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12th Man

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Everything posted by 12th Man

  1. It doesn't look (or smell) good in front of anybody anywhere! Thats a bit anti smoki, I miss the days where you could stagger around Barbarouskis and go home with fag burns on your clothes and arms, smokers with their backs to you at the bar holding their fags up at head height so the smoke goes over their shoulder and directly into your now stinging eyes and waking up in the morning with your clothes and hair stinking of smoke,so I bought shares in Imperial tobacco to even things up, good times. Seeing patients outside Raigmore hospital with amputated legs due to smoking and still not giving up. bad times. I gave up when I realised, I wasn't having a cigarette, the cigarette was having me. Its not cool to have your life dictated by a plant.
  2. An area could be cordoned off for smokers but it probably wont happen as it doesn't look good in front of kids at a sports venue.
  3. 12th Man


    I thought Grant had a great game, is it possible that the said gentleman who was so unhappy, is actually a Stranraer fan ?
  4. Any chance of some people taking a digital camera and taking a couple of video clips, not only of the game but if you are sitting nearer the front how about filming our fans behind you giving it laldy, it would be good to hear if the noise comes across well on the video clip.
  5. may as well go, just to remind Dundee that ICT have the best fans in the league.
  6. Well done CD I would say your a natural, just be careful who you pick to ask an opinion of the game. I'm away to Dorothy Perkins to buy you a top for the next home game, as you promised to wear any donations.
  7. I take it you'll be closing the set with "Oh Inverness Is Wonderful"? Maybe with a double A-side encore medley of "In Your Dingwall Slums" / "The County End (Is Always Full)"?! Should keep the fans happy. I really hope so, but unfortunately we don't tend to bring many folk to Dundee whether it be Dens or Tannadice. Breaking with traddition this season.
  8. Last Saturday was a great day out,lots of noise and a great atmosphere,I hope the team fear no one and try their best to improve on last weeks performance, when I say the team I mean you, the fans put in a good shift last week so I'm looking forward to the same again. Who can lay claim to be the first person to say 'I started the main stand chanting INVERNESS...'
  9. Hes a bit of an enigma really, to score so many goals for county and so little for us, When I have seen him play at his best its usually as a target man to pass the ball on for another striker to take on the goalie. Maybe a SPL club might be interested in buying him when it gets closer to the transfer window closing. I know that he impressed some people in the Aberdeen camp at the start of the last season.
  10. A good day out bar the injurie, right enuff, or should I say, right enuff, right enuff, right enuff
  11. Oh its such a Perfect day ---------------------------------------- Sweet Caley thistle, goodtimes never seemed so good, I'm feeling fine to believe they never could. I think the latter would be pretty good with the build up tune first (sweet caroline) ----------------------------------------- Barrowman, follow the plan And dont dilly dally on the way, ball in the net after 1,2 with rooney, celebrate after, in the toonie, but he dillied and dallied, dillied and he dallied, lost his way with no where else to go, now he works in the club shop, selling shirts, and answering the phone. (please dont sing this, just a wee joke)
  12. 1,Foran, a,Sanchez 2,Roonie b,Odhiambo 3,Sutherland Out of our five strikers mentioned,in preffered order 1a,1b,2a or b,3b, 3a.
  13. how can you be sure of the 358 attendance no We well filled the allocated section anyway. We also lost a few fans after 30 mins, or should I say they lost their voices, keep drinking. Ps I think the fans are great, its not just all about ICT its about the people following them too, We should have a great support for the next few games as this was the first game of the season,then the first home game,next our biggest potential rivals away, followed by the northern tinkers at home.
  14. I think a big part of the reason people did not use the Zoo shop, was that they didn't get the 10% discount that you get at the club shop for being a season ticket holder/supporters club member... This should have been sorted out & I am quite confident that they would have sold more! The Commercial Manager should find somewhere in the town centre that would stock Caley products. JJB at the retail park have varied Celtic, Rangers & a few english team shirts & stuff.... Do Caley expect too much from the retailers? Maybe its the retailers that expect too much from ICT ,ie volume of turnover per square foot in their shop,maybe a business (owned by an ICT fan) that would like to add ICT to their range that suits both parties with a sale or return agreement for the basic stock.
  15. Fools Rush In - Elvis: Dundee Utd fans favourite since the 80's Kyle Allison on receiving end of abuse as som of our fans are ignorant. At the time I didn't realise who the chants were aimed at. Its a shame it was directed at our goalie, I thought it was aimed at Bayne for being an ex county player, I would never have thought it was for one of our own players. Thumbs down for that, thumbs up for the rest of the noise. If one of our players wants to get involved in that type of thing thats up to him, times are changing, society is a lot more liberal these days, if he wants to come out of the closet and be brave enough to say that he is a practising county fan then good on him for having the courage to admit it.
  16. Against county, just take the pi55 out of their chant but make it longer Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
  17. I previously had the same view regarding Eagles, first saw him in the Elgin friendly, I didn't think he was anything special but then he ran/weaved past 2 defenders and put a beautiful curving ball in the back of the net. I would say he is getting better in each game that I see him. As for the singing, I would say the fans put out more songs than they would have heard at belladrum
  18. Sorry to hear that the club shop/ ticket staff are going. I thought they were great ambassadors for the club, for the majority of us fans they are the only faces that you could directly link to ICT. Does the shop have to pay its way? will sales drop if it is moved back into the stadium. I don't know what value you place on fans promoting the club with their purchases but its certainly not as black and white as just looking at a balance sheet. I would rather see a certain overpaid Brewster signing go on a subsidised transfer to Livvy till the new year than lose the club shop staff.
  19. I would love to see Dargo back too, a proven goalscorer for us, I would also like to see Bayne back he was a good target man and great with his head in the box but at this moment in time I feel we have a greater need for a Dargo type finisher I think Eric was supposed to fit the bill but has been unfortunate with injuries
  20. I know Ian Stewart has been mentioned but if you think of the partnership he had with Barry in division 3 how many weeks before the end of the season did we win the league. We have wingers with pace and long balls, I would say that we need the same style of striker who will beat the offside trap run up the pitch and score.
  21. I wasn't at the game, was there anything good to take from it, apart from the fact that we won and the board are faced with the harsh reality that more cash is required for a goal scorer, who may well pay for himself due to a good cup run and a return to the SPL and not to have faith in an overpaid striker. The words loan deal keep appearing in my head.
  22. I would say its unfair to say who was the best when its a team effort and they all have a different part to play in it. How can a goalie,defender, midfielder and striker be compared.
  23. What a great position to be in, we have the paranoia clan expecting the stadium to be full when they arrive, why don't you muster up every one you know take them to the game and fill up the main stand just to prove a point, the club would love the cash. Outcome, does the club turn your money and support away ? or does in open up a block of the North stand when the main is full. What I am liking about the main stand open only is the noisy north fans in amongst the main stand fans, it will be good to hear songs coming out of the main stand for a change, they just need a bit of encouragement and it will certainly be a new experience for them, which will be enjoyed and I'm hoping it will rub off a bit. clap clap,clap clap clap, clap clap clap clap caley ! or the other one caley, clap clap clap. are OK but more variety required. I can see, in ver ness, inverness inverness, becoming the third main stand song, which would be going in the right direction. but thats in the hands of the migrating northenders.
  24. I think so too, our midfielders have a better finishing ability than our strikers had at the Foress match and they were supplied with plenty of good balls. I thought Eagle was a bit frustrating at the Elgin game so much so that Rosco started to place the ball to midfield instead of passing up the wing and then he surprised me by dancing past two players and puts a quality ball in the back of the net, why aren't our Brewster strikers putting quality balls in the net instead of tapins. If Eric is still injured we need some quality to play alongside Foran. Must be an extra goalie or striker senario
  25. That was Johnny Hayes. Eagle reminds me of Rankin and Hayes reminds me of Aiden McGeddy (style of play not looks) both are good additions to the squad.
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