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Scarlet Pimple

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Everything posted by Scarlet Pimple

  1. Spectre -- eh? A fitter heart revs up your metabolism which does not necessarily diminish with age.This reduces your weight and allows you to eat as much black chocolate as you like which gives you anti-oxidants but if you want to drink like a fish I hope you have a better than average constitution, especially if you smoke. Smile. I know a 110 year-old man who smoked all his life and liked a dram too. He had a strong constitution and no doubt had his heart-beat allocation set high. So, if we are talking about the number of heartbeats being set at a specific figure for you when you choose your body prior to re-incarnating, doesn't this mean that that this is the point at you will die despite your bad habits ? But you are probably too young to worry about it ? Although if you are a spectre you naturally will be in touch with the spirit world and know the answers anyway--so are you just a tease ? Smile (2)
  2. Calne had a sausage factory. Their motto was "sausages are the Boys". Smiley. (Emoticoms list not working)
  3. There is an Inverness street in Vancouver City, B.C. Canada. Smile. So you have not got a final word on this service from the club Scotty? Died on the vine did it?
  4. BMGF Well I do understand your keeness and your thoughts about the radio broadcast. I live in Vancouver, B.C., Canada and also listen to the Sportsound live broadcast on Saturday.--although they are few and far betwen now due to possible rights infringements. Your history searches about Caley and Thistle etc were duplicated by me some years ago and the fact that I am still accessing this forum almost every day should encourage you to stick around and participate in thr chit chat . It helps to have watched the team in person but not having yet done so should not stop you expressing your views. Your post was well-written and forthright so welcome. Best regards and enjoy Uncle Scarlet.
  5. What would you say if I surmised that your life span is related to a specific number of heartbeats with everybody having their own figure. Prolonging life therefore depends on, amonst other things, slowing down the heart by exercising regularly. ?
  6. Agree with the above, Buy a recharger with at least 4 Lithium batteries and find they last longer, give better power output and are greeeeaat! Takes only 8-12 hours to recharge .too--overnight and Bob's yer uncle. I use them for TV headphones whose batteres last only a month in normal ciorcumstances. GVFmoney. Smile,.
  7. Yngwie You are not quite correct about the financing...Canada has sunk $100,000 into the CERN project apparently and has about 150 scientists ( I recall) there at the moment. Remember the "Canadarm" on the space shuttles.--we are no stiffs when it comes to these kinds of projects .
  8. He is tall, handsome and looks very fit.... And young! Sigh.... Smile.
  9. Get the wingers on and let them run rampant to get in behind the defence. That was the problem at the Hamilton game--would not get in behind their big defence whilst the wingers were almost unemployed . As fas as being confused is concerned, when you get to 70 you tend to be confused on a daily basis--it's got nothing to do with Al _Zheimer; he just creeps up on you over time, it's simply all about forgetfulness.Sigh. LOL
  10. Arabian owner of Manchester City about to bid 135 million pounds for Ronaldo. Now you know why your gas is so expensive... and whilst it is and world economies arer rocking isn't this just a tad too obscene for words....? Over and out
  11. Scotty----sorted.! Why would I expect anything other then the best from Scotty? Smile.......
  12. Well now why not include a wee bit of fun like....if you cross a test with a tickle what do you get...........? But why are my smilies not coming up--I have enabled them ( I assume that clicking the enable smilies box below did this?) but when I click on emoticoms nothing happens? And people keep advising me tyhat change is good for us.....Sigh. I am sure The Man fer The Job is about to contact me --he is so genteel and nice with his advice. (Smiley)
  13. Scotty I am missing the old format where I could skim through the most importamnt postings to me, when I fell behind with what is going on on the Forum, and then simply "delete" the remaining threads by clicking the "mark all threads as read". This allowed me to clean the slate in readiness for the next day. It also meant, did it not, that in the heading of the forum the information would show only the postings that I had not read whether they were actual or just "deleted" as I mention as above.Is there such a button now? Thanks S.P.
  14. And I totally agree with Scotty when he says that they play best when playing the ball on the deck and NOT punting aimlessly up in the air through the middle as there has been a tendency to do up till now. And I could add that bunching all of the players in the middle without using wingers achieves little for the team also -- Barry Wilson's testimonial game being a case in point.
  15. Why Mickey, lad! NOT in this match don't you see but in the previous three matches....
  16. better get cracking --not much time left. I guess the large Black lad has been dropped. From what I saw recently he is not much of an industrious player. Pleased to hear that Rooney seems to have woken up --I was beginning to get the impression from watching him just hanging around that in fact he was also not very industrious.
  17. Last time I checked into the Hamilton V Hearts match Hearts were two up and Hamilton had made threesubstitutions in all. Commentator braying about how great Caley Thistle were in the first half but......there's many a slip twixt cup and lip as we have already seen....sigh C,mon the Caley.
  18. Dan was small. Had legs like spirtles and I remarked to my pal that if one of these large SPL backs (e.g. Hamitton Accies) had a real go at him they could snap like twigs in a serious gale. T'would not be a pretty site. Tricky lad but a bit too small of stature for the SPL I think. Game though.
  19. Scotty There is only 800 X 600 or your higher suggested resolution so my options are limited -take it or leave it? It's not exactly as if I live in an Ark and am completely out of touch with the realities of modern living but pensions instead of work income do not allow for a lot of experimentation and in any event to me cell phones, blackberrys, etc, are little more than unnecessary toys. And when I did use one in my past business when they first came out I never did find the cell phone to be anything much other than an interruption to my day--but it did look good slung on my hip like a brick-I was soooooo cool. Ha! Ha! If only 80% of the users have what you want in terms of resolution what happened to the other missing 17%? The remark about seniors was more tongue in cheek than anything--I am not so petty or self-absorbed that I would make an issue of it but to be truthful I would never buy a laptop because the text is so small only bright-eyed and bushy tailed younger persons can read it .You must admit, unless seniors buy the stuff, retailers won't give them a passing thought, but this forum is a different kettle of fish I hope, so anything that can be done in the way of the introduction of templates to offer flexibility in the near future would be pleasing and helpful. And if someone said to you "why not reduce the number of menu items on the site to streamline it thus allowing more flexibilitry in the use of selecting templates ?" what would you say to that? Maybe there are a few punters on here who think that the site could have developed into one that is now a tad busy and keeping it more simple Sam could also be a better and more useful strategy. What do you think ?
  20. My screen is set to 800 X 600 and is so because of failing eyesight. After fifty, eyesight and hair go--not necessarily in tandem, nor hand in hand, nor at the same time but definitely progressively. I am now in 1024 X 768 and am sharply reminded of the difference. I suppose sniors are not welcome on here any more then?
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