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Council Juice

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Everything posted by Council Juice

  1. I will not tolerate a running track. Completely ruins footie.
  2. Does a job but can be sloppy at times. If he improved his distribution and was more consistent he'd be a very good player.
  3. I dont think it would cause the problems that many are suggesting. If Scotland and England and Wales and Northern Ireland were to not be allowed to play as seperate nations then their leagues would have to be merged as well. It wouldnt suit to have one national team with 4 top flights. It would easily solve the problem by just picking English based English players. They wouldnt win it anyway but it would be interesting to have a home nation representing in the olympics at the supposed home of footie.
  4. I dont see this happening. At least not until Monday if ever at all. Utd will want to make sure they have their bases covered before allowing him to leave.
  5. Everyone is moaning about fielding the youth team yet only Vigurs Wood Rory and Duff came from that really with Duff going to start anyway. Esson was undoubtably going to play and was a good call to keep mike on his toes. Djimi Zabi whatdoyoumacallem was also a likely starter to test him out - may have to do a resit by the sounds of it. Tokely Duff Maguire, Black, Cowie have all started the last three games with exception of Duff in just last two games. Wilson is vastly experienced so again no one should have problems starting him, especially against a 2nd division side. I do feel it was an error playing Wood and Rory together in a competitive game like this irregardless if they have a good understanding in the reserves. Rooney or Barrowman should have started. In fact Rory seemed to play well with Rooney on tour. Lest us not forget Rangers went there a while back (in modern era) and struggled so its a hard cup place to go to. Lets not dwell on it. Get the weekend out the way with a good result and look forward to the international games.
  6. Ach what can some narrow minded facists do against 4000 disgruntled highlanders! We should rip their heads off and tear them to pieces and then tell the team the same will happen to them if they don't start winning all the time - champions in no time!
  7. It shows how bad the stewarding has become if fans dont even want to sing, stand, talk at games. Bit like the atmosphere at my work when the manager who will be known as "moobs" is in. Dead quite and tense..less work gets done though. Section G is the song base. So good at their vocation they have become that people have become reliant apon their greatness :018: :thumb04: Could drink not be moderated with tokens or a book with a stamp. Once book full for day you canna drink more. or once tokens used no more. And anyone already intoxicate refused drink. Oh and stewards... its entertainment. Thats what football is. Your not policing a G8 summit and your not important people so get of your high horse and let us stand and sing a bit without getting out of order. ie treat people like "mature" adults.... except IHE. Just treat him like an adult perhaps The bit before isnt nessesary. And everyone swears... Anyone with any sense knows when and where it should be used. Fitbaw is one of those should be used occasions!
  8. Not too good that. Dont think it will take into account anything since April though as will be tax year related hopefully, therefore not taking Niculae fee into account.
  9. To be honest I dont see the problem. Fifa has stated it wouldnt be a problem as outside Fifa anyway. - The egg chasers (British Lions) do it and they're sensible to still allow Scotland Ireland and Wales as well as Engurlund into the World cup. - The Olympics is like the only competition where Britain is competing and not the home nations seperately. - Theirs no reason to suggest that with just the addition of a football team this would change anything. -Im sure alot of Scots are fairly happy to be Brits along with Welsh Northern Irish and even English folks and would be proud to be part of the Olympics team just like Hoy was and is. Just like he is proud to represent Scotland in the Commonweath games. And as for having a seperate Scottish olympics team. Where does Salmond think he'll get all the Sporting funding for these people? Not the lottery fund. He can be sure of that.
  10. For that price i'd go if i wasnt working
  11. You want to listen to Jim Traynor?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? The BBC highlights have perfected the knack of not telling the truth about a game at ALL!
  12. I'd like to see a good wee winger with a good cross on him and a turn of pace. A quick striker would be nice. And a big strong bully of a centre half. 2 signings and i think we'd be fine. I'd settle for a centre back and see how its looking in January. Its time the kids in the squad took the step up and show what they can do. Im baffled how we never go for loans (apart from Rooney which turned permanent) Falkirk seem to pull of masterstrokes all the darn time. Tim Krul, Schmeichel, Stokes, guy from Sunderland in midfield, Surely we can get someone from the championship or Premiership needing experience and having a touch of class about them.
  13. The prices in the SPL for some of the provincial teams is somewhat spectacularly high. And make no jokes, we are a smaller team based on infrastructure and fan base. I also think perhaps its to do with the fact when we were in the SFL i cared less about spending money on the game as win lose or draw it would usually be a fun day out. Maybe it's to do with the fact every club has a chance at that level (other than County obviously) but THAT doesnt stop me going to games as i enjoy being in the SPL as its the top tier. But at any SPL game i've ever been at I tend to feel intimidated to some extent, or certainly did when i was younger. The Stewards dont help. It does seem they'll pick the smaller fan base to carry out their actions on or the smaller folk like the kids who are there to enjoy themselves . I can deal with them facists though. I can accept their cowardness with soap dodgers and their chibs thus needing the better folk to vent their frustrations apon. ALthough I'll never agree with insisting on no standing. German clubs manage standing areas perfectly well.. or why not have standing areas with a seat per man. Standing is not dangerous if managed properly and sensibly. Go to any gig and you'll generally come out alive even in a big crowd with stage surges, pits, crowd surfing etc. That doesnt go on at games. Ways of getting more fans in is: under 8s free and under 15s for a low price like a fiver or if you bring a mate he goes half price(under 15s) get students in cheaper too (im not one anymore so not an alteria motive) as they probably dont have much to spend their cash on so getting them to a game instead of lazying in bed on a saturday afternoon watching Hollyoaks reruns would be more benificial to society as a whole. bring back booze at games. Everyone one who wants to drink proves age at turnstile and gets a token book with limited tokens to use. That way the club can restrict drink and drunkards and not have riots but also bring back the fun element. A brick and mortar shop or even a better thing that we have, would benefit the staff with a better place to work and allow for a larger range perhaps? The car park shouldnt really be an issue for people attending games. It i can imagine be frustrating but if it was me i wouldnt use it if it wasnt working, definitely not pay for it. And talking to the fans and taking points on board and if finances arent there to pay for new shops, better parking etc then telling them and fund raisers can be organised. The type of fund raisers that unite the club and fans.. and hey get some players in on it too!
  14. I could not make the game on Sat but am disappointed to hear that this happened yet again, seems to happen just about everytime we play against you and Deano is on the park. I know its only a minority and I am sure most Caley fans are of the same opinion as yourself, but the minority really need to learn to shut up about this as it puts them in a very bad light indeed. Its unfortunate Dean did not get to have the last laugh with his missed chance near the end. Everyone kinda knows it was his own fault he's got one eye. Doesnt stop him playing though. Stick like that usually spurs a player on anyway. So it really would shut some people up if he did score against us and said came out and said "Im suprised as I it (the ball) late." Players will get stick for all sorts. Far worse that he gets. It aint right and i am not excusing it but im sure he's big enough to take it. As for Wyness he shouldnt get boo'ed as i dont think he would celebrate if he scored against us as the club means alot to him... If he did mind he should be shot dead!
  15. A more than ideal situation for some. Maybe not great for families
  16. He wasn't good enough for St Johnstone when he signed for us the last time Very true, that was one of my reasons for looking at Elvis (in that just cos he aint a regular elsewhere ie Celtic last season dont mean he aint good enough) but if we get him back he can provide the steady man at the back. We've always had a nack of getting guys to be good enough anyway.
  17. Get him as defensive coach/player, Brew/Shearer as attacking coach/manager and coach, Wilson as midfield coach/player, current No2 and Clelland/Christie as youth coach and we're laughing.
  18. He never had a problem with the fans from what i know. We never had a problem with us. Why would there need be anamosity? He was forced out so if he cuts the mustard and scores against us (obviously he didnt yesterday but in the future), well thats part and parcel of football.
  19. I think in terms of off the field development Falkirk and St Mirren and even Hamilton are starting to overtake us. Id have bought a season ticket in the summer if i wasnt so skint then and now. At the moment i have to make do with picking and choosing games and grabbing mates to watch games in the capital. Going week in week out is simply far too much for me. I might look at seeing if theirs any ticket packages in the new year but the cost of travel and games is way too high for regular attendance. If i wanted to i could but it would mean not going out at the weekend. And too be honest if i had the choice of travelling 100+ miles up the road and the same down again every week or going out with friends for a drink and having a good time dancing and socialising to the sounds of modern times and time of bygone eras and then playing football the next day with a stinking hangover and a rotten gut with the lads i'd choose the latter. Some people may not like that approach. Call me a part timer, arm chair fan, non die hard. Probably a correct assumption. And thats fine. Some people spend alot of their hard earned cash watching their team and dont always get much back for it. Too be honest though i'd rather be out with mates than going to games on my lonesome everyweek if i had to choose. And i have to choose. I have muchos muchos respect for the people who watch their team on a cold wet winters wednesday night and coming away after a 0-0 draw. Its not for me though. In saying all this i will go to more games this season than i have seasons past (in the SPL) and get behind the team.
  20. Sounds promising. As he's young yet in time he could build himself up to cope with the demands of the SPL. Novo aint tall or big built but he worked on his upper body strength and if you compare him not to his 1st season at Dundee he's alot stronger. As long as he can run by his man to get the cross in and he actually can cross then i say get him in.
  21. I'd say thats the mistake part of this topic put to bed now with another assured performance yesterday v two good strikers. When others lost their way he stood up and reacted well after losing the goal. Thats two sponsors MOM awards now. And he even got in the SundayMail team of the week.(yes i know, but i was drunk when i bought the paper, sorry) Good to see he got over the mistake quickly as most expected he would. M4TJ - I am in agreement with you but i have a tendancy to stick up for younger players because its encouragment early on that can make the player. So I back them to the hilt. He could have scored an OG after rounding Fraser to rattle the ball home and I'd stick up for him. And Id find an excuse! One of the lads in the youth team the year before last rated him and Vigurs as the stars. In saying all that I still think Maguires eror to let Corcoran in was far worse and we got lucky there. It would have been highlighted had there been a goal. Duff and Munro should be 1st choice. Maguire is too inconsistent and error prone and i think that does not breed confidence.
  22. fitness is a key part. McBain my not be the most gifted but his stamina and work rate are top class which really helps the team out. Surely every team needs experience and he offers that. We'll soon have no one over 30 if he goes anywhere.
  23. Signing Bobby Mann shouldnt even be a thought. It shouldn't be fathomed. It would be an embarrassing step down. Top 1st division centre half in his day and thats it. No where near mobile enough for the SPL. He's a mid range 2nd div player now who coasted through... a testamonial. Dont get me wrong. Thought he was a star when we had him but not now. I'd take dods back. Although he's hardly mobile himself he has height and presence and is fit enough for the top tier. Also a goal threat at set pieces. Sol Bamba is another i'd take. He does tend to be rash and inconsistent and take his eye of the ball but he has the ability and at 23 is young for a centre half. We only have 3 recognised centre halves. Albeit in a crisis Proctor and Hastings and at a push Tokely can play there. The 3 we really have are Munro- 1st choice centre half. Maguire- less said the better and Duff - promising youth with virtually no experience. Lionel is an out and out left back it would seem. Some full backs are just not meant to be central defenders and he's one of them. So Dods or Bamba as we need a 4th central defender. Maybe offer Maguire as part of the deal for Bamba and get both eh?
  24. Do I think Duff was at fault, yes I do also Do I blame him, Yes Partly Should he play again, yes clearly but I still don't blame him fully for the goal. If a player makes an error half way up the park at the touch line there shouldnt be a gaping hole behind him. Brewster himself thinks this. It was a basic error and probably uncharacteristic and hopefully he'll get over it and get a game next week, even if Munro is fit. drop Maguire. He would have cost us a goal if Corcoran had connected better with his shot
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