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Everything posted by IMMORTAL HOWDEN ENDER

  1. Jeezy Peeps mun - we're on our way to Hampden and steadily up the league. One game at a time and it says a lot about our season that we are more nervous about playing lower placed teams, especially at home. Anyway the fat lady is still on bed rest and croaking.
  2. Would it be sanctimonious of me to politely suggest that Henderson and Shaw May be improving because of being in a more settled team, having more experienced players around them and not having so much responsibility on their shoulders.
  3. X-Rays suggest that the fat lady has turned blue and the red blemish is suggestive of the development of laryngitis
  4. Precisely- we are paying for a collection of feck ups earlier in the season - what we have to do now is win, win etc., etc. This is a league where everybody beats each other. I think that Dungdee and Plastic may be out of reach and even the Spiders may come down the spout but is the Hair Bear Bunch that has the most difficult run of matches. But as Satan alludes to it is ALL down to OUR results and performances. In many ways the play offs are actually in our own hands.
  5. I sense that the patriotic positivity is on the wane. Only way to keep the Fat Lady and the negative forum following off the stage is to maintain the improved performances and rewards. 12 points from the next four is not unacheivable and then who knows. Keep the feckin faith dudes.
  6. What about Ross County FC or Port Vale FC ?
  7. Perhaps they have done a financial deal with our dodgy board
  8. The Mantra should be "Ross County Await"
  9. PM your mobile number and you will receive the best SMS updates ever.
  10. The Fat Lady gargles but sits down and my "Happy Clapper" group rejoice in the face of the detractors. And if anyone was going to be the most favoured player to keep the push going it is David Carson. Dont give a feck what Doddsie says as I have a feckin double poured already.AND if you look at the table and the fixtures I would say that the game against Raif is the biggest of our season so far and is three points that would be gladly claimed. SO SO proud of this team. And Falkirk aint exactly on form either
  11. Three points from any score or any performance appreciated. I would take a point though.
  12. Perhaps we should make a fleece or a feckin blanket for the pensioners.
  13. In line with employing more women into the game I would welcome a DD appointment
  14. Might be moving into a love shack with Neil McCann ?
  15. Well that is my e-mail request sent - Lets make it a feckin deluge !!
  16. I am impressed if not bamboozled by the use of legal jargon but equally bamboozled that there is not a simple way to get a response to a question which is clearly irking a lot of fans. Why cant the Supporters Trust or an amalgamation of fans groups make another formal request, post it on here and other fan forums - ask the question at every interview and add it as a regular feature on the Podcast - and really put the pressure on. Surely then if they dont come out of their shell with that kind of actions they can be severely criticised with "evidence". Instead of headlines about an amalgamation with Tinkerville put a feckin headline in the Courier - "When will ICT fans receive news about the AGM ?"
  17. Somewhat similar to Dodds this is in the wrong post and it has lost the thread.
  18. All good posts but this one is more succinct. The Tin Tin lookalike should have been showed yellow (by the rules) but that would have been harsh. However I didnt rate that as a professional foul or taking one for the team. Tin Tin was in his own half and going nowhere dangerous. Welsh amongst others, especially Carson, had been revved up by his antics and it was probably an attempt to wind him up even more.
  19. Billy Dodds post match interview spot on !!!
  20. Now whatever you want to say about this season NOBODY can complain about the 110% effort, passion and togetherness of that performance - especially when playing against 12 men. The Fat Lady is singing "A Bridge and a Castle" and onwards to the Covid Capital of Scotland.
  21. Reminds me of the glorious days of Goals and byes !!
  22. What an absolutely ridiculous red card !!!
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