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Scarlet Pimple

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Everything posted by Scarlet Pimple

  1. I like Andy Morecambe's post. Eminent common sense.
  2. Johnboy--"thanks CMIB...." Exactly what i think . Change now for the sake of change and the re-assess the bombing debris at he end of the season when we avoid relegation. I cannot see anything at all being achieved this season----unless.....?
  3. Right now probably John Robertson. Was a breath of fresh air on the Forum here recently. Surely there would also be a place for Barry Wilson too? Robbo could then secure the Managership at the end of the season if he did well. How could he do worse? The only way is up. A couple of encouraging draws followed by several wins on the trot would be the bees knees right now. Eh?
  4. Dis :thumb04: tance is my problem--and Zoom Airlines is now out of business. LOL DLT--what's that then, Dacon, Lettuce and Tomato....?
  5. Mackie did well--reminds me that he used to play for ICT.
  6. Manfer --are you losing it? Trust you to bring in the Canadian references. I have replaced my pet moose with a reindeer courtesy of hie Royal Red Highness. When I told my young girl friends that you were a loose man they all wanted to clamber for your email address. Lucky Man-fer. Ha!
  7. Happy Christmas Bob and great news to go into the New Year with.
  8. Would not want a guy like that ? What? WHY? Is it because he whines, has been used, can only perform 3 times in a day or is it because he is not as good a footballer as you thought. Either way maybe you are right--the poor wee soul....
  9. The difference between the Premier League team and ICT may be.....money.
  10. I am waiting for the squirrell-- to make my days. Wonder what he would say (or has said under a disguise) about..... currant..... events now? Would he simply continue..... raisin ....cain? Or simply try to sweet talk his way back in by adding...... sugar...... to his words?
  11. Well so did Mr Barrowman.
  12. Scotty I sent M Smith an email and recommended that Italian "Human Dynamo" that has won so many awards for player of the year etc. I can't remember his name but he plays for Houston. Works like a dog, scores goals, all over the park--would be a sensation I think and would show the younger players how to do it but Mr Smith never even acknowledged the letter..... not impressed, courtesy costs nothing ! Go figure.
  13. Write, phone, protest outside the stadium, do whatever is correct and lawful. But don't abuse Brewster with vituperation, expletives, wild angry language etc. That will NOT inspire him, or the players who will only get more depressed. No one deserves that . Brew may be wrong in his tactics ,decisions, etc --or NOT. However there is no one on here who has proved he is totally at fault and it is reasonable to suppose that he has done HIS best. If so, what more can he do? So what are your reasons for suggesting intemperate, slanging, vitriolic attacks? It might make you feel better --or make you look stupid---or even get you slung out, but I doubt that it will influence anyone in a senior position overly. You are not the only ones frustrated and depressed--remember that. You are beginning to sound like a lynch mob --stop it before you will regret it. There already is lowered confidence amongst the players and probably Management. But it is up to them to decide what should be done and when and how to do it. Otherwise you always have the option of either getting behind the TEAM --or simply walking away.
  14. Hi Robbo Until Caley D put his stamp of authority on here by stating that you were THE Robbo I was sceptical But....er....then, why have you not completed your profile on here? For me it would be interesting. One question though. Could you please tell me what happened in Ireland that convinced you to come back to Scotland and leave Irish Football behind. Were you too homesick ? Cheers --I also enjoy your Open All Mikes commentaries ; honesty and passion --two great qualities. Scarlet
  15. Good post Alex MacLeod. Good post Write on Caley. :thumb04:
  16. Hmmmm--don't bet on that Stevico1 Paying out a conrtract is no laughing matter. If it was your pocket it was coming out of how would you feel. Of course it is all about money--if it was not, would they hang on to a Manager (or player) who has caused so much comment hitherto? What amazes me is --- surely there must be some form of gurantee as to performance? Would a contract paying such a large salary not have this in place to protect the club.?You certainly would think so--or were the Management so anxious to get C. B. that they just overlooked this little matter deliberately I wonder? In any event I think that there should have been a non-performance clause in the employment contract because when an employer wants to terminate an employee WITH CAUSE then why should he (the employer) be severely penalised if during the term of the employment they have done little to hinder the work of the employee.? Settlements in favour of employees nowadays are often heafty and made for no apparent justifiable reasonother to ensure that the employee goes quietly with minimum fuss. Good luck to the Board of Directors on this one--it's like selling homes; you make your profit when you buy not when you sell and so the employer who is short of money must ensure that they are similarly "covered" contract-wise up front when the smiles and handshakes are being made not when the dirty firing deed has to be done.
  17. Ahem--------it's always smart to sit on the fence....Smile.
  18. Och, all right then Feb 8--do you want me to set up an agenda and the programme. Will have to meditate though......
  19. There you go again Clacher--blethering about sadness. But on the positive front-- welcome young Roman. :thumb04:
  20. Are you sure it's not Gerry Mulligan and not Gary Mulligan.? You know , as things stand, maybe he likes to blow his horn a little ---as all good musicians do? O.K. OK., I know only Jock Watt and CMIB might be able to get the joke but it's quiet on here tonight so..... P.S. Gerry Mulligan was a notable jazz musician in my early days on this planet. LOL
  21. Kingsmills Bannerman, Barrowman --same difference ...eh?
  22. Dead Ball Specialist-- I agree completely with your last post about all out attack. I just finished posting the same comments yesterday in anotther thread. What do we have to lose fer heaven's sake? Tinkerman? or was it Tinkerbell? :thumb04:
  23. Well Jay 7 I simply don't agree with your above comment which is absurd. If ICT go down then Brew has no future and what team can he go to after that? I also think that you should change your way of expressing yourself which does not enhance this forum and actually is quite abusive to the personalities we discuss on here. No doubt you are vocabulary challenged ?
  24. Move over Scotty--Vancouver Whitecaps are in the line-up before your lot After all, if they can be contemplating a new stadium costing millions of dollars where is all this money coming from? Just a thought. :thumb04:
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