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  • tm4tj

    Coronavirus - Season on hold

    Statement from ICTFC



    Read the full article here



    ICTFC have also released a statement regarding one of their players having reported in with similar conditions to Coronavirus.

    Read the article here

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    1 hour ago, snorbens_caleyman said:

    There is - you'd be taken to the cleaners by any half-decent law student  :lol:   No way on earth could that be fair.

    You do not change the rules of a competition once it is under way - unless with the agreement of all concerned.

    And I mean all concerned - look at the debacle about the ending of last season.

    That's enough from me on this!

    I have to say that this former law student, albeit back in the days of parchment and quill pens, largely agrees with DD even if the suggested penalty is a bit harsh.

    In normal times I entirely agree that moving the goalposts after the season begins would be unfair and open to legal challenge.

    However, these are very far from normal times and society as a whole is subject to constraints which would not be acceptable in normal times.

    The continuation of the current season and with it continuing existence of some clubs is in genuine peril.

    The sanction for any club who's players or officials transgress in such a blatant matter needs to be meaningful and needs to be put in place now and remain in place as long as the threat remains.

    Of course it would have been far preferable if it had been included in the original protocol but it wasn't, perhaps because nobody thought that anyone would be quite so irresponsible as the Pittodrie Eight. We are where we are and action needs to be taken now.

    As I've said before, I don't think it fair, or even possibly legal, for it to be made retrospective but if the sanction is available and widely known there the fact that Aberdeen may have 'got away with it' is no reason or excuse for the authorities to take the appropriate action going forward.

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    All the talk in the world about being fair would just fall on deaf ears in the Hampden committee room. Fairness and common sense do not feature in their vocabulary - just ask Hearts, PT, Stranraer, Brora and Kelty...

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    The fuhrers no happy at this 1 hypocritical wee boot she opened the pubs afc offered to play with a weakened side that's what should've happened might e unearthed a gem from the youth team! Life needs to go on can't hide forever 

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    Under different circumstances would have been quite happy to see the game go ahead with a weakened Dons side who are entirely to blame for their own mismanagement breaking the rules, however, I think calling the game off was the right decision. No point in risking the export of this cluster outbreak to Perth, there's no telling how many others in the Dons setup have been exposed to the eight named.

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    13 hours ago, Alan Simpson said:

    The fuhrers no happy at this 1 hypocritical wee boot she opened the pubs afc offered to play with a weakened side that's what should've happened might e unearthed a gem from the youth team! Life needs to go on can't hide forever 

    Your talents are wasted on here Alan...

    The pubs were opened on certain conditions, such as ehhh, let me see, don’t have people from 8 different households sitting at the same table...

    Letting young people and alcohol mix after 4 months off was never going to end well anyway, but that’s another argument.

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    21 minutes ago, CaleyCanary said:

    Under different circumstances would have been quite happy to see the game go ahead with a weakened Dons side who are entirely to blame for their own mismanagement breaking the rules, however, I think calling the game off was the right decision. No point in risking the export of this cluster outbreak to Perth, there's no telling how many others in the Dons setup have been exposed to the eight named.

    Can't complete their games for the foreseeable future, 3 games in the self isolation period, so 9 point deduction for inability to complete games, 3 points a piece to their opponents, and if it continues punt them down the pyramid, can't have a team saying "yeah, we're ready to start playing" only to play a fraction of their scheduled games.

    Same thing happened to Bury and Bolton, neither could complete their fixtures so were deducted the points for those games and, in Burys case, punted out of the league entirely for not playing a single game. It's not fair on anyone when you breach lockdown rules then make a half arsed apology statement a couple days later, rules need to be made, so the team that aren't playing because of the opposition's idiocy, aren't being dragged into the dirt as well.

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    Pittodrie to McDiarmid park is longer than 5 miles away. It shouldn’t have been taking place anyway. Why did we stop last season if it’s ok to continue football during a lockdown.

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    3 hours ago, TheMantis said:

    Your talents are wasted on here Alan...

    The pubs were opened on certain conditions, such as ehhh, let me see, don’t have people from 8 different households sitting at the same table...

    Letting young people and alcohol mix after 4 months off was never going to end well anyway, but that’s another argument.

    I no bud they proper are aye no rules broken then that players are from separate households! Used to no mind Sturgeon she's turned a bit Pol Pot now tho TV every day talking gibberish slating the English at every turn but yet copying everything they do 2 weeks later no be voting for thst wee mutant again 

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    1 hour ago, Alan Simpson said:

    I no bud they proper are aye no rules broken then that players are from separate households! Used to no mind Sturgeon she's turned a bit Pol Pot now tho TV every day talking gibberish slating the English at every turn but yet copying everything they do 2 weeks later no be voting for thst wee mutant again 

    Says someone who I bet doesnt work for the NHS. 

    We are all fed up but making out the pandemic is over is just plain stupid. 

    Alan probably thinks covid caused by 5g....

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    1 hour ago, Alan Simpson said:

    I no bud they proper are aye no rules broken then that players are from separate households! Used to no mind Sturgeon she's turned a bit Pol Pot now tho TV every day talking gibberish slating the English at every turn but yet copying everything they do 2 weeks later no be voting for thst wee mutant again 

    The First Minister will be beyond devastated to lose the support of such an articulate and talented individual.

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    5 hours ago, ICTPAISLEY said:

    Pittodrie to McDiarmid park is longer than 5 miles away. It shouldn’t have been taking place anyway. Why did we stop last season if it’s ok to continue football during a lockdown.

    We stopped last season because the virus was running out of control with an R rate of approaching 5, the whole country, the entire United Kingdom and most of continental Europe were in a similar position and Scotland was rapidly heading towards having over 200 people in intensive care with the virus at any one time and a death rate of 100 a day of people who had tested positive.

    As of today, there are 3 people in intensive care with Covid  nobody who has tested positive has died for the last week and the R rate is between 0.6 and 1.

    A very different situation to when football, and just about everything else was stopped.

    The situation in Aberdeen City is not a new lockdown but a limited restriction involving bars, restaurants and interactions between households as a precautionary measure to quell a local cluster caused by idiots like the Pittodrie Eight flouting the very clear guidance given to the general public and even clearer guidance to professional footballers.

    It is a setback and a warning to us all not to become in any way complacent but needs to be put in context.

    This is not the situation that prevailed in late March and early April and if everyone who has been following  the advice continues to do so and those who have not but heed the warning start to do so, we will not find ourselves in that dreadful position again.

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    1 hour ago, Kingsmills said:

    The First Minister will be beyond devastated to lose the support of such an articulate and talented individual.

    She will be a lot more worried by losing the potential votes of a lot of 16-18 year olds after her sqa shambles...

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    1 hour ago, Kingsmills said:

    The First Minister will be beyond devastated to lose the support of such an articulate and talented individual.

    I knew you'd be a member of the cult of the so called first minister my man you've all the usual traits lol she never really had my support to begin with find her a bit of a reptile 

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    2 hours ago, old caley girl said:

    Says someone who I bet doesnt work for the NHS. 

    We are all fed up but making out the pandemic is over is just plain stupid. 

    Alan probably thinks covid caused by 5g....

    I never said it was over pal but what's the alternative sit and watch the economy crash jobs are already lost other illnesses are running rampant as well as mental health issues can't hide forever! What good would I be in the NHS I can barely read and write! Caused by 5g I dunno that what u think girl? 

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    Celtic's Boli Bolingoli has apologised for playing at the weekend only a week after returning from Spain when he should have been in quarantine for a fortnight.

    Following upon the Aberdeen debacle, the government must be very close now to losing patience with the game and shutting down the professional game. We were given an opportunity not afforded the general public, simply asked to follow the rules and act responsibly and have failed miserably.

    I despair. The largest and best resourced club in the country must surely have known that one of it's players was absent from training for a while. Did Celtic know he was in Spain and play him regardless ? There needs to be an investigation rather than a simple 'oops he made a mistake'.

    If football is halted again will Aberdeen and Celtic compensate the clubs much less able to take the financial blow than they are ?

    Like so much else related to Scottish football,this is simply embarrassing.

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    Is this proving the time old stereotype that footballers are idiots? How the actual can he forget allbthe travel advice and what his club told him and not quarantine for 14 days. Spain infection rate is at 37 per 100000 as opposed to UK at 14. The risk he has infected both teams is high. Twice now in less than a week of footballers taking The **** plus Griffiths has reportedly also had a house party as well in breech of the footballing rules.

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    Whilst it may be the case that some footballers are too dumb or too arrogant to follow the rules, their high profile means they are also far more likely to get caught. Which ought to mean they are particularly careful to adhere to the rules.

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    The employee is, in my view, guilty of gross misconduct justifying summary dismissal.

    In any other industry an employee who breached a clearly stated rule placing not just his employer but the entire industry at peril would be dismissed. The Aberdeen breach was bad enough but this was worse and even more blatant.

    Over to you Celtic. Are you prepared to put short term financial interests to one side and do the right thing ?

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    The spfl have been relatively quiet that two of the largest clubs in the country have been involved yet no sanctions and even tried to play games until ordered by the government to stop. Yet Partick and hearts both fighting to save jobs etc handed 2500 fines for the gall of questioning their authority. Double standards.

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    1 hour ago, Kingsmills said:

    The employee is, in my view, guilty of gross misconduct justifying summary dismissal.

    In any other industry an employee who breached a clearly stated rule placing not just his employer but the entire industry at peril would be dismissed. The Aberdeen breach was bad enough but this was worse and even more blatant.

    Over to you Celtic. Are you prepared to put short term financial interests to one side and do the right thing ?

    All clubs should now make it clear that any further breaches by players will be subject to disciplinary action. One more false move and the game in Scotland that is currently clinging on financially could be irretrievably damaged by greedy idiots.

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    24 minutes ago, CELTIC1CALEY3 said:

    All clubs should now make it clear that any further breaches by players will be subject to disciplinary action. One more false move and the game in Scotland that is currently clinging on financially could be irretrievably damaged by greedy idiots.

    Agreed and the disciplinary action should be severe not merely a fine but dismissal.

    The very continuing existence of some clubs is at stake.

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