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old caley girl

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Everything posted by old caley girl

  1. I too remember shopping myself for sugar (at frozen foods!) as you were only allowed 2lbs each customer. My mum would pay herself as well to get another bag. Can't remember why - must read link above now to find out.
  2. Charles, In my Caley days Digger sat in the stand!
  3. I lived in Telford St from 1975 - 1989. Well remember frozen foods, greig garage, the distillery etc. Still feel sad when I drive up Telford St and look at Currys etc
  4. Used to love it when the shows were in town when I was in the High School. I was given money to spend on a friday or sat night but during the week had to make do with 50p (enough for 2 goes on the waltzers). That would'nt even pay for half a go now. Happy days.
  5. surely there must be a better way of discipline than corporal punishment. I remember when I was in school folk got belted for anything ie forgetting homework, not getting a good enough marks and although I suppose it probably did'nt do any lasting harm it was a bit out of order. I think a lot of kids want love and security. A lot of kids don't have this anymore. The family situation can change from day to day. Lack of a good role model and set boundaries does'nt help either. Good luck in this search for people Maimie. I wish you well. I bet the success stories outway the failures.
  6. So what happened to the original trophy? I think someone should explain
  7. I also remember the North of Scotland Cup looking grander but I'm sure it is the same trophey. Funny how the memory plays tricks or maybe it was because I was sober yesterday and maybe I was'nt in my Caley days.
  8. What a great afternoon despite the weather. Real end to end stuff but well done to the boys! I bet there are some tired legs out there tonight. Pity more folk did'nt turn out to support the team. I remember north cup finals in days of old being packed. There were more elgin folk than us, but I bet the ones there really enjoyed it and the boys were jumping at the end.
  9. Have to say I fully agree
  10. I for one think it is really important that the Caley and Thistle names live on. It is important to remember the origins and previous heritage of the club. I also miss the HL days but I think it might be because I was young then !
  11. The Airdrie game was fab. I was so nervous I could hardly watch. However, if my memory serves me right I Think I was in the stand not the famous howden end!
  12. Hiw *** the HN has this story. I was in a shop at 4pm yesterday when the HN was delivered Thought meeting was 7.30pm? Made up story methinks
  13. If he commutes from Dunoon he'll need it!
  14. Hi Richie I'm new as well just joined before CC went but have supported the club since the beginning and Caley before that. I'm enjoying the crack on the site hope u are 2
  15. OK! but apart from flying I thought we were taking the quickest route. Can't see anyone making this journey regularly to work can you?
  16. Still think you have to go on the A82 at some point!
  17. He does'nt sound boring now does he! Life would'nt be dull if he gets the job
  18. Charles, as I previously mentioned I'm a mum of 3 boys maybe I just feel old! Actually I picked the name as my background is the 'old Caley' ie Caledonian FC as opposed to ICT and I also come from an old Caley family. Anyway you're only as old as you feel!
  19. : :021: :021: :021: had'nt thought of this aspect of appointing a manager Connie but fair play to you. As you say all easy on the eye
  20. I lived in Telford Street and started going to the Caley park in 1975. I come from a Caley background my grandfather was chairman of Caley in the 1950's. His son my uncle is the present programme editor for ICT. I loved the highland league days and to be honest I still miss them but I was young free and single then not a mum of 3 as I am now. I still believe Caley could have gone it alone and done as well but I was very proud when we made the spl. The important thing is that we can remember where the club came from but also keep doing well in the future. On the Clach thing they could not sell it to their supporters at the time and pulled out. Thistle did'nt really have much prob getting it through but Caley! well we all remember what happened. I now take my sons to the football and enjoy telling them of the old days.
  21. I agree with what scotty has just said on this one
  22. Hopefully the club will reward Donalds loyalty.But Robbo NO NO NO NO please. The circumstances of his last departure surely rule him out being a serious candidate. Even Brewster would be a better choice.
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