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Everything posted by TopSix

  1. IF we can get past Motherwell, I'd prefer Killie with all of the internal strife they are having at the moment. I still think that the 'well will be difficult to beat if the game goes ahead on the 12th. Anyone know about TV coverage of these re-arranged fixtures?
  2. I'm 100% for summer football now. I don't say this because of the current weather, I say this because of the current state of our game. It's unfortunate to have to say, but I don't think the national side is ever going to make it to another major competition in the foreseeable future - When I was growing up, Scotland playing in major tournaments was almost a given. Geopolitics have had their part to play with the fall of the Soviet Union and the former Yugoslavia leading to the creation of nation states with good footballing sides. Look at the case of the ROI not making it to the World Cup due to that handball incident - we, like the ROI, are being squeezed out. Perhaps if we went to watch football in the summer, more youngsters may actually PLAY it as opposed to sitting on their PC on MSN, or 360 / PS3 / Wii. They might go to parks and emulate their heros - LDZ - wanting one day to score a winning goal against county with a stunning overhead kick. We should be doing more to encourage youngsters to take up the game. If we can, then maybe we'll start qualifying for major tournaments again in the future and the issue of summer football would pose a problem.
  3. Just had a Canon Eos450 delivered today - can't wait to get out and get snapping!
  4. Probably not much use to you but PS2s can be picked up for peanuts these days - and they double up as a DVD player. There's no programs / software available to get old games running on the new models. The models CaleyD and Scotty mentioned were fazed out a long time ago. Sorry SMEE!
  5. I don't think throwing an HFL manager into Division one football is a good idea, Pele had four seasons as a third and second division manager before stepping up to the first division. big steps are not always a problem... Look at Owen Coyle moving from St Johnstone to Burnley. Look at the level Owen Coyle has played at though throughout his career. Not all good managers were good players though
  6. I don't think throwing an HFL manager into Division one football is a good idea, Pele had four seasons as a third and second division manager before stepping up to the first division. big steps are not always a problem... Look at Owen Coyle moving from St Johnstone to Burnley.
  7. He'll be a good signing for boro. Confirmed on the radio today. I'm surprised at that mobray letting him go. Hope we do get a cut of it.
  8. CaleyD, this thread is purely hypothetical. I only created it with the intention of looking 'outside the box' in terms of managers who could help rebuild the team over the long term - Pele style. Are there any up and coming Highland League managers out there who are showing promise? I think I should have worded it more to this effect. Personally, I think the current management team should stay BUT rumours of financial issues keep cropping so I'm posting on the assumption they won't be there at the end of the season... If the current management team would / could commit to the club I wouldn't have created this thread.
  9. Robbo certainly has the passion, but has he been out of the game too long?
  10. Any reasons behind your choices folks?
  11. 2010, new year, new start. Working on the rumours about financial issues, and the fact that probably the current management team will leave, who would you want as manager and why? Don't shoot me down here, but after the pre-season friendly against the can cans, what about Gordon Winton? There must be some decent players knocking around in the Highland League.
  12. Personally, I'm negative - blood type that is. Went to give blood today but due to medical reasons couldn't unfortunately. Do many folk on here give blood? If you haven't ever done give it a shot.
  13. Write to yon Mary Grant at First Scotrail and get your money back on the tickets. It's a damn disgrace trains running with no heating.
  14. Mantis - Haha! Strange that! He was a bit selfish when it came to passing in school games too.... RiG - good post - agree 100%
  15. I work with a guy who taught Imrie. Personally I think he's a fairly entertaining player to watch. It was a massive move for him moving to us when we were SPL. I think his pace is good.
  16. I regularly check the Inverness Courier website to look at the football news. I was surprised to see this story http://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/news/fu...ks_slammed.html It seems like pretty good advertising for 'spoons if you ask me. Are drink promotions like this the real problem? Would a minimum pricing policy in pubs not just encourage people just to buy drink in supermarkets and get sloshed at home? Or should we have a blanket minimum pricing policy to cover alcohol from all outlets?
  17. I was speaking to a Latvian kid at work. According to him football's not too big in your neck of the woods? He was telling me that basketball and ice hockey are big there. Because both of these sports are played indoors the weather doesn't really matter. Could someone please PM me as to how to create a poll?
  18. Cheers for the info guys. I ended up going for an Asus from Argos of all places. Pretty good spec with a decent amount of ram and graphics card. iTunes was an absolute faff to get going but got there in the end.
  19. He should be in control of his own means of production, subsistence farming within a local commune. Suppose if that's a no-go in Dornoch one must resort to other means.
  20. I didn't know Tesco moved stuff by rail til this thread. Learn something everyday eh
  21. IF this game is played, I'd really like to go. I can't see it happening now though. Has anyone heard about the club's decision on it yet?
  22. I think it's commendable of Tesco to use rail to transport goods. Safeway used to bring their supplies up by rail too. It's a good move in terms of the company's carbon footprint and helps towards combatting global warmi.... Hold on.... Na, in seriousness though, I like Tesco (and I'm also a shareholder).
  23. Is it true the booze ban came in to force after a riot between the OF at Hampden?
  24. McDonalds!! In fact, why not have a drive - thru to generate more cash for the club?
  25. With you 100% on this one Scotty. There's nothing better than sitting out at Caley Park in a warm summer night. That last Dundee game was too cold to sit through. Perhaps it would be easier on fans if we could stand as opposed to have to sit and endure the cold.
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