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Everything posted by davieB

  1. At least we can concentrate on the league now :023: We've been there before and won, and we played them off the park there earlier this season, so I wouldn't write us off just yet.
  2. If Blackie is allowed to leave it's an absolute disgrace :008: To be honest, all 3 should be staying. If we want to trim the squad of midfielders get rid of Morgan, and Markus. Blackie has been superb this season IMO, and his walking out against Motherwell, while inexcusable, was understandable. ~He was the only decent player in that first half, the rest were awful. So I'm not surprised he was raging when he got hooked. Rather than blame Blackie for walking out, how about looking at the tactical ineptitude of the person who hooked him? If Blackie leaves he'll have plenty of SPL clubs fighting for his signature. We've not many players who we could say that about. We should be doing EVERYTHING possible to keep talented youngsters like Blackie here, not forcing them out of the door.
  3. The chant was definitely after his gesture. The gesture was in response to continuous abuse from sections of the NS throughout the first half. If the gesture was aimed at the dickhead who sits just behind me, then nice one Michael.... :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03:
  4. davieB

    Brew Interview

    I don't get this attitude. We'll never progress if even our own fans have this 'small team' mentality. We worked hard to get where we are today, we're there on merit, and apart from the top two, we can compete with the rest. If we're always happy to be finishing 11th, then that's exactly what'll happen, though sooner or later that 11th will become 12th. And we've seen by other relegated teams experience how hard it is to come back from that. Our ambitions have to stretch beyond 11th, and this 'be grateful for where we are' attitude is pish. Top 6 should always be our aim every season. Someone posted we did well to beat a decent Midden side yesterday. Eh??? At home, against a team who we should be looking to finish above every season. Truth is, we were *****, and if they'd had Dargo playing we'd have lost that match. Then the knives would've really been out. Our resources? I thought we were in a sound position financially. We're certainly no worse than the teams around us. So that shouldn't hamper our ambitions. The board DID show ambition this season with the signing of Marius(and no, this isn't a debate about him, I'm just making the point), and the continual signing of better players than those we already have isn't an unrealistic proposition. I was neither here or there when Brewster was re-appointed, but I have to say that what I'm seeing at the moment is depressing. I've seen some of the worst football, and performances, I can remember in a long time just recently(and yes, some of the best EG Falkirk). Some of his decisions, tactics, substitutions are just baffling. His obvious dislike of any kind of 'flair' player is leading to mind numbingly dull football. I don't think a great deal of Rankin, but the boy obviously has some talent, so it's bewildering to think someone who's supposed to be more knowledgeable than us mere fans, the manager, thinks the likes of Morgan are better players. And Blackie? Our best player in the first half against Motherwell, the only decent player out there, gets hooked at half time, then doesn't even get in yesterdays squad because he disliked the decision!! I reckon Brewster would love a team full of Proctors and McAllisters, then we'd be well and truly fecked. I'm sure people don't pay good money, and lots of it, to watch the dire stuff we've seen just recently. Football is supposed to be entertaining...Ok, I know I'm not watching Argentina every week, but some degree of watchable football wouldn't go amiss. Sooner, rather than later, the people who's gate money finances the club will say enough is enough, and find more attractive ways to spend their money. Brewster is coming across as very arrogant, and egotistical at the moment, and unless he puts a check on that then he's going to find a **** of a lot more fans turn against him.
  5. The abuse was non-stop, from his very first bad kick. There's a guy who sits a few rows behind me who shouts nothing but abuse at Michael EVERY week....as well as other totally unfunny comments. It got so bad from him today that a guy a few seats down from me turned round and told him to shut the feck up. Michael shouldn't have reacted, it was wrong, BUT the abuse he was getting was fecking embarrassing. Same as Rory......I'm well down the list of his 'admirers', as my previous posts on him will testify, but I'd never, ever, even think of booing one of our players when they're warming up in front of the fans. As I said....embarrassing.
  6. Well, you're idea of quality play must be different to mine then. We were awful for most of the match St Mirren a decent side?? Fecks sake, thank god Dargo's still out, because if they'd had a scorer on there they'd have gubbed us.
  7. How bad have things got when our own keeper gives the 'V's to our own fans, who in turn give him abuse all the first half.....including the 'Aaaaaaahhhhh, you're ****' to him. Aye, his kicking was awful, but c'mon....just about sums us up at the moment :007: :007: :007:
  8. We were pish :007: A point would've been about right, but I'll take three when we play like that!! St. Mirren dominated from start to finish(even after going down to 10 men), and it was desperate defending/luck that won us the game. Conditions didn't help. but some of the desperate clearances, and passing, were awful. Marius and Wyness were the only plus points for me.
  9. I've not been overly impressed by Rankin from day one. Aye, he's scored some great games, but there's plenty of games he's been woeful. In saying that though.......he's got the ability, and I certainly wouldn't like to see him go. Get rid of Morgan, and Marcus if we've too many midfielders. Neither is SPL standard, and it's depressing to think Brewster thinks they're more important to us than Rankin.
  10. :021: :021: :021: :021: :021: :021: :021: :021: :021: :021: :021: :021: :021: :021: :021: :021: :021: :021: Superb stuff :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Croatia were brilliant. Great team to watch. Hope they do well in the finals.
  11. That's why I said elsewhere that Marius must be injured, because we had it on good authority that it was written into his contract that, if fit, he had to start?? :015: :015: :015: Oh, and I don't remember the folk criticising Marius doing the same when, only recently, Dennis was absolutely mince and went nearly a YEAR without a league goal.
  12. I agree that something is wrong, and I don't know what the problem is. I can't believe for one minute though that the players aren't professional enough, or ambitious enough, to accept that in order to progress as a club we need to be continously raising the bar. We'll all agree I'm sure, that Marius hasn't set the heather alight yet, but there's no doubting the man has talent, and it's no coincidence that Dennis has played the best football yet since his return to the club when he's played alongside Marius. The bloke doesn't exhibit any hint of arrogance, and from what I've seen of him, gives 100% every week. This nonsense that he's lazy etc is just that....complete nonsense. The club should be applauded for showing the ambition in recruiting someone of Niculaes stature (regardless of how he's performed) rather than continually being knocked. To me there are obviously problems at boardroom level, but the cause root of the current problems, in my opinion, have nothing to do with a particular players wages, but go back to the appointment of a manager who was out of his depth. Much as I like Charlie, and everything he's done for the club, he clearly wasn't the man for the job. The losing of vital players (Brown, Dods, Dargo) and the failue to replace them was stupidity, and the board must've known it'd be harder even than it normally is to attract players north with CC at the helm, than someone like Brewster, as an example. Even that's harsh, blaming most of it on CC, but I believe that his appointment is far more the cause of our current problems than the signing of a Romanian player ever was.
  13. Why are you so obsessed with what Marius earns?? :017: I assume you were pleased to see Bayne ahead of him yesterday then? And you'll now be pleased that Dennis has gone back to being ***** since Graham's started alongside him the last 3 games? And do you honestly think the way we played yesterday, and the complete shambles we witnessed on the pitch, is all down to the higher wages of one man? If the problems are all down to Marius's wages then it's embarrassing. And those players can get to feck, because they might well want to maintain the small team mentality which'll probably see us drift back down the leagues, but personally I'd like to see us get better, and bigger. If they're not good enough to acheive that, get rid of them. Mediocrity might be fine for some players and fans, but for some of us it isn't.
  14. Both red cards were deserved. Baynes first yellow was for persistent fouling, not just that one incident shown in the highlights. The second was a ridiculous challenge to make for someone on a yellow card already. It's noticable he doesn't even argue the decision, he's off walking straight away. Roscoe's one was shocking. Whether it was a straight punch to the face or not, the intent was there. He didn't have the pace to catch McGarry, so just lamped him from behind. No justifications for it whatsoever in my book.
  15. If that's true, then we've got very serious problems at the club. I did notice they didn't give Wilson a shout until at least 10 minutes into the half time warm up :017:
  16. Can't say I noticed anything before half-time. Hope he was injured, because if the change was tactical then it was a shocking decision by Brewster. He was our only decent player in the first half.
  17. That was a complete shambles from start to finish. Motherwell completely outplayed us. We couldn't string two passes together all game. When Bayne plays, we just hoof it up, and it's dire to watch. The trouble with that tactic is that Bayne is complete *****. He got booked for consistent fouling, then made a stupid lunge for his red. Hopefully he'll be out for a while. Same for Tokely, his sending off was totally deserved and I hope the both of them get some form of punishment from the club for their actions today. Aye, the ref was crap, but both sendings off were correct. The only players who did ok in my opinion were Caff/Munro at the back, and Blackie in midfield. Presumably Blackie was injured at half time? If he wasn't then it was a shocking decision to hook our only decent midfielder. Some players were so bad today, it was shocking. Duncan, Hastings, Tokely, and Cowie(how did he get MOTM??) were awful. And the less said about Bayne, the better. It's no coincidence that Dennis has gone off the boil since Bayne's come back in is it. The bloke is rubbish. No control, or pace, and it's a total lottery where his flicks end up. That was embarrassing today.....there'd better be major changes for the Midden game.
  18. Presumably Marius is injured then, as I thought we had it on good authority that, if fit, he had to start?? Still, at least those calling for Bayne to get a chance ahead of Marius got their wish today. Just a shame that Bayne is fecking useless, and to be honest, he should've been hooked before half time.....aye, he was that bad. Bayne spent the first half committing endless fouls, then got sent off for a ridiculous lunging tackle. Feckin' plank. Marius did more in 10 minutes, than Bayne did all game. At least he managed to control the ball on one occasion, and that was one more than Bayne. Bayne in place of Marius, what a fecking joke :rotflmao:
  19. Excellent, and sensible decision by the club. :022: Hopefully Richie can now put all this behind him and get back to what he's good at. On his day, he's a fantastic player, and I'd love to see him now take this opportunity he's been given and force his way back into the first team.
  20. 3 subs in the last 7 minutes. What's the point?
  21. Niculae on with 7 minutes to go :014:
  22. 2-0 down, 15 minutes to go, and still no subs :017:
  23. Pars 3-0 down at home to Livi.....surely Kenny's last game. And to think, some people wanted him here :015: :015:
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