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Everything posted by BornCaley

  1. Is Butcher trying to do a Souness perhaps? An English invasion of the Tulloch Stadium? if it wins us games, gets points on the board and gets us that elusive top 6 place then fine by me
  2. Heres the problem Glasgows Catholic & Protestant schools! Yes there are rivalrys between schools accross the country and we all leave that rivalry when we grow up, mature and leave. But these schools are a bigotary conveyor belts. This is where sectarianism and OF fans are born and unfortunately some kids take it with them when they leave. So Mr Salmond! Get your Education Ministers off their a*rses and sort it at grass roots not once their in the terraces
  3. Bit of a cheek really as the clubs all left the Football League to set up their own money spinning Premiership. Purely cos of greed, and all the TV moguls were falling over them to offer the big bucks and Sugar was in the mix. Karma will get you in the end!
  4. Lennon; I just dont like. Purely becuase of his on the field behaviour as a player. And his behaviour on the sidelines hasn't helped The fact that he had to retire from the N.Ireland squad due to death threats, had bullets sent to him, bombs and now attacked is disgusting and is because of being a N Irish Catholic; and i totally feel for him and his family. Scottish Football is the lowest of the low at the moment ( except for ICT who are awsome). I must admit watching the game last night you could totally feel something was going to happen, However all the pundits were asking the same question " why is Lennon villified/demonised". Come on! every one within Scottish Football knows the reasons why some supporters dont like him. Be honest you cowards. I hope Lennon doesnt leave, although i wouldnt be suprised if he did.
  5. anybody else having sound problems with the bbc commentary?
  6. He has an almost guaranteed place with ICT and i believe his families opinion weighs more than his agents hes enjoying his game, he loves the club and the area. Its a matter of money really so hopefully Butcher can offer him an increased contract.. He wont pull a "Marius" so pay him what he's worth!
  7. im suprised no one has mentioned Clach Park! Surely they wont be denied another promotion based on what is merely a technicality!
  8. I know Glen Hoddle arranged trials from his academy. Possibly his players
  9. maybe not swap places, but the Financial awards could be altered. That would work!
  10. As i suspected ICT are now a few points ahead of Motherwell in 6th place. Same situation when we finished with more points that 6th place Hibs in 2004/5 ( i think) I was thinking that it would be nice if there was an extra incentive introduced after the split; that if the team in 7th finished with more points than the team in 6th then they swap! Or something. I know there is a possible flaw in this. What if the team in 8th also had more points etc etc. But still its so annoying as ICT lose out financially again! I suppose there is the argument that ICT should have made it to 6th place when they had the chance. anyway just a little rant! Glad to see ICT mixing it up at the top & bottom of the SPL!
  11. Im with Caley D on this one. Great servant to the club, no-one can deny that and he deserved man of the match last night, terrific goal and led by example. But this was different to the Grant Munro that played at Pittodrie on Saturday where he was poor. I think Butcher should make a desicion and stick to it rather than dangling carrots
  12. text from a Hearts pal: "supercaleygoballisticlennonisauselesswhingingparanoidgingerc*nt" Hee! Hee!
  13. Jesus! Looks like we will end up on more points than Motherwell Hope Lennon gets in trouble for encroaching the pitch before he kicked the babies bottle Ferking great result, Rooney was constant trouble, Munro lead by example, Esson on top form.. I love my team a bit more tonight!
  14. Butcher clearly has the vision that others have lacked in the past. While sad to see such a large cull, im in 100% agreement with him on the players released. I dont want to see the team i love finish between 7th-12th every season in the SPL. We are not a 1st division team anymore ( despite the 2009/10 season) and i want to see ICT break up the stranglehold that other clubs have on the SPL in terms of where they finish season after season; and i dont just mean the OF. Butcher is our own Jim Maclean IMO; and i can see that he wants to remain a permanant fixture in the SPL, so lets kick some arse! Im f***ing fed up with being a diddy team in other supporters eyes. The time is now to show them all that we can mix it up.
  15. I see that the Inverness CT Fans Facebook group named Sanchez as also gone, but no source for this so BS for now. Im sad like everyone else to see Munro et al going, but alas that is the nature of the game we have nowadays. I have trust in Butcher that his contacts across the football world are sounding out players he feels can surpass those going. Im sure County will be looking at Munro & Duncan as i type.
  16. Leaving everything thats been said above out! I feel really sorry for the young boys. Im sure many of us appeared in finals when we were that age ( school, scouts, BBs etc) and its a big deal, but imagine missing a final when your representing a top scottish club. Im sure the boys are devastated. I for one hope this incident doesnt stop their dreams and goals ( no pun intended) and keep going BC
  17. I have a lot of respect for Foran due to his openness and he is not afraid to hold his hands up to his troubled past. Long may he wear an ICT jersey! oh and thanks Mrs B!
  18. Does that mean you actually approve of me ??
  19. Motherwell have a tough 2 games ahead of the split with DU at home then Hearts away. I can see us nicking it on goal difference. But a win at Killie on Sat is a must.
  20. whats ESPN's ruling on the recheduled game? will they still broadcast it?
  21. I was thinking you meant Ian Black. tbh i could have on for a lot longer, I had to stop somewhere!
  22. Thanks Alex & Scotty for the mistakes. Changed now!
  23. choose Tulloch Stadium, choose Butcher, choose Thistle FC, choose 1994, choose Telford Street, choose red black white & blue, choose Pele, choose Rankins goal v Rangers, choose Feb 8th 2000, choose Tokley, choose Caledonian FC, choose Kingsmills, choose Jim Calder, choose securing SPL football, choose the shoe protest, choose Robbo, choose the Howden End, choose the merger, choose Christie, choose supercaley go ballistic celtic are atrocious, choose the Ayr away day, choose Malpas, choose Graham Spiers Hat, choose that BT ad, choose CTO.com, choose IHE, choose the "i Believe campaign, choose Bannerman, choose Juanjo, choose The Longman, choose beating Dundee to the league, choose Johnny Hayes, choose the iCT superkids, choose Esson choose beating County, choose Roooonnneey, choose Tommy Cumming, choose Brewster ( 1st time), choose Marius, CHOOSE INVERNESS CALEDONIAN THISTLE FC.
  24. one merger is enough for me And can you imagine the chaos when trying to think of a name
  25. well like it or not the merger topic still causes debate. Im sure it wont be the last debate we have on this subject. I actually like the odd trip down memory lane,after all there are so many members on here who never experienced Caley or Thistle or were too young to remember them. On a quick side topic and a note to Mr Bannerman- The Beatles played Dingwall Town Hall on January 4th 1963, 7 days prior to the release of their 1st No 1 single " Please Please me" I imagne they were already a bit famous, certainly more so than their previous trip to the Highlands in June 1960 backing Johnny Gentle.
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