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Everything posted by IMMORTAL HOWDEN ENDER

  1. HALF TIME - Better team by far gawd to we need to score. The worries now arise for the second half and possibly beyond. I dont think that we have anybody on the bench that will maintain or strengthen our dominance. I am also worried at Carson being on a yellow but there again is no real option. We need to stick to the same 11 but what about fitness and stamina with many playing in their sixth play off game. So to start with its the same again for as long as possible or at least until we score. Chalmers is being shackled by the need to hold back because of Rooney. But so far so good. We look confident but do we have the legs ???
  2. 30 minutes - Moog has every right to be happy but there is a long way to go. The2 old cliche of we need a goal to demonstrate our control is clearly there to be seen.
  3. Another ridiculous yellow card against Carson who now has to rein himelf in for the rest of the game and that may well restrict his influence in midfield.
  4. 15 minutes - Looking very structured and pressing the ball. Pace looks dangerous up front. Completely different opening 15 minutes to last week. We actually look the better team at the moment. Again that could be a lot to do with the selection and the tactics.
  5. I have always felt that Carson is more effective in midfield. To me that is the best starting eleven that we could muster. Tactically that has clearly been devised to combat the problems encountered last Friday. Very shrewd and calculated.
  6. Cant believe that I am not in attendance but sometimes football has to take second place. BUT I will be in front of the telly, quaffing voddie and cokes and hopefully rejoicing in an inebriated manner Come On Caley Jags
  7. Dont know if anybody else noticed but Gollum was told that he had made a mistake. Will we see the Gollum Reparation ?
  8. Surely the objective was not to lose a goal. Thankfully Arbroath were WORSE at punting than we have been. But there are times when hoofing is the only option in such defensive conditions. This is our chance to show that we can play with the wind and that will be about passing, using the width and getting shots on target.
  9. I have switched the commentary off as those numpties have'nt noticed that there is a gale force feckin wind !!
  10. The only ploy from the off is to attack, attack, attack. The sooner we crack their nerves the better - the longer they hold on and the more they will grow. Put the gasoline on the griddle and burn the smokie as soon as possible. Feckin Simple
  11. Shocking stuff - what are we doing - we are going to be completely knackered for the play-offs. Get the whole bench on NOW.
  12. We are getting confident. As our performances for months have been hit and miss would it not be better to achieve some consistency and get a chance to start off with the makings of the first choice selection and system ?? I bet there are not many players asking to be rested??
  13. Well as has been stated in other posts this was not exactly in the spectacle category but it was a grand day out as the sun beamed down on Costa Del Greenock and the vociferous band of Invernessians congregated in the beach bar known as the Norseman and did not stop carousing until getting back on their transportation back to the big City. That bunch outsung the locals whereas the team only prospered by a single goal victory although the final margin really should have been more. Played some pretty patterns at times but slightly spoiled by the final ball or the final attempt on goal. The possession ratio of 54 / 46 % in our favour would have been greater if we had not settled for the 1-0 win with 15 minutes to go. That is my only real criticism of Dodds as I certainly cringed at the "defend at all costs" attitude when a second goal was clearly on the cards. Our defence who had looked solid and rarely tested looked nervous and that fed on to the following support. Taking the ball into the corner with 2-3 minutes to got was a tad embarrasing. Still all is well that ends well. RIDGERS **** Clearly ouf Numero Uno. He just appears to bring that extra confidence to those in front of him. CARSON *** Well I have said it before but I still do not think that he is a full back. Gives 100% but prones to mistakes although thankfully only a few minor flaws at Cappielow. DUFFY *** Did well in central defence although he did appear to be getting a fair amount of "help" from his more experienced partner. BROADFOOT **** I often feel that he does not get the credit that he deserves. He may amble and look "slow" at times but his reading of the game is considerably more developed that any other pinkster. DEAS *** Dose the job at full back but always looks more settled as a centre back. Height also adds to our defensive prowess. WELSH *** Must have been looking to take over the leading position in regard to the timing of a yellow card. The tackle did not look over the top but the referee could have been swayed by the Morton appeals. Did his usual midfield maestro job thereafter. McAlear *** I have been impressed by him previously but I suppose that we all have bad days at the office. Made numerous mistakes, especially in the second half, thankfully most in an attacking sense. DORAN **** What a shame that he looks as if his season is over. Very impressive in the first 45 and looked the most likely to set up a goal. Looked like a groin strain unless he had an embarrasing itch. MCGREGOR **** I proudly joined into the "He's one of our own" chant that resounded around Cappielow. He understandably tired in the end but lasted the 90. He just brings that extra energy and fizz so Welcome Back Roddy. Mckay *** Always a threat and suffered by being the lone forward - although the hoof tactic was rarely utilised as Billy had the guile of a more football playing midfield providing the ammo. He was often left 2-1 or 3-1 although he will probably be the first to admit that he should have got himself on the score card. SAMUELS *** Again had a bad day at the office. I was not sure exactly what his role was and I suspect that he didnt either. As fer the substitutions WALSH evidently came on earlier than expected. Unfortunately he needs a "confidence transplant". There were times that the Walsh of old would have driven forward but lets hope that he is refreshed for the play-offs. HARPER impressed in his 25 minutes. He simply provided the width on the left that was sadly missing beforehand. So it was another lovely Away Day - from the refurbished Horseshoe to the delapidated Norseman to the Paisley Piazza, enjoyed with Govan Jaggie and GJ junior. And nobody from the Greenock gangland came anywhere near the Senior Citizen Crew.
  14. Get ready for a vodka fuelled Smileymometer later.
  15. The only man to leave the Innes to a game after me and get back before me. Will miss the Gentle Giant apart from the bone crushing welcoming handshake. RIP BIG STEW
  16. Add a bit of nostalgia - Here is my fave phottie from the past
  17. A draw would be Par for the course but lets prove that Yogi is not smarter than yer average bear.
  18. Good point as I suspect that many will choose to wear the strip back to front - The wording on the back appears to have been spelt correctly and I presume that there needed to be a few asrerisks utilsed - "I want to go home, I want to go home, Dungwall's a s***hole, I want to go home".
  19. Apparently the club has promptly made a statement of apology - "We humbly apologise that the wording on the new strip has been spealt incorrektly."
  20. As we only beat a team of part timers I am limiting myself to cleebratory single voddy and coke.
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