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Council Juice

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Everything posted by Council Juice

  1. For a start I may only be 16 but i have had a season ticket since 2000 I go to every home and away game every season including cup games I was in Denmark watching the pre-season and i was at 5 pre-season games in scotland and then went to the burnely game I do buy the top every season along with a programme at every game spend for too much on inverness each year to be honest does that make me a fan or an arm chair fan? you sound like an out and out arm chair fan! a disgrace! not welcome! :018: Very commited lad.... now go on and get out and have a life beyond ICT. There is so much out there!!! :thumb04:
  2. Offiong was still allowed to run 40 yards without a challenge. Cover should always be available that high up the pitch. Im all in favour of full backs getting forward but you should be able to get back to cover your position. Not saying its Roos Tokely's fault, Duff did make the error and fresh air a simple ball he should have played out nice and easy, but a player should not be allowed to run from just beyond the half way line and on the touch line to the opposition penalty area virtually unchallenged. Brewster seemed to be annoyed about that as much as anything.
  3. Lets just remember we beat Liverpool 5-0 in a friendly last night and not who they had playing
  4. Well maybe the underprivelidged kids will have to do without until the club comes up with a viable solution. Not great, but if your supplying a service to customers with which you charge you should look to offer a half decent service and not lock gates unnessesarily. I wouldnt pay for something that doesn't work and look for another solution. I've always said I would buy a Big Issue if it was actually a decent read. My Mum does buy it for the sake of buying it and it just seems to harp on about homeless folk - really depressing read. I'll stick to Nuts and Zoo!
  5. Could they not be made smaller or lower or something, you know flatten them out. You know a wider based triangle shape if you get me. It seems perfectly logical to somehow adjust their size and/or positioning without changing sponsorship agreement. Also on another note, we should encourage players (particularly during warm ups) and ball boys to randomly hit stewards in the back of the head. This would be particularly good during dull games and as half time entertainment.
  6. If Munro is out I'd probably take a 2-2. If not 1-0 Caley!
  7. from reading the Barry Wilson thread he looked decent and quick, but the Liverpool players realised this and tried the odd shirt tug etc to slow him down. However he kept plugging away for his short appearance. It has been noted that Brewster supposedly said he looked a little small and slight for the Scottish game (but hey look at SWP at Chelsea in the Premiership) but looked technically good. And that it would be seen how he would do in training. Other than that we'll probably find out at the end of the week.
  8. So we're all in agreement. Duff did make an error but played well enough during the game and after the error to show he is certainly capable. However Richard Offiong was allowed to run a further 40 yards to goal with no real challenge and slot the ball home. Comments from Phil Maguire in Sunsport suggest that Brewster was more annoyed this was allowed to happen and that there was no cover behind Duff. Presumably Duff wouldnt have been in that position if Tokely wasnt a little further upfield. I do however disagree with the newspapers assesment he was our best player. None of the players performed however Maguire headed Corcoran through on goal and he's always prone to doing similar. You should never head backwards unless you KNOW your keeper is going to get it or there is someone in space to pick it up. Duff WILL NOT develop as a good centre half if he plays alongside maguire too much. Im sure most agree Munro came on leaps and bounds parntering Dods for 2 seasons and I feel the same could happen for Duff with Munro. He certainly wouldnt be allowed to make many mistakes with Ross and Grant beside him as im sure he'd get a healthy ear bashing.
  9. Fraser Proctor Tokely Munro(Duff) Hastings(Jibby Jabby) Duncan Cowie Black McBain Imrie Rooney Esson Vigurs Duff(Maguire) Gillespie Wilson Z Sutherland Barrowman MacAllister I'd like to try Tokely alongside Duff in the centre, basically as he is the only one in the team with the height and presence to combat Nish and he's not especially slow either, especially for what a centre back would be. And i dont trust Maguire despite his nice words of encouragement in the SUN about Duff and that Offiong should NOT have been allowed to run 40 yards and score after his error. Maguire was incidentally our best player on Saturday according to the SUN with a 7 rating. With my formation Imrie can run all over and get to wings or support striker. When attacking Cowie can push out wide and tuck in or cover full back when defending as can McBain. Duncan covers the defence and Black marshalls the middle. Rooney is a big strong forward who can bring others into play as a lone centre forward and combat centre halves. Proctor will be back and is a good full back and gets forward well and when appropriate. Give me Brewsters job, I AM the master!
  10. Thought he may come in for McBain in the future. Although McBain is still very fit and i dont think he'll be needing to stop playing any time soon.
  11. Depressingly but probably predictably Brewster was on the radio this morning saying that he thinks the guy is a good footballer but is probably too small for Scottish football!! He will be monitored in training. Dont know if he would need SFA clearance to play in a testamonial. Could be on a holiday visa and playing a game of footie in the park for an old man on his testamonial is hardly breaking visa regulations. Had he been in employment then yes. Im sure he would need some sort of clearance from the SFA to be on trial in training anyway and that would cover it. Also i hate the idea that if he is small he aint suitable. Get him to bulk up a bit and he'll be fine. Nothing I hate more than nippy wee players and Im 6'4. As long as they dont **** themselves any time someone comes near they can do what Shaun Wright Phillips does in the premiership - ie be a midget and still have avery good impact in the game. Hope Bazza had a good game and enjoyed himself last night. Thankyou for the service you've given and hopefully one more season of silk is on the way
  12. It is good for a change that most are willing to let his mistake go and obviously it's going to be inevitably talked about for reasons said. I just hope he lives up to his promise. After all the reserves were succesful last year and he would have been part of that. Zibi is a different kettle of fish. His past reputation at Hibs had shown that he was prone to error. Making a mistake straight away against Aberdeen, of all teams, was the worst possible thing he could do. Unless he had given a masterclass and dispelled the idea that he was guff and a liability he was never going to change this impression no matter how well he had done in the reserves. Perhaps if he hadnt made any errors it could be put down to the fact Gordon Marshall is Hibs goalkeeping coach and that it must be noted all their keepers are prone now to handling errors. Was he not also? Actually no wait, he was just gash!
  13. ok so i know who mendy is but the only other player i really know of theirs is Kristian Nemeth but he's unavailable. Maybe Brewster could get talking to the liverpool guys about a loan deal perhaps?
  14. Yep he's a goal poucher, not a Brewster. The long ball won't work for him. It seems very clear to me. He's more like Ritchie, Wyness, Kris Boyd in than put him through on the goalie and you've got a goal, play in a cross, he'll be there, behind the defence, he'll latch on to it. Punt it up the park and he'll initally try for the ball but with two tall centre backs eventually be fazed out.
  15. When i read this topic heading I thought ICT had gone down the Italian route and got some latin fascist hooligans. Like the Ultras at some Italian clubs. But no just singing.
  16. I never really meant to start this thread to talk about Duff's mistake and whether he should start. Moreso what did most think of his overall game and if he looks the part. The papers say he was impressive other than his error, do most agree? I think he should definintely start. In fact play him alongside Rossco in the middle (a big physical player to play against Nish) and if I'm thinking right thats Proctors suspension over so he can slot in at right back. Hopefully with Tokely being the vice captain he would be talking Duff through the game. Fair enough maguire could do this but he has his own worries during a game.
  17. Providing service to a lone striker is pivitol in that formation and it seems the midfield failed to do that yesterday. I'd have liked to have seen two up front from the start but given we leaked goals left right and centre last season and alot in pre season and if Brewster can't find a suitable guy to partner Munro to stop that happening, Im not going to critisise him for trying to make a tight unit with that formation. Hopefully we'll have more of a solid Defence, build on that and use the formations of that to become a goal threat as well.
  18. I agree. Part and parcel of learning his trade at this level. It's a case of trying to make sure it doesnt happen regularly and if that happens he'll become a solid dependable player. No critism of the guy on my part. As said team game and others could have sorted it before he scored. I'd like to see him get a wee run at some point if circumstances permit.
  19. From what I read he was quite impressive yesterday, only blotting his text book with an error, on the stroke of half time on the left touch line, which sadly cost us a goal and the match. I'd like to have him play alongside Munro for a bit if Maguire doesn't perform. Give him his shot. I wasn't at the game as Im from Edinburgh and a touch short on money so do not have surplus funds to attend a football game. Anyone at the game have any opinions on the lad? Thoughts?
  20. He is new and adjusting to this level. If the whole team forgot to turn up a lone striker always looks bad. But at least Brewster thinks he can play that role so he can't be regarded as lazy by the management. I think we are crying out for a natural winger with pace in the team though. Although I wasnt at the game so shouldnt really comment. If like Ritchie Barrowman scores 20 a season, albeit against mainly the lesser teams, i'll take it right now!
  21. Always seen Black as a little like Robson. Bags of ability but sometimes let down by his temperement. Obviously you do have to be competitive and I agree with his comments. Hopefully he'll keep the bit but remove stupid bookings from his game and he'll be able to truly reach his potential.
  22. I thought the guy said he was an american?
  23. Totally agree with this. There is no point signing someone who isnt going to improve the squad without spending over the odds. Im sure if Brew finds the right player he'd try to sign him. If not we'll have to make do. It has been said before but i'll say it again, GOOD AFFORDABLE centre halves are hard to to come by. Well done on getting the lad Rooney on a permantent basis for a good contract length. Hopfully the club will continue this policy of longer deals and stop thinking 1st division. We've had a good 1st game, so lets get behind the lads. EVERYONE chant Rooney Rooney Rooney at todays game if your there and hopefully we'll keep it going. Lets really push for the top 6!
  24. kinda like it although i think Scotland blue socks would have been better. It seems to suit the likes of Hartley better than a picture of David Clarkson i saw. In other words it looks good on Hartley but pretty crappy on David Clarkson. Definintely a man not a boys top. Very "I was born pre 1985" Looks a bit too retro for the young uns! PS i know nothing on fashion. One must only look at my shirt collection.
  25. I'm sure the club could arrange a "friendly" with someone decent? If not I'm perfectly willing to go on an all expenses trip to Spain, not so sure about Uganda though. More than likely as he's under contract Hercules won't allow him to play. Could be that.
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