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Everything posted by wyness_is_god

  1. Had a near fecking heart attack going to the league one BBC Page Cherries (Bournemouth) Sign Kuffour !!! that page needs a warning sign before entering :016: Not sure who we would get from that league being honest, especially if they are free to us. I know that sounds crazy but the names being dredged up by folk, Eoin Jess :017: Andy Kirk :017: hardly sets the heather on fire does it?
  2. 1stly, Admittedly No I havent watched any of it :003: 2nd point, I never claimed it was a micky mouse competition, far from it, I apologise for any misunderstand, I should have maybe rephrased what i said as "Many of the teams have less talent or lesser known players", by that I mean the smaller carribean nations such as Haiti, I know the USA, Mexico, Canada have players dotted around all over Europes leagues whether its Olivier Occean, Marcus DeBeasley or Richard Hastings, the point was though they are not the Materazzi's, the Raul's, the Beckham's, or Ronaldo's that is in the European Championship but it is a similar competition being the Continents Big International Football/Soccer event and that getting to the Semi-Final and final as Richard did years ago is a great achievment. :003: 3rd and final point, You would agree it is overall less talented and lesser known players than in terms of the European Championships in which i was highlighted for more or less saying? :004: Sorry points sound rude :015: , but computers frighten me, so didnt want to try attempting to quote between points :003:
  3. Think any Semi-Final of whatever International Event similar to our own European Championships, Albeit the Gold Cup is Less Talent. Is still a great achievement for any player and should be recognised. Well done to Richard on being part of that Canadian side :clapping03: :clapping03: Not only done himself and his country proud but he's also an Inverness player in a major tournamanets SF :003:
  4. Prices are whats forcing people out not the half time entertainment :018: Sending out a dance team of cheerleaders would'nt make me go and watch, I goto support the club not be a pervert :blah01: :tic01:
  5. Better start sending scouts on the new smyril line from scrabster then :015: to chesk out Iceland, Faroes and Norway. Surely the likes of Keflavik, Torshavn and Hammerfest :017: cant be similar to the central belt :029:
  6. Partick :017: "We weren't in a position and didn't have the confidence to do the same," Said Bennett, Talking about offering him a deal. Well Heaven help us when a Romanian ends up on the radar, if we dont have confidence in players we've had watched and trialed :008: : Buchanan Joins Partick
  7. No need to buy it and give the weegies money, its not christmas time yet :sillywave: Rangers Fury
  8. P1ss off Rangers :018: If they can goto LA for a friendly in May they can F***ing well get themselves up here to Inverness on a Monday night :blah01: Its not the moon up here, its 4 hours up the A9, not over country roads or over mountain tracks :008: :008: :008: If it was a European game they'll take there 10000 more than are actually there and feed off it to show there "loyal" support :008: No excuse for them!!!!
  9. Lock up your daughters at night :010: The beast is back in town :016:
  10. Dont forget accomodation, food, drink and whatever else needs paying for, turns out to be an expensive trip :33: And of course not forgetting when you get to the stadium the hostile welcome from the Italian Police given our reputation on the terraces on the final day of the season :tic01: Seriously though, surely Clachnacuddin is foreign enough sounding without having to cross europe to play teams at a standard worse than them (if last year is anything to go by) :001: I'll believe Serie A and B teams are playing us when the opposition teams are announced.
  11. Registered but never got any newsletters :024:
  12. Nearly all home league SPL and Cup games, but only a couple of away games :009: SPL prices suck!
  13. Reminds me of Mrs Mann :014: :023: Bloody women ruining their blokes careers! :018: Simple decision to make, The north is a fantastic place to live and plan for the future and with Inverness CT you have a club thats got something going for it, the south, Motherwell, Falkirk and Hull have nothing going for them in all ways. :021: Use ya pay rise Craig to get some bloody candles and keep her entertained up here so that she dont have time to be unsettled. :001: Just make sure your fit enough for Saturdays :001: Now sign that contract :rules06:
  14. Steven Kenny 1min 18 into this Interview with BBC Scotland See if ya can spot it :015: :018: :018: :018: :33:
  15. Aye Simon Donnelly speaks Romanian :017: I'd rather wait to see what Gadgie i mean Hagi brings us, if the Hagi link is to be believed.
  16. Arab4ever i'd be willing to put money on, but like mee says, I cant take a wee kids pocket money either :blah01:
  17. :021: :021: More of the same next season guys but lets get that top 6 place for everyone connected to the club, The management, the players, the fans.... It would be deserved. :025:
  18. Would have to agree with all that :003: Bit kind on Black IMO but as you say room for improvement if he gets his act together with his disciplinary record.
  19. Very good appointment for the feeder club, and somebody who might just take them back to Division 1.
  20. Sounds good for both clubs - money wise, and a new record for United in ways of a record defeat :015: Hearts game against them at Murrayfield sounds tempting for a neutral especially if the likes of Ronaldinho, Messi and Eto'o are to play a part :024:
  21. All seems to be the club are happy for a singing section :021: but no actual excuses for what happend on Saturday :018: Why is'nt Mike Smith on the TV or somebody from the club who is not part of the supporters trust. Would be nice to see what the CLUB had to say for themselves instead of hiding behind the trust :024:
  22. Dundee United v Barcelona Friendly in the summer How the **** did they pull that off :010: I'm presuming it will be Barcelona's 5th team that turn up :001:
  23. Inspector Cox said "fans were repeatedly warned not to stand during the match as it posed a public safety issue" Feck knows what jumping around cheering a goal must pose then How about the dangers of carrying tea from the snackbar whilst WALKING to back to the seats must they be shutdown aswell to prevent that! :024: How about the Police and Stewards who stand for the whole game, are they not posing a "public safety issue" :024: That quote by the inspector is complete tosh :018: Cox by name Cox by.......... :023:
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