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Council Juice

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Everything posted by Council Juice

  1. Maybe they ask himnot to waive the percentage of transfer cash, but the ?100k signing on fee? And lets hope that if the club do have to pay this also they insist its at the signing of contract exchange rates as opposed to current ones eh? Surely the Euro was worth less a year ago!
  2. Got this from the comment made by club statement as main article on this site. If Marius has set up the deal 1st before talking to the club about it while on personal business he's broken every transfer rule in the Fifa book by negotiationing while in contract. Dinamo are also guilty of tapping up as they from this statement have spoken to the player without agreeing a fee 1st. So if marius has agreed to waive his fee verbally, and he doesnt, we should report both to Fifa and Uefa for tapping up etc. And i fear its too late. Everyone who reads this site know the clubs a shambles. Just glad the press hasnt picked up yet. The club are slap bang in the middle of a Liverpool style boardroom struggle it would seem with players being used as pawns to meet certain peoples ends. Im not worried to lose Marius. He was not that great. Bags of ability but no great urgency in his play. Always played within himself. But i'd hate for other players to get stuck up in this. I'll admit i have no evidence for this as its not in the high profile status league of Liverpool.Its pure speculation but something doesnt seem right and we are not looking good out of it all.
  3. well at least he's off and we have some money. Lets invest that in a right footed centre half who can header and pass with composure. Think Colin Hendry is still fit?
  4. I could also have beaten you but decided as opposed to putting down three posts in a row i thought i'd journey around and leave it to chance. Wonder what would have happened had i said nought?! :023:
  5. Morgan Spice v RiG - taking on a moderator... brave of foolish young one. Best hope to have chuck norris dvd collection by your side, or even better the Dougie Imrie collection Chuck is forced to watch. :001:
  6. RiG you seem to blow every suggestion i make out the window yet i keep taling about players in talks with championship clubs. Any suggestions?
  7. i think rory may have earned a start v burnley with his hat trick against helforge. If he does well again he may well start v the dons,opening day
  8. What a big furore over a romanian eh? almost reached 400 posts. wonder who'll get it? :021: :024:
  9. Dont tell me Savage and Sutherlandre at it too?! :010: :017:
  10. Only problem i can see with him agreeing to do that is if he was in romania at the time of the offer he wouldnt be able to sign anything unless he faxed it through but do we own a fax machine?! :024: Says on the ever reliable BBC regional text that the deal has went through. My mate said yesterday Mainz were due 35% it said. I doubt that would be the case though. And besides i thought he was on freedom of contract or was it just a free transfer?
  11. Well they do keep slagging of his tan... :015:
  12. OUt of shape - thats blown that idea then eh :015: Its Blackpool he's at on trial. Bamba from Dunfermline!!? :024:
  13. Yes the idea from your original post reedee - not good. :029: :018: We would be ejected from the SPL with nonsense like that. And that says alot! Why do non talented musicians feel the need to cover up their vocal ineptitude with electronics - just hire a singer no? Or better yet get a job your good at?
  14. Just im clear on things the story seems to be. 1. ICT trying to flog Marius Niculae 2. Several clubs make bids but all are deemed unsatisfactory. Marius is told this as he has a verbal agreement in place that if the club get an acceptable offer he can talk to the said club and ICT wish to keep him informed. 3. After getting married, Marius asks for some leave to get some 'personal stuff' back home sorted. 4. German team begining with a K in 2nd tier make an acceptable bid of around ?500,000. Marius is allowed to talk to them and has written in contract to get 20% of fee (in this case ?100k). He rejects 5.a)Marius has self negotiated without agents assistance a 4 year contract with Dinamo Bucharest while he was in Romania on "Personal Business" b) Inverness accept a reduced fee of ?500k (?400k roughly) for Niculae. A condition of this however if we accept only ?400,000 he WILL have to waive his 20%. It appears the club wanted minimum of ?400k after Nic had got his share so we did him a favour by accepting a lower bid if he waived his fee. It was agreed verbally as he was in Romania at the time. The previous minimal bid the club would accept was ?500k so to get ?400k minimum after payments. 6. Inverness withhold registration until Niculae agrees to forfeit his 20% giving a Friday 3pm deadline. If NOT met then they will return funds to Dinamo and expect Niculae to return to Scotland to see out his contract or agree a deal at another club. IF Marius Niculae fails to turn up he will be considered AWOL and in breach of contract. In this case he will be hunted down and hung till he is dead dead DEAD. May the lord have mercy on his soul. Or reported to fifa. Again may the Lord have mercy on his soul. Have i got everything?
  15. I know your our feeder club and all that :004: but we aren't gonna take all your players right away. :blah01: Either that or he is rubbish and you want rid. :015:
  16. I keep touting Elvis but its not nessesarily him we need. Just someone in his mould. A leader with composure and perhaps a little heading ability wouldnt go amiss. I wouldnt say his legs are definitely gone, but he aint match fit. See he's on trial at Nott Forest though i think. Is there no one in the 1st Division. Surely Clyde, past masters of boring, have a decent defender on the cheap?
  17. I heard Dougie has a collection of Chuck Norris Walker Texas Ranger DvDs. Wonder where he learnt that round house kick?!
  18. This has all gotten a touch complicated hasnt it? :015: Im gonna blame it ALL on the Romanians. I have no basis for this but it seems the fairest way. :021: :023:
  19. Thats what worries me also- 6 goals conceded in Denmark. 3 against county and another 2 v St Johnstone. 11 goals against to 12 for. Bit tight is it not?
  20. McNulty is highly rated keeper also, but with a 3-0 win i imagine he wouldnt have been overly tested. Shame my name sake wasn't playing but i think he's only 16!
  21. They must have a new stand. Sure when i was there last it only had the main and one behind the goal. There was a supermarket behind the other goal and a big barren bit opposite the main. surely cant hold 6000? could be wrong. Excellent rail link mind. Right of the train at the 1st Hamilton stop after Weegie land and across the bridge and down the path and your there.
  22. Planet no, another universe perhaps
  23. If there is ever someone to clarify something its Scotty - thats exactly what i've in my own round about way been trying to say and you manage it in one post! Paul Ritchie got stick for being a slow, cumbersome oalf but he was a goal getter, even though most came against the lesser teams - he and wyness were a key reason in our high scoring ratio in the 1st. But he came better when he got a bit of support and he was alot older than Rory and far more experienced. Wyness even got a little bit until he switched to being a wide right player into a goal MACHINE! I see McAllister as very much like Wyness only taller (in both on field character and style) Both are skillful forwards (based on what i've seen of Wyness and the very very very limited snippets of Rory) with an eye for goal. Neither are spectacular in the air. Both seem to be very quiet Aberdeen rejects with confidence problems who given the encouragement will flourish.... well we can hope in Rory's case. Think of it like a child wanting to get into a pool (or alternative water source) with his pals but the water is a little cold. Some jump right in (think Wayne Rooney) Little Rory however is tenitively dipping his tootsies in to test the water. Now if his friends encourage him he'll join them in their fun little game but if they scream at him for being a usless *** and boo his lack of courage then he might run home to mummy :015: Lets encourage him for this season at least.. we need him to jump in!
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