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Council Juice

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Everything posted by Council Juice

  1. Never thought i'd be saying this but i found myself completely agreeing with the Celtic fans who protested at the ?25 ticket prices for their Killie game at Rugby park. Old Firm fans back their team to the hilt and spend ridiculoads of dosh (well it's all dole money like but thats not the point) on supporting their team both at home and abroad and when Bayern Munich and Werder Bremen are only charging ?15 along with AC Milan and Lazio then it really hits home that if these games, both with fairly recent European champions can charge half what Killie the not so great do then its ridiculous. It's small wonder that the Bundesliga is the best attended league in Europe. Mind you Italian football isnt but they're all too busy fighting. I did laugh a little as the same fans with the banners would have had to pay the charge to get in to protest. Little self defeating if ya ask me. A well the bairns will be going hungry this week, What after the buckie, tennents special, and a puckut af Selk Cut (fags) I also agreed with Jim Traynor saying that Celtic fans should get a life and a little song about a tattie famine being over isnt really worth making a fuss about as it really does more to mock the Celtics affiliation with their "homeland" what with them being an Irish team an all that.
  2. Some would say his performances havent been the best of late, Others say he's a defensive disaster waiting to happen. The rest love him unconditionally. Me, well, i've a different perhaps more radical view. Play him somewhere else on the pitch. One of the main problems with his forrays into the opposition half, which can be a joy to watch, is is complete lack of ability to get back to cover that ruddy big gaping hole he's left where a right back should be. Recently i've noticed though as a player at set pieces he uses his strength and height well and has laid on a few chances for team mates with cut backs etc. Perhaps he could do thid on a more permanent basis. Dont get me wrong, im not saying play him right up front or anything rash like that but as a right midfielder with Proctor in behind him so its a solid bank on the right flank. Cowie could then be utilised as a supporting forward and leave Duncan and Black in the middle with McBain on the left (another lad who can defend so two cover flanks) Who's chosen to play up front on their own is anyones guess, probably Rooney with his height although his lack of pace may be a problem. Cant see any of this ever happening but does anyone have any other thoughts or is anyone mad enough to be in agreement. (stranger thhings have happened)
  3. Bit harsh to say he's not putting the effort in. Perhaps he's just struggling for form. Still gets in the team every week so maybe its more a case of 2nd season syndrome. Imrie can hit a shot, i'll give him that and he does put a shift in, but as an all round player at the moment, he seems to be a little limited of the glimpses i've seen. Ross Tokely is another who could be critised at the mo.
  4. Right can we now hold Brew at gun point and tell him to drop Maguire. He is awful and i dont care if someone else made the mistake - IT WAS HIS FAULT! totally illogical i know but still 100% right
  5. It would be a travesty for the Scottish game for Hearts to go to the wall. They're a big club with alot of history and it's worrying to here that kind of news. Lets hope its less of a story than it is appearing. Its another example of a big man with an ego coming in for a play toy then letting it go to ****. Hearts were niave to allow that clown to take over but lets face it, they were very eager and desperate to get rid of Big Chris and bit off the 1st hand that came along despite teams like a close to the wall Dundee turning him down. The SFA must follow Englands lead and have a process of due diligence to make sure this kinda thing aint gonna happen. It WILL kill the game. On the other hand, should any of their players get made redundant we would be willing to cast the eye over the best here at ICT. This message is NOT for Calum Elliot!
  6. Good point well made. Bottom line is that the atmosphere at TCS is pathetic at best though. To be honest I dont think there is much that can be done about it because when the kids do start singing no one joins in and thats that. So, I cant blame section G for giving up - i would. Its a shame though because if we had a stadium that was jumping every week it would motivate the players, help boost crowds and attract players. We must be the least inspiring team to play for. This is my other team St Pauli - Im not expecting us to be like that impressive but it would be pretty special playing infront of that every week! May i suggest we all become fluent in German? Get some good chants going! Only thing is i think your allowed to drink at German games, which you are not in Scotland thus keepin up those inhibitions. Bummer!
  7. Newcastle was sold originally as it wasnt financially viable to the previous owner sheperd. He couldnt afford to put more money in. Ashley tried to tighten the purse strings to give the club a strong long term future but as usual the Newcastle fans go in the hump. However Keegan had every right to quit if he wasnt getting a say in who stayed, went and came in and having Dennis Wise, of all people, appointed above him must have hurt. I mean wise done a good job at Milwall and had a good career at Chelsea and Wimbledon but he has virtually no experience next to Keegan who had a far more grand career in playing and in management has taken both Newcastle and Fulham up to the Premiership and had a go at the title back in the day.
  8. Surely if this was true, a manager, particularily a disiplinarian like Brew would carpet him and let him nowhere near the 1st team. Never mind reward him with a starting place for two weeks on the trot?!?!
  9. Broadfoot is a limited right back. thats true but i think he is improving and he's strong defensively. For anyone to suggest Tokely should be there ahead of him is seriously deluded. In my opinion Broadfoot is better that Alexander who is a worse passer and never gets forward (at lease kirk tries) How davidson got a recall noone knows. Never good enough when he was last in the squad and he aint improved. Wilson at Celtic always looked like he'd become a decent player but injuries and form and team selection have hampered that but given a run he could be a good understudy to Hutton (i never thought i'd be saying THAT about Hutton two years ago) Darren Barr can play full back but i'd like to see him develop further and as a centre half. Outwith that and maybe in the future Paul Caddis, I dont think there is any good right backs available for Scotland. So given Broadfoot plays there every week and keeps natural full back Whittaker out the team and the rest are either worse or injured he IS the best option.
  10. I think its the fact his form and ability have earned him a move to Celtic and the fact he has held his own there that see's him in the squad. Its not merely the fact he plays for Celtic otherwise Wilson would get a call up. The same could be said of Broadfoot. I think although hes' a bit of a clumsy full back he really has improved and made McGeady look like the average player he is in the last old firm game (barring Celtics 1st goal). But he has held his place in the team which played in the latter stages of Europe and not been replaced. So he got a call up and scored on his Scotland debut.
  11. Barry Robson may have made one or two sub appearances for rangers but couldnt be sure.
  12. Want to see Duff keep his place. See how he does for an extended run. Maybe bring Munro on for Maguire later in the game if scoreline is ok and allow him to regain fitness and forge a partnership with young Duff.
  13. He's right. Bewildering but right. Even the best canna score without chances
  14. Which we shooting? I've forgotten...again!
  15. I'd take Kerr though... if we didnt have enough options in midfield. Back to Motherwell me suspects. Maybe Killie, Falkirk or Hamilton.
  16. I dont think as a team we played altogether that badly. Stupid (non existent) free kick, 5 minutes in, cost us and two stone wall penalties in a second ignored by a fairly poor ref (he didnt do a lot wrong but failed at the big and ultimately decisive ones.) Our tempo however was slow and it's fairly evident that playing Miller and McFadden together was and never will work well. Burley wants to turn us into a better footballing side - we'll get nowhere with that attitude. Smith and McLeish made us solid and hard to beat with which we could then build on to try and get a result. We were very dangerous as a team from set pieces and alot of emphasise was placed on that. With players like Hartley, Robson, Maloney, Ferguson (not right now) able to deliver we have many options in the team to do just this. I dont honestly think Burely is or ever was the right man for the job but we had few options available and even to me he seemed the best bet. He again needs to build from the back. If we dont concede we cant get beat and if we nick a goal or two we can hold on to that. A tight dogged organised spirited passionate side has always been Scotlands calling as we never were the greatest and never will be in terms of playing the game. Not unless that atom experiment in France goes tits up and takes out mainland europe. Miller and McFadden have both been fantastic for Scotland over the last few years, no doubt about that and CAN play in the same team in my opinion. Not as a front two but supporting with their pace and skill a central striker who simply puts anything that comes to him in the net. Boyd and O'Conner are probably the two only suitable candidates for this just now. (perhaps Fletcher in the future or eh Barrowman???!!!) The two supporting strikers would have to get back as well and would have a tough shift but thats the only way i can see those two working together in front of three centre mids (such as Fletcher, Hartley, Robson) with Maloney or Commons replacing the tiring ones. And a Scotland boss is going to one day need the stones to tell McFadden that yes he can do the unthinkable and unexpected and thats why he is there but it is a team game. He cost us against italy by being greedy when he could have squared and missed THAT sitter. They also need to learn to take him off if he isnt doing the business which there seems a reluctance to do. When Faddy aint playing well he tends to offer nothing. Not even a moment of magic. Id rather have a lazy swine like Boyd there who turns shoots and BANG but does nothing else. I also see no problem picking OF players particularly if they are regular or even semi regular. This includes Boyd, Hartley, Maloney, Robson, McManus, Caldwell for definite and should include the likes of Thompson(plays every week solidly and dependably) Wilson ( I think he's a decent full back and when Naysmith or Hutton are unavailable Alexander wont cut it and doesnt get forward, but he needs to stay fit and keep playing) and yes even Broadfoot (yes he is limited, but does he play out of position and every week, yes. Has he improved drastically over the last 6 months with this role, Yes. Has he played top level football? Was in Europe after christmas and played most games including the Uefa Cup final against a top side. Is he fairly dependable and not let the side down? from what i've seen yes) For these reasons and the fact he is versatile, very fit (can "run" all day) and willing he should be in the squad. As cover yes but definitely there. In fact id rather play him over Alexander. Id even take the likes of out of sorts whittaker in the squad over Alexander as he offers more. The reason OF players are in the Scotland team is that, even if semi regluar for their respective clubs, they are the best outwith the English top flight available. If there were better options available they WOULD be playing for the OF. Broadfoot is limited but i'd only have Darren Barr ahead of him of the options available. Can anyone give better players than the ones listed such as Whittaker. If they can, then think to themselves have they played well enough for a while to merit the Old Firm bidding ?2 for their man?
  17. Personally i found the initial post slightly amusing. Wasnt laugh out loud wet myself material but lightened the mood of sitting at a PC at 2 in the morning. And to be blatantly honest, yes these men were cowards, jumping him from behind and no even giving him a fair fight and outnumbering him. But why not press charges? Perhaps it was not their 1st meeting that evening? purely rogue speculation on my part but i wouldnt be suprised. He's been out causing trouble before and had trouble caused to him. Trouble seems to cling to him like a dirty smell. Doesnt give anyone an excuse to jump the guy despite him being a complete and utter ninny. Might have had nothing to do with football. It is Glasgow. Anywhere at the weekend can be a touch rough. If it was to do with football and who he is, then it just brings shame on their whole club and fan base. Im sure (well, to a point) there are many decent OF supporters out there but less face it tarnishes the lot of them and the two assailants have nothing to be proud of. Another glorious day for Scotland and its people eh!
  18. I think a good way for there to be some communication between the club and the fans - read this forum for goodness sake! They'd only have to read half and they'd have a great idea whats going on. Such as when season tickets are allocated have a box on a form saying "would you like to be part of the section G singing group *note this is not a family suited area " and then they could bunch the singers together and create an atmosphere.
  19. Thought his shoulder was meant to be gone, ka put and all that. I suppose it's only the reserves but really. Maybe he's looking to break an SPL record
  20. So back to transfer dealings. Anyone think Brian Kerr be worth a shout on a short term deal? He is a free agent.
  21. Oh the banter returns, how i've missed it so. The bouncers in Greenock make our our stewards look openly pleasant and up for a laugh!
  22. At least it appears the club bid ?100k for a player (McPake) we can talk to in January with a view to signing next summer for nothing (he is over 23 yeah?) Shows some ambition i'd say. Touch disappointed not to sign a defender but we have 3 natural central defenders in Munro Maguire and Duff and Hastings, Proctor and even Tokely at a push can play there. Plus i'd like to think we could recall Guy Kerr who i also believe can play there. Hey, if we were that desperate Black or Duncan would probably step back! Im not too worried. Altho here's a question. Anyone have a scooby how the Daily Record rates Maguire as our best player every week?
  23. Bit better than normal highlights. Still surely they could find 5 min from each game and make it even all round. Or have that and a game of the weekend. Tokely's keepy uppys were kinda weird. He looks so awkward but no one got near him.
  24. Personally i've always agreed with the idea that if you're good enough then you're old enough. If both continue to show their ability then there is no reason why they should not be in and around the 1st eleven every week. Hopefully their eagerness to cement a 1st team place will keep the regulars on their toes and if not replace them. Duff should replace Maguire permanently now. Vigurs could be a long term replacement for McBain (different style players granted but thats not nessesarily an issue) Next up Zander Sutherland and Gary Wood although perhaps their not quite ready but 10 minutes here and there if we ever look like having the points in the bag would do them no harm. Im beginning to think perhaps Rory won't step up and be counted. He has got ability and showed in pre season he can do the forwards job but he has to get consistent.
  25. It might not say much about keegans either
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