to eleven - you think everything's fine. You wake up in the morning and your striker's gone. I want him to stay but I get the horrible feeling that Rooney is a Jambo.
  17. I'd love to see Rory at Hibs too - hilarious, they would go down in spectacular fashion.
  18. My question would be .............................. Is your hairstyle a time-saving gimmick? Is it designed so that people are fully aware you are a ***** even before you open your mouth?
  19. I would not attend any further SPL (1 or 2) matches. I would hope for good cup runs every season.
  20. I'll give Terry my backing and very best wishes, but the recession is biting so forget the fifty quid.
  21. Well done Terry - I am so pleased you are with our club. And what an absolute idiot that "man" Doncaster is - his reply was astonishing. He seems to have no idea what type of bullying Terry was talking about and could only equate it to playground violence. The man is clearly a fool and his contract should be terminated immediately.
  22. As I have said before. If this goes ahead I stop watching any League football. I will not support this, it is ridiculous and also quite arrogant in the way that supporter's views have been ignored. Frankly I hope thousands throughout the country feel the same way and that crowds plummet.
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