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Everything posted by davieB

  1. Games up, so WTF not give McDonald, Niculae and Cowie 25 minutes each?
  2. Rangers make changes with 30 minutes to go, and now it's 2-0 :014:
  3. Proctor for Cowie :017: :017: :017:....wtf???????? Our most consistent player this season being dropped!! Still, some people will be pleased with the front pairing.
  4. He's named in the squad on the BBC page.
  5. Aye, cos Bayne is indeed a speed machine!!! :rotflmao:
  6. I blame Niculae too. On his wages surely he should be able to cope with Aberdeen on his own. Still, Bayne will save the day.
  7. Spot on CaleyD :022: Whatever he does on the pitch, it's never going to be enough for some people. Fortunately, most people can see what a good player Marius is. And for those who question his committment :017:.....not sure that they've been watching the same player as I have every week. Is it any coincidence that Denzil is playing his best football since he returned, now he's got someone alongside him with a football brain to match his own. Marius rarely gives the ball away, wins most headers, directs those headers to where they're intended, and works superbly with Dennis. He's been unfortunate not to get off the mark yet......his time will come though. And as much as I like Bayne, to compare him to Marius is....
  8. You must;ve watched a different game then, he contributed as much as anyone else.
  9. Great performance, great result. We'll never have an easier SPL fixture than todays, Gretna were pure mince. Top marks for the whole team :022:
  10. Anyone else got a free one going???? :001: Wasn't planning on going to this one..........but changed my mind :022:
  11. Fraser Caff McGuire Proctor Hastings Cowie Black Duncan Wilson Niculae Wyness I know that defence will never happen, but some of our seemingly first choice defenders need to get their act together.....quickly. Proctor was our best defender today, and he was only on the last 20 minutes or so!
  12. Exactly Kencar. Thought the front two linked up brilliantly at times today, and BOTH worked their arses off. Marius didn't stop chasing all day(that's as well as his general play). Some people need to get over their Niculae fixation, and see where the real problems are....the defence.
  13. And Gretna didn't :023:
  14. If it is Dods, then after watching Munro this season, then it's obvious he was relying on Dods to get him through last year. Munro is not a captain, and his game seems to have gone to pieces this year. First we blamed Caff, then Fraser,....who next? Tokely has completely forgotten his main role is to defend. It's all well and good him making these lung bursting runs down the line, but I'd love to see how many goals we've conceded this year due to him being out of position. The whole defence has been ***** so far...all of them.
  15. It's not writing him off after one game. He's always been an awful keeper. Mind the game where he passed it to Dargo? That same season he gifted us 6 points. Go look on Hibsnet just now and see how much they're pishing themselves that we've ended up with 'The Clown'. Not even Gretna wanted to keep him there......says it all.
  16. I'm sure Mikey will've been chuckling away to himself at Zibi's 'performance'. It's telling that no other clubs were interested in him when we took him on. Why's that then? Hibbees are desperate to get rid of the clown, and we seem to be the mugs giving him an opportunity.
  17. For those calling for Michael to be dropped, and the superb Zibi to be given a shot......aye, nice one :017: :017: :017: The bloke is a fecking liabilty, and I hope I never see him in an ICT shirt again. How come Michael gets dropped after a couple of bad performances?? On that basis, half the team should be dropped weekly. We were gash for 20 minutes, then decent up until a great equaliser. Then they went straight up our end and got a winner. Anyone else think all these defensive problems might be down to the one man who seems to escape all the criticism? Yep...Munro. He was awful today, has been all season. And why does he seem to lose the rag with all around him when things go wrong? Thought he was going to deck McGuire after their second today. Sorry Grantie, but I'd take the captaincy off him, and give him a few weeks on the sidelines. Tokely was awful defensively too. Three or four times they just skipped past his badly timed challenges. Proctor looked the only decent defender there when he came on. Midfield was held together by Blackie(he was superb). Cowie wasn't at his best, and Duncan was at his worst. Wyness/Niculae both get top marks from me. Both worked tirelessly, and linked up well. Niculae started off the goal move, and Dennis finished it brilliantly. We played very well at times, and we maybe deserved a point. But these stupid mistakes we keep making at the back are going to keep biting us on the arse until we cut them out.
  18. Aye, under 12s. These two will be lucky to pass for under 12!! No harm in trying though.....kids are getting much bigger, much younger these days :001:
  19. Some of the intolerance exhibited on this thread is quite frightening!! Richie would probably be better off leaving if the 'support' from a lot of his own teams fans, shown here, is anything to go by.
  20. ?21 for adults is bad enough, but ?15 for under 16s is even worse :008: I was planning on going, but as I normally have two 13yos in tow then it's unlikely I'll go now. Robbing twats (aye, I know our prices are scandalous too, but at least we reduce them for CIS games).
  21. :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03: What Richie does in his private life is of no concern to me. What he does on the pitch is what matters. And as for anyone who considers Hart a role model? As I've said before, I've yet to hear any of the local under 12s team I coach ever say they want to grow up and be a footballer like that Richie Hart!!
  22. Zibi?? That'll be the same Zibi who almost single handedly, through his goalkeeping inability, gave us 6 points the other season? The same Zibi who Hibbees are desperate for some club to take him off their hands? Seems to be some short term memories on here!! If Michael is suffering a confidence crisis at the moment, dropping him will do nothing to help him out with that one. I'd rather him in goals anyday over that clown Zibi.
  23. I seem to remember Dargo taking an age to get going......and we all know what happened after he got his first at Ibrox.
  24. So, the worlds greatest fans grab all the headlines after a fantastic result for Celtic. Regardless of Didas reaction, that **** on the pitch could cost them big time. Points deduction, games behind closed doors, kicked out of the competition? Personally I'd ban them from the CL for 10 years :015:
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