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The Mantis

07: Moderators
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Everything posted by The Mantis

  1. Barsteward. Naismith 29 mins. Should have taken our chances.
  2. 1-0 Dods :021: Come on the 10 Scots plus Mountie
  3. Findhorn Foundation? You're no getting me in a feckin corset.
  4. I agree with Mr Cliche, the donkey jaiket wearer.
  5. Recently I found some footage of him playing against us for Arbroath in div 1. Obviously he was world class in that game and put Denzil & Ritchie in the shade, and Arbroath beat us too, but he never scored :010:
  6. Well if that's the case I'd better get on to the Courier office for some back issues. Do you mean there's quotes by me every week and folk saying 'I agree with Mantis' ? I could be claiming the royalties and getting a taxi up the A9 every week instead of relying on that miserable ******* Naelifts.
  7. OK then, being positive: Graham, you're a world class player. It's lucky for us the SPL gets very little coverage on TV otherwise Juve would be in for you. I was exaggerating after the United game last week when I said you could trap it further than I could pass it. I can pass it further than you can trap it. It's just that Denzil is even better. He's solar system class, or Milky Way class, or Galaxy class, or any kind of chocolate you can name.
  8. I don't get the Courier sent to me any more, and usually I forget to read it online. Do they still print the 'Fan Mail' bit? Otherwise what plagiarism are you talking about Sandy?
  9. Could do with one of them to clear my feckin nose this week.
  10. Aye right, I heard you used an old piece of exhaust pipe every week.
  11. Fecks sake RIG I'm auld enuff to be yer grandfaither and I know what he's on about :015: :015: :015:
  12. Duck, here's Sandy :015: :015: :015: :015: :015: I don't think our defence has started leaking goals, we just missed Dods on Sat as the back four hasn't been disturbed in yonks. Expect normal service will be resumed next week, but Dods off at season's end. Agree with most of the other stuff though DonkeyJaiket.
  13. to get out this old favourite snowballs
  14. I remember standing on North Bridge in Edinburgh one night. A guy at the bus stop was eating a fish supper. A woman with a poodle was standing next to him in the queue, but the poodle wasn't giving him any peace. It kept getting up on its hind legs and clawing at the guy's leg, trying to scrounge some of his fish. Eventually the guy says 'does your dog like fish?' 'Yes' she says 'Do you mind if I throw it a bit then?' 'Not at all'. So he picks it up and chucks it over the wall into Waverley Station.
  15. Queen of Scots- Footballer's Wife :022:
  16. Pick yer own feckin team Richard :015: :015: :015:
  17. She's rubbing his nose as it got hit by a flying helmet
  18. Never done one of these before so I bet my team is all squinty Broonie Rossco-Prancer-Bionic Arms-Hasteens Bazza-Duncan-Hart-Rankin Denzil-Dargo If it's not working in midfield put Richie Hart on the right and Barry on the left, Rankin inside. Sub Zander for Baz after 45 or 60 mins. If it's still not working get Bayne on! Denzil back into midfield, somebody else off.
  19. I mind Caley beating them in a replay on the way to playing Rangers about 1984. Albion had already printed the programmes for the Rangers match so they turn up at programme dealers now and again, programmes for a match that was never played......
  20. Ach that's a bit harsh, he was only telling me he agreed with me :015:
  21. Haven't been on P&B for ages. Don't really have time either. Hope you rubbed it in about the travelling our fans have to do, not just up the A9 like all the others do for their bi-annual piss-up and day out. Anyway we had as many there yesterday as Motherwell had at ours last week, probably more. And the United crowd yesterday was pretty desperate was it not? Also what about all the Arabs in the Fox stand yesterday, shouting for a passback when Granty kneed it back to Broonie.
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